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Best Chapter8 Quotes This Week

  1. ThePeppermintEyeshadowSeries ThePeppermintEyeshadowSeries
    posted a quote
    January 26, 2013 1:11pm UTC
    finding my perfEctionS
    a novel by ThePeppermintEyeshadowSeries
    "Avril, my dear, dear little sister- don't play the game you can't win- the game of love!"
    "For the first time in my life, I didn't feel worthless. Why, Alyssa?!"
    "Because you deserve to feel worthless." she spat.
    "Oh, look who's here. New girl." Peyton sneered, tapping her pen on the clipboard. "Listen up, girls! We have three tests for you to try out- cheering and enthusiasm, solo stunts, and team cooperation. Coach Allie will be supervising. We only have 13 places since Maddi and myself are already obviously on, so we're going to have to cut down at least 60% of you down! Who's first?"
    Maddi, who was obviously on the team too, in a super short, white pleated miniskirt and a navy blue halter neck with the words 'RIDGEMOUNT GRIZZLIES' written on top of it.
    She looked down her list, frowning at the first name. "Avril...Summers." Maddi said in distaste.
    I felt my heart pounding, but I stepped onto the mat.
    "Make up a cheer on the spot as cheerfully as you can without messing it up or looking like a braindead zombie." Peyton snapped.
    She blew the whistle, marching back to the table on the grass.
    I looked back nervously at Jesse, who seemed to be staring at me intently with his luminous, emerald-green orbs, willing me to go on.
    He flashed me a relaxed grin, as I smiled nervously back at him, tucking a loose piece of blonde hair behind my ears.
    Thinking up a quick, enthusiastic rhyme, I lifted my arms and chanted out happily;
    'Go Grizzlies! Go-go- go Grizzlies!
    You can roar, you're the best,
    Your football skills beat out the rest!
    Go Grizzlies! Go-go- go Grizzlies!
    Give me a B!
    Gimme a E!
    Gimme an A!
    Gimme an R!
    Gimme an S!
    What does that speeellll?!
    Grizzly Bears!
    Go-go- go Grizzly Bears!
    I bounced up and down before doing a quick cartwheel and smiling.
    Already a few football players were smirking in my direction, Looking at me as I cheered.
    I think most of them were checking me out, but I didn't care as long as I had showed Peyton.
    She jeered back irritatingly to me, "Not bad- for a total b*tch.", although she muttered the last part under her breath.
    The other quickly finished their routines too, although I didn't think any of them were as good as mine.
    Finally I was called out first again for the solo routine.
    The music player blared out an upbeat tune, as I swayed my hips to the rhythm, letting my arms go loose above my head.
    I smirked, getting more confidence judging by the sour expression on Peyton's face, and started chanting the cheer I had just made up fifteen minutes ago, before doing a few handstands and backflipping into the air three times and finishing with three or four back handsprings and finally, a split.
    I smiled, panting at the excited clapping coming from a few of the students as I raised my arms and waved my pom poms before walking back into the crowd and cooling off with a water bottle.
    I knew those gruelling hours of push-ups, crunches and pull-ups would finally pay off. I thought to myself.
    Even Jesse and Alex had stopped training and were looking at me, impressed.
    I wasn't sure if I had imagined it, but Jesse's ears pinkened slightly, before the both of them went back to doing drills.
    I smiled, waving and chilling before my name got called out again.

