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Neverforgotten Quotes

  1. The Sleeping Wallflower* The Sleeping Wallflower*
    posted a quote
    September 11, 2013 9:46pm UTC
    you will never be forgotten -9/11

  2. DieiSomnians DieiSomnians
    posted a quote
    August 9, 2013 4:06pm UTC
    "There's my precious girl."
    "How are you today Grandpa."
    "I'm right on the money now that i have my precious Christy Christy here."
    Those memories that make you smile while you're still trying to fight back the tears from the pain they bring.
    R.I.P Grandpa Ted.

  3. happiest* happiest*
    posted a quote
    April 21, 2013 7:25am UTC
    Amanda Tod
    Comited suicide on October 10,2012
    Amanda was another victim of bullying.On september 7,2012 she posted a youtube video about her experience being bullying.
    During the video she writes that when she was in grade 7 she used video chat to meet new people over the internet and she received compliments on her looks
    A stranger convinced her to bare her breasts on camera.Than the stranger blackmaild her with threats to expose the topless photo unless she gave a "show".
    During the next Christmas break her photo was circulating on the internet
    Her family moved to a new home where Amanda later started using drugs and alcohol
    A year later the individual reappeared creating a facebook profile which used the topless photograph as the profile image and contacting classmates at her new school.
    Again Amanda was teased and she changed school for the second time.
    She wrote that she began chatting to "an old friend"who appeared to her..."The friend" asked her to come to his house where they had s e x while his girlfriend was on holiday...
    The following weak the girlfriend and a group off others attacted Amanda at school while shouting insults and punching her to the ground.
    She attempted suicide by drinnking bleach,but she was rushed to hospital to have her stomach pumped.When she returned home, she descovered abusive message about her failed suicide attempt posted to facebook.
    Her family moved to another city but she was unable to escape the past
    6 months later further messages and abusive were still being posted to social networking sites.
    Amanda began to engage in self multitation.She was teased by other students of her school for low grades and for time she spent on the hospital to treat her severe depression.
    On October 10,2012 Amanda was found
    Hanged at her home
    R.I.P little princess
    You're liffe was to difficult and now you are in a better place.You will be missed and never forgotten.

  4. Bestfriendforever Bestfriendforever
    posted a quote
    April 13, 2013 12:38am UTC
    Logan Kyle Cole Delaronde<3
    May 9, 1997 - April 8, 2013
    I remember the last time i saw you and the place and where it was!
    It was by 7-11 You were really high... :p
    You yelled SHAWTY!!
    I loooked over and there was my giant of a friend.<3
    You said guess what?
    I said WHAT with joy.
    You said I'M SO HIGH ahahaha
    like i didn't notice :'3
    After that you said well bye selena ill see you later... Bye<3
    Weeeeelll</3 My heart broke April 8, 2013 when i found out you passed away! :'(
    Knowing i didn't get to see you one last time (alive) and get one of those bear hugs just broke my heart, How'd i find out "A Status" ....
    Logan, You'll be in my heart forever and always!!!
    Seeing you in that coffin was just so hard.. </3
    I Love You My GIANT<3
    The Good Die Young!!!
    Gone but NEVER forgotten!
    Rest In Peace<3
    Bestfriendforever :(

  5. bentleysmommy bentleysmommy
    posted a quote
    March 23, 2013 4:33pm UTC
    Dear Caleb,
    I just want you to know that you meant so much to so many people, you were a great father, great friend, great boyfriend. Not a thing in this world could compare to you! You helped so many people, weather it was on this site or somewhere else. You loved us all and we loved you. You talked to us, you helped us, you were here for us. Not a day will go by that we dont think about you, ive tried to comfort Aubree during this, but nothing i say could possible make anything better. She is truly hurt and i can tell, she misses you soo much. She loved you. She always will. Have fun up their in Heaven Bub, tell my son that i love him and ill see him when i get there, be the person he looks up to up their in Heaven. Look down on us, let us know that your no longer in pain, save us a spot up there. Ill see you when i see you Caleb.. You honestly are unforgetable caleb.. <3 <3
    In memory of Caleb. (Unforgetable Caleb).

  6. jariley* jariley*
    posted a quote
    February 9, 2013 10:27pm UTC
    "They say time heals all,
    but without you by my side,
    time stands still."


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