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Best Gymclass Quotes This Month

  1. Just_A_Little_Too_Addicted Just_A_Little_Too_Addicted
    posted a quote
    August 5, 2013 11:13am UTC
    Gym Class In A Pie Chart:

  2. CaitlinAtTheDisco* CaitlinAtTheDisco*
    posted a quote
    December 15, 2013 8:06pm UTC
    Gym Teacher: How many of you guys are fit?
    Me: *raises hand*
    Kid: Define fit
    Gym Teacher: Uhm, you can walk up a flight of stairs without breathing heavily and pausing repeatedly
    Me: *slowly drops hand*

  3. SelinTheBean* SelinTheBean*
    posted a quote
    March 12, 2013 10:05am UTC
    PE teacher: why are you running so slowly?
    me: it does not matter how slow you go as long as you do not stop - wisdom of confucious

  4. CaitlinAtTheDisco* CaitlinAtTheDisco*
    posted a quote
    November 13, 2013 3:48pm UTC
    In Gym Class
    Teacher: Caitlin, you're on team 5
    Friend: *walks over to me* what team?
    Me: *whispers* wild cats

  5. 98angelblue* 98angelblue*
    posted a quote
    September 20, 2013 1:20pm UTC
    Okay so I'm a very insecure person.
    And I'm insecure about almost every part of my body.
    I wear clothes that cover as much as my body as possible.
    I cut my hair so that it covered up my face but I could still see.
    I started wearing hats a lot because I'm insecure about my hair.
    And now I'm even becoming insecure with my neck.
    My neck.
    It's outrageous.
    So I'm also very insecure about my smile.
    My teeth are weird, my smile looks stupid.
    I just don't smile anymore because of it.
    So the other day in school my gym teacher and I had a conversation.
    Teacher: Heidi, why are you mad at me?
    Me: What are you talking about?
    Teacher: You look so angry so I'm wondering what I did wrong.
    Me: I have no reason to be angry at you.
    Teacher: So you aren't mad at me?
    Me: No.
    Teacher: So why do you look mad?
    Me: Apparently I naturally look angry.
    Teacher: Can I see you smile?
    Me: No.
    Teacher: Fine then Spock.
    Me: Spock?
    Teacher: Because you won't smile. I'm going to call you Spock from now on.
    And then my teacher walked away from me.
    So then today in gym class I had to go to the bathroom due to...girl issues... and we weren't doing anything in gym so I went to the teacher.
    Me: Can I go to the bathroom?
    Teacher: Will you smile to me?
    Then I stared at him in the eyes.
    Me: No.
    Teacher: Well I guess you aren't going to the bathroom.
    And then he walked away.
    It just pïsses me off so much because he doesn't know why I refuse to smile.
    Maybe I have a jaw problem and it hurts to smile.
    Maybe someone close to me just died an hour ago and I'm devistated.
    Or maybe I'm extremely insecure about my smile and wouldn't want to further humiliate myself.
    And now it's like I'm being punished for it.

  6. nicole🌹* nicole🌹*
    posted a quote
    November 27, 2013 1:18pm UTC
    When you hear a bunch of high school girls screaming in unison, it can only mean two things:
    Either Zac Efron died
    or they're playing dodgeball

  7. CaitlinAtTheDisco* CaitlinAtTheDisco*
    posted a quote
    January 25, 2013 11:55pm UTC
    Gym teacher: Caitlin, run the laps!
    Me: I can't, my asthma.
    Gym teacher: Caitlin, why aren't you doing the jumping jacks like the rest of the class?
    Me: I can't, my asthma!
    Gym teacher: Caitlin, why aren't you playing basketball?
    Me: I can't, my asthma?
    Writing teacher: Caitlin, why aren't you writing your paper?
    Me: I can't, my asthma...

  8. mtndewhm* mtndewhm*
    posted a quote
    September 15, 2013 8:50pm UTC
    I don't have gym class this week becuase I'm going to Connecticut.

  9. FreakingPip* FreakingPip*
    posted a quote
    December 15, 2013 9:13pm UTC
    Oh God, I'm awful at sports. In gym I just try and avoid getting hit in the face.
    ~Tavi Gevinson

  10. riotgrrrl riotgrrrl
    posted a quote
    May 19, 2015 10:29pm UTC
    My life be like:
    Procrastinating on English projects,
    stressing about gym class grades,
    & getting self-esteem boosts from history teachers

  11. LittleMissDaydreamer LittleMissDaydreamer
    posted a quote
    February 25, 2013 4:17pm UTC
    So you know the kid in your gym class, the one you hate having on your team because they are just that bad?So bad, that you cringe?
    I've become that kid.
    I hate volleyball...

  12. my_secrets94 my_secrets94
    posted a quote
    January 24, 2013 5:32pm UTC
    today in gym hannah had to borrow serrias shorts:
    hannah: these shorts are so short i feel like a hoocie mama
    sovie: no you look like a cheerleader
    me(thinking to myself):
    you know your cheerleaders are s/uts when its a bigger insult to be called a cheerleader than a hoochie mama

  13. Superman12345 Superman12345
    posted a quote
    April 11, 2013 2:38pm UTC
    I got a concusion and it's seriously taking me like 10 minutes to write this quote.
    The worst part is, it was me and him in gym playing pass with something in gym class that gave me it


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