  2. 1hockey2lax3crazy 1hockey2lax3crazy
    posted a quote
    February 23, 2013 4:25pm UTC
    Chapter Eight
    Zayn's P.O.V.
    We all sat quietly in the back of the small diner. My fingers laced together with Max's under the table. I pulled my phone out, using my free hand to send her a text.
    we're gonna have to tell Niall eventually… ~ Zayn
    don't remind me… ~ Max<3
    i know babe… i don't like thinking about it either, but i wanna be able to kiss you and not worry about who sees =P ~Zayn
    you're too cute ~ Max<3
    yes you are baby ~ Zayn
    <3 =) try and bring Hunter into the convo, we all leave in just a couple days… ~ Max<3
    i know babe, okay. i'll try… p.s. I love you<3 ~ Zayn
    i love you too <3 ~ Max<3
    I smiled at the phone before slipping it back into my pocket, taking a deep breath before looking to Hunter.
    "So Hunter," I smiled. Her eyes glancing up from her plate, she was moving some of the pasta around with her fork, clearly refusing to eat it. "What do you like to do?" Her eyes went wide at the question, glancing quickly at Ari, probably hoping she would answer for her. Ari just shook her head. Hunter dropped her fork, sighing before folding her hands in her lap and staring at the table.
    "I draw, and play guitar, and umm…" She started to stutter. Her voice soft and full of fear. "I used to play hockey and lacrosse…" She finished talking. It was the first thing I had ever heard Hunter say.
    "I like to draw too," I smiled, winning a slight curve of Hunter's lips as she finally looked up at me. "I'd love to see you work?" I asked, hoping she would let me, mostly for trust.
    "Yeah," She mumbled, obviously not loving the idea. "I'd like to see your stuff too" She smiled a bit, Ari smiling as well clearly relaxing as Hunter carried on a small conversation.
    "And we could play guitar together," Niall said reassuringly. We had all heard Hunter play guitar at this point, it was a recording that Simon sent us before we all agreed Hunter should come on tour. She was singing too, her voice soft and carrying lightly through the speakers, mixing with the guitar giving an angelic sound to everything.
    "I'd like that," Hunter said, her voice not so shaky anymore as she continued to talk with Niall and I. "What do you all do?" She asked gently, finally picking up her fork, and actually eating instead of just pushing around her food. "Other than sing," She laughed lightly, what I figured was a real smile on her face.
    The rest of dinner Hunter carried on a full conversation. Harry just sat there, complete shock over his face. None of us thought Hunter would take till we were sitting on a plane, beyond point of being able to go home. We all went back to our apartments Hunter quickly running down the hallway, coming back with her notebook coming back and I immediately handed her mine while quietly looking through the delicate pencil marks in her book. It honestly wasn't what I expected, I was thinking happy things, hockey, lacrosse. Things like that. But in here was pain, suffering, yes there were going things like music, and clothing design, but how much was Hunter keeping locked away?
    "This is beautiful," I mumbled gently flipping the pages as the dark imagery flooded my brain. I looked up, an uncomfortable smile across her face as if she was afraid of what I would say. Hunter and Ari left a little while later. Hunter and I had sat at the counter, contently sketching as it seemed she had finally opened up a bit. She closed her book gently, smiling as she walked out the door. Max and Lizzie had gone to be awhile ago, it was well past midnight.
    "WHAT WAS THAT?!" Niall yelled, hitting me in the back.
    "What was what?" I turned around, his face twisted in anger and frustration. "Niall I have no idea why your angry"
    "That whole hitting on Hunter thing! You know I like her," Niall muttered.
    "Are you kidding me right now Niall?" I shook my head in disbelief. "I was not hitting on Hunter. I've been doing what all of us should have been doing since the first day Hunter was here. Trying to get her to talk, other than the girls, and you. Today at dinner were the first time any of us had heard her speak! I don't like her! I wasn't hitting on her! I'm dating Max!" I yelled, immediately clapping my hands over my mouth as the words spilled out.
    "Your. Dating. Max?" Niall said, his voice cold and robotic. "I can't," Suddenly he softened, taking a step foreword and hugging me. "Your the reason she's been so happy recently," Niall smiled, shutting the door softly as he left, I assume to see Hunter. I shook my head, a small figure appearing in the door frame.
    "Have you been there the whole time Angel?" I whispered as Max stepped out of the hallway. She walked into my arms, her small figure stretching to wrap her arms around my neck as I wrapped mine around her waist. "Niall took it well," I whispered leaning down to kiss her gently.
    Author's Notes ~
    Thank you OnceUponAStroy for the idea for this chapter! She's an amazing person and writter! Go check her out! okay, feedback + ideas, the more stuff you give me to work with the faster I can write, so GO! Thanks Loves

  3. Ireland201 Ireland201
    posted a quote
    May 3, 2013 4:43pm UTC
    If you could see me now
    chapter 8
    I had one day left of work before I was on Christmas holidays. Praying I could keep it together for Conor's talk with me, I knocked on the front door of the Tailor's house.
    Eoin answered. "Hey Jodie," he muttered. "Conor's out in the sheds with Teddy. I guess you'll want to go help him."
    My stomach twisted. "Nah. I'm getting sick of Conor. Can't I stay with you today?"
    His face lightened. "Well, if you want. I don't mean to be rude, but why do you want to stay with me? You never did before."
    "Of course I did. But Conor's so clingy! I don't know why he thinks I want to be friends. I mean, he told me about his girlfriend - Sarah, is it?" I asked.
    "Scarlet," Eoin corrected me.
    "Right. Scarlet. Anyway, he never shuts up about her! He must be really clingy with her. I'm only his friend and he practically stalked me! Imagine being his girlfriend," I said, smiling and rolling my eyes. "He's a nice guy though."
    "Right. Nice," he sounded unsure.
    "I think Scarlet would be pi...sed if I kept hanging around with him anyway. You know, jealous girlfriend and all that," I added.
    "You're so mean somtimes," Eoin said, laughing. "Come on, we can help with the Christmas tree."
    He took my hand and brought me into the sitting room, where we set up the tree. I had to admit, I was surprised at how easily I had lied.
    Conor's POV
    I went into the kitchen, disappointