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Best Summerromance Quotes This Week

  1. music_and_lyrics24 music_and_lyrics24
    posted a quote
    June 19, 2013 12:35am UTC
    The first time I actually get a chance to have a summer romance,
    he has to leave for the summer...
    Just. My. Luck.

  2. godmakesnomistakes godmakesnomistakes
    posted a quote
    March 25, 2013 11:17pm UTC
    Along For the Ride
    Chapter One
    "Mom, you don't have to worry about me, I have been doing this for at least a dozen summers already." I said irritated.
    "I know sweet heart it just worries me, you father can just be so scattered brained at times. Just promise you will tell your brothers hello for me. “She said with worry in her voice.
    "Yes mom, I promise. Look, it’s almost time for me to board my plane. I have to go. I will call you when I land. Love you." I said quickly.
    "Love you too sweetheart, and behave." She said. I hung up before she had time to say anything else. I had lied my plane wasn't to board for another hour, but I just could listen to her anymore. I was going to live with my father for the summer in California, just like I had since I was twelve years old. My parents had split when I was about five years old; I was destined to live with my mother being the only girl and all. My two brothers, Conrad and Will are with my father. They never really see our mom, but I made sure to see my father and my brothers every summer. We had a special bond plus the summers in California were ten times better than the ones in Indiana. My dad’s job was the main reason for my parents’ divorce; my mother claimed he was too caught up in his job. I think he just loved it that much. My dad was a record producer, so he worked with some of the biggest and hottest performers. I loved summers in California but my mom really didn't understand why. Especially, this summer because it was the summer before senior year and she said that was summer I needed to spend with my friends. But, truthfully I couldn’t imagine a summer without California. My phone began to ring in my pocket again.
    "Yes, Mom?" I answered irritated.
    "Honey, are you sure you’re ready for this? I mean with all that has happened this year?"
    When she asked me tears began to spill out but I took a deep breath in and choked out "Yes."
    I told my mother I loved her and that I really had to go this time. As, I sat waiting for my plane my flash backed to this year and what has all happened, especially the accident. Before, I knew it was time board the plane. Goodbye Indiana, Hello California.

  3. Moonchild_69 Moonchild_69
    posted a quote
    April 9, 2013 10:41pm UTC

  4. MissOpportunist MissOpportunist
    posted a quote
    July 19, 2013 6:56am UTC
    I bet my Summer Romance got ran over by an ice cream truck or something....


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