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Best Needstobesaid Quotes This Month

  1. Tman89frost Tman89frost
    posted a quote
    September 11, 2013 5:36pm UTC
    God forbid someone voices a educated opinion on this website
    "watch out its an opinion someones feeling may get hurt..."
    "Oh my god they're using their brains and factual evidence! Stop them!"

  2. hemmo1996* hemmo1996*
    posted a quote
    July 21, 2013 8:41pm UTC
    This needs to be said:
    Okay: Having a favourite member of a band and it being the lead singer
    Not okay: Disrespecting the other members
    Okay: Knowing only one song by the band
    Not okay: Claiming you are their biggest fan
    Okay: Expressing that you think a band member is incredibly attractive
    Okay: Not particularly liking a band members love interest
    Not okay: Send him/her hate messages
    Okay: Not liking a band
    Not okay: Harassing the people who love the band
    Last thing: If someones favourite song happens to be one of the more popular songs, that does not make them any less of a fan. For example, King For A Day, Weightless, Second and Sebring are all incredible songs. If they weren't, they wouldn't be singles. Don't say that someone isn't a real fan because they like one of those songs better

  3. Tman89frost Tman89frost
    posted a quote
    September 10, 2013 11:13pm UTC
    I think that the USA needs to move on from September 11th.
    Now before all you pseudo-patriots come attempting to sway my opinion with your “unwavering loyalty to the country”, let me just take a minute to explain things. I am an American. I’m a male. And I was a young boy when the events took place.
    The events are tragic. I’m not saying that they aren’t. But the US government and the media make it out to be some worldwide catastrophe that claimed the lives of millions of people around the world, when really, the event only killed about 2,600 people, which in the grand scheme of things for a large country like the United States isn’t a huge number.
    Also, we’re Americans. Not only are we extremely self-absorbed with our ignorance, fueled by the liberally biased media, we’re hardly sympathetic for our victims. We forced unspeakable violence upon the natives when we came here, we killed almost 150,000 people in dropping the atomic bomb in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and we’ve pointlessly murdered innocent people in the Middle East.
    I understand that a lot of people died, and I should be respecting them. But while we honor the dead, we can’t have these extravagant 2-hour TV specials reading the names of all these people who died 12 years after the disaster. You don’t see Japan having these insane specials reading off the names of people who died in their terrorist attacks. Yes, that qualifies as a terrorist attack.
    I honestly don’t care anymore. Terrorist attacks happen all the time in other countries every day. Just because this one happened in America doesn’t make it any different. It was a terrible thing that happened, but it’s been 12 years. We killed Osama. Why we are still in Iraq, I will never know, but that’s a story for another time. The USA is comparable to a person who still clings to their ex-spouse or significant other years after they broke up.
    We have to move on with our lives. Not forget about it completely, but just move on and keep in it the back of our thoughts.
    (edited from tumblr)

  4. Primadonna* Primadonna*
    posted a quote
    November 2, 2013 6:27am UTC
    When I grow up I want to have a son daughter and then another daughter so that my son daughter can beat up anyone boy who makes my little girl cry.

  5. gempearl gempearl
    posted a quote
    September 18, 2013 2:32pm UTC
    As a girl who hasn't been on witty for more than a year:
    I used to be so sad, all the time. I used to feel so empty. I could barely walk past a mirror without bursting into tears; I disliked my appearance that much. I thought I would never have a boyfriend, because who would like such a sad, ugly person? I had hurt people I cared about, been hurt by others I cared about, and witty was where I came to get away from it all.
    But it does get better.
    I woke up one day last yearand was completely sick of it. Sick of being sad. Sick of holding back tears all the time. Sick of feeling not good enough.
    So I changed. Simple as that. I woke up one morning and decided I would be a better, happier person.
    It wasn't easy. I'm not going to pretend that after that day everything was easy, and I'm not saying that I don't still feel how I used to some times. It took a lot of hard work, a lot of fake smiling when I really wanted to burst into tears, a lot of being nice to people even when I wanted to stab them, a lot of focusing on what was good about myself and the world even when all I could see was the bad. It took a very long time, a lot of tears and a lot of energy.
    But I did it.
    I feel so much better now; I look better; I have more friends; I have the guy of my dreams.
    But all of this came about because I chose to do something about it.
    I stopped caring what people thought, and did what made me happy.
    I didn't wait for a boy to come along and make me happy, I took matters into my own hands. Then, when I was happy in myself, I found someone so perfect, who a year ago I may not have had the courage to be myself with. But I did, and he loved me for it.
    Don't expect life to change if you're not prepared to.
    But if you are prepared to change, and put in the effort,
    life will get better.
    I promise.


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