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Best Nate Quotes Today

  1. LettingSecretsGo LettingSecretsGo
    posted a quote
    October 10, 2013 6:32pm UTC
    We're not broken,
    just bent.
    Format Credit: LettingSecretsGo

  2. 1mrsseguin9 1mrsseguin9
    posted a quote
    March 25, 2014 7:13pm UTC
    How can one person be so close to perfection?

  3. Nathannn Nathannn
    posted a quote
    August 20, 2013 1:53pm UTC
    I'll love you long after you're gone, gone, gone❤
    We miss you nate❤

  4. CantLiveWithOut1D CantLiveWithOut1D
    posted a quote
    April 26, 2013 9:59am UTC
    Just give me a reason
    Just a little bit's enough
    Just a second we're not broken just bent
    And we can learn to love again
    It's in the stars
    It's been written in the scars on our hearts
    We're not broken just bent
    And we can learn to love again

  5. PrimarilyParamore* PrimarilyParamore*
    posted a quote
    August 25, 2014 12:55am UTC
    FulI Frontal Quote #1:
    Don't ever put your pen!s in crazy.

  6. someoneinhiding someoneinhiding
    posted a quote
    August 8, 2013 2:20pm UTC
    30 days, 30 letters Challenge
    Day 01 - Letter 1: Your bestfriend.
    Day 02 - Letter 2: Your crush.
    Day 03 - Letter 3: Your parents.
    Day 04 - Letter 4: Your siblings.
    Day 05 - Letter 5: Your dreams.
    Day 06 - Letter 6: A stranger.
    Day 07 - Letter 7: Your ex-boyfriend.
    Day 08 - Letter 8: Your favorite internet friend
    Day 09 - Letter 9: A person you wish to meet.
    Day 10 - Letter 10: Someone you don't talk to as much as you'd like to.
    Day 11 - Letter 11: A deceased person you wish you could talk to.
    Day 12 - Letter 12: Person you hate the most.
    Day 13 - Letter 13: Someone you wish you could forgive.
    Day 14 - Letter 14: Someone you drifted away from.
    Day 15 - Letter 15: The person you miss the most.
    Day 16 - Letter 16: Someone that is not in your state.
    Day 17 - Letter 17: Someone from your childhood.
    Day 18 - Letter 18: The person you wish you could be.
    Day 19 - Letter 19: Someone that pesters your mind (Good or bad).
    Day 20 - Letter 20: The one that broke your heart the hardest.
    Day 21 - Letter 21: Someone you judged by their first impression.
    Day 22 - Letter 22: Someone you want to give a second chance to
    Day 23 - Letter 23: The last person you kissed.
    Day 24 - Letter 24: The person that gave you your favorite memory.
    Day 25 - Letter 25: The person you know that is going through the worst of times.
    Day 26 - Letter 26: The last person you made a pinky promise to.
    Day 27 - Letter 27: The friendliest person you knew for only a day.
    Day 28 - Letter 28: Someone that changed your life.
    Day 29 - Letter 29: The person you want to tell everything to, but are afraid to
    Day 30 - Letter 30: Your reflection in the mirror
    Day 1: (I have 3 best friends but 2 of them will come up a few times so I will do the other!)
    Dear Nate,
    You are so amazing! I can't believe that we only met each other not even a year ago. If I hadn't done your art homework for you then we probably never would have been best friends. But I am so grateful that God placed you in my life. You are always there for me no matter what happens. I love listening to your sappy stories and even the sad ones. We have so many great memeories together. (Gustav) Don't you ever leave me or I will come for you like a ninja ruin that sensitive skin. Love ya!

  7. 1mrsseguin9 1mrsseguin9
    posted a quote
    April 11, 2014 11:04pm UTC
    *After musical tonight*Me: *Hugs crush* You were amazing, awesome job!!Crush: Thanks, you too!!Me: *Walks back to friends*Friends: THAT WAS NOT A LONG ENOUGH HUG COME ON HUG HIM LIKE YOU MEAN IT

  8. Lissa Snape* Lissa Snape*
    posted a quote
    January 22, 2014 10:24am UTC
    Lets see sitting in computer lab than who else but Nathan comes and sits down lol playing violent video games :p

  9. BeeMYSunshine BeeMYSunshine
    posted a quote
    March 11, 2013 11:42pm UTC
    I swear its just one thing after another. can i just like.. die

  10. Lissa Snape* Lissa Snape*
    posted a quote
    August 8, 2013 2:06pm UTC
    This Boy Survey(: What color is his hair?: brown
    Cute smile: perfect
    Braces: nope
    Glasses: nope
    Abs: not but super skinny
    Height: like 5'10"
    What grade is he in: 12th
    How did you meet him: pow-wow
    How long have you known him: since 4th grade
    Does he play any sports: anything anytime cept for swimming its his obsession
    Can he play the guitar: not really
    What about any other music instrument: his mouth
    Do you guys ever text: yess
    Facebook chat: yes
    Last time you were on his Facebook profile: never
    Describe something he would wear on a typical day: light tan shorts with a red black or geen shirt white socks sneakers all frayed n a hoodie
    What's your favorite thing you've seen him wear: nothing ;) my favorite thing his bday suit
    Where you're able to see his tattoo and abs: yes but no tattoo just scars n super skinny
    Least favorite thing: when i cut
    Do your friends know that you like him: u say my name someone immediatly says his
    Do any of your teachers know that you like him: all
    Do your parents know him?: yes
    Do they know that you like him: they think but have no idea how much
    Do you think they would like him if you were dating him?: hell no
    Have you met his parents: yes (they hate me)
    What would you do if he saw your witty: look at him n say alot of these were about you


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