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Best Iremember Quotes This Week

  1. josie* josie*
    posted a quote
    December 9, 2013 1:23pm UTC
    Do you remember when you rode with me in the ambulance after i tried to kill myself?
    That's what love feels like

  2. *♥︎Lady Ave♥︎* *♥︎Lady Ave♥︎*
    posted a quote
    January 20, 2014 5:00am UTC
    f o r m a t | s k a t e r r u l e s 2 3 *KEEP CREDIT*
    I remember the day I met you on {a game}. I saw
    you, and I liked you automatically. I went and asked
    you out, but you said no. I’m guessing you had a
    girlfriend already. So, I added you to my friend’s list,
    just incase. I didn’t talk to you much after that, don’t
    know why. One day, you were one of my friend’s
    online, and my other friends were making me feel upset,
    so I came and talked to you. I remember talking to you
    and your shirt was off, so I asked why. Your response
    was something along the lines, “Because I’m sexy and
    girls like it.” and I laughed. I thought it was cute. After
    that, I started hanging out with you more, and I liked
    that. I thought we weren’t going to date, cause I thought
    you had a gf, so I dated [yuckbutt]. Eh, I liked him at
    the time, but I started falling for you more. I remember
    the day I was getting “married” to him, and I put on my
    wedding dress , and asked you how I looked. I
    remember you told me, “You look beautiful.” and that
    made me so happy. I asked you to be my twin, cause I
    thought it would make us more close, comfortable to
    say stuff, and to have fun more. You said yes, and I
    almost exploded inside because I was happy. Then I
    had this affair thingy with Josh, which was weird tbh,
    and we were as close as could be. I remember on
    September 17, 2013, we were talking, i forgot about
    what, but all I remember is you got up, kissed me, and
    asked me to be your girlfriend. My stomach was like
    bombed with butterflies and I was SO happy. I said
    yes, and everything was great. Then we started fighting,
    and broke up a few times. Then, you got kidnapped
    and I didn’t even find out ‘til moments before you got
    back. When you did get back, I hugged you, but a bit
    to tight and you pushed me away. Then, the next day
    you went into a coma. I was upset. Then, you woke up.
    I was the happiest person ever, but you forgot who I
    was. I don’t know how, but you remembered after a bit.
    Then you got cancer, that was really depressing for me.
    Then you got your heart transplant and you’re still here
    today, but I still have my worries. You don’t like it
    when I worry, but I would just prefer it being a good
    best friend. Yes, we’ve had our ups and downs, and I’m
    sorry for that. Look, as I said the other day, I love you.
    Best friend, boyfriend, anything. Forever and always.
    We will always be there for each other. If something
    ends up happening to you, sure, my soul will die, but
    yours will live inside me. You’re my bestest friend ever.
    Nobody has understood me like you have. You are the
    only one I can tell literally everything to. Yeah, I have
    a few things I haven’t told you, and if you want to
    know, just ask kindly and I’ll tell you. You are always
    on my mind, and forever will be. I believe in you.
    You’re strong. I love you S. D. S, Forever and

  3. JirachiGirl JirachiGirl
    posted a quote
    November 25, 2014 7:52pm UTC
    Remember when there was drama over Nutella in Witty?

  4. PrimarilyParamore* PrimarilyParamore*
    posted a quote
    April 30, 2015 4:56pm UTC
    you took the easy way out.
    When I gave you something to Stand for

  5. PrimarilyParamore* PrimarilyParamore*
    posted a quote
    April 20, 2015 9:18pm UTC
    "I Remember..."
    I'd never wish Any of this Anyone or Anything.
    Aww come on, you gotta look at things like me.
    I never needed anything I got., I never keep anything I have.
    What do I have?
    Mostly things that'll never last.
    Then I think Back...
    I REMEMBER when I first saw the Country,
    I Remember sleeping in the van.
    Saying Goodbye to friends and family cause they could never understand.
    I REMEMBER jumping off the cliff tops
    I Remember playing with no one there.
    Yeah I knew if I became Successful it wouldn't change who I am cause where I've been
    Cause where I've been.
    They wonder why I hide myself form Everyone , From Everything.
    Man, Come on.
    Everybody Loves me for my Past, but they always Hate me in the Present.
    Why can't you just meet me somewhere in the Middle
    It's in the Hardest times we grow the Most.
    I REMEMBER when I first saw the Country,
    I Remember sleeping in the van.
    Saying Goodbye to friends and family cause they could never understand.
    I REMEMBER jumping off the cliff tops
    I Remember playing with no one there.
    Yeah I knew if I became Successful it wouldn't change who I am cause where I've been
    Cause where I've been.
    Speeding Up to Slow Down.
    Side glances around this crowd all at Me.
    There must be something I can't see, SO TELL ME .
    Hold me Up, Help me Out
    as I circle around what makes me Happy
    There isn't one place I can be wihtout leaving.
    This is my life...
    I Remember when I first saw the country
    I Remember sleeping in the van.
    Say Goodbye to Friends and Family cause they could never understand
    They don't understand.
    I REMEMBER jumping off of Cliff Tops
    I Remember playing with no one there.
    Yeah I knew if I became successful it wouldn't CHANGE WHO I AM
    I REMEMBER the coast of California
    I Remember truck stops across the land
    Never kept too many idols cause we were busy BEING THEM
    I Remember waking up in Georgia. I Remember quitting my Last job.
    Yeah I knew if I became successful it wouldn't Change who I was, Where I've been.
    Cause Where I've been....

  6. MyFinalFantasies MyFinalFantasies
    posted a quote
    April 19, 2013 7:15pm UTC
    These days I remember are days long gone.
    These days I remember are now memoirs.
    These days I remember are of who I once was.
    These days I remember can never return...

  7. shorisunbird092 shorisunbird092
    posted a quote
    June 14, 2013 5:52pm UTC

  8. GLoveForever GLoveForever
    posted a quote
    March 29, 2013 11:44pm UTC
    I'm bad in English, but I can tell you I love you.
    I'm bad in Geography, but I can tell you that you live in my heart.
    I'm bad in History, but I can remember when I first saw you.
    I'm bad in Chemistry, but I can tell what's the reaction when you smile.
    I'm bad at Physics, but I can tell the intensity of sparks in my eyes when I see you.


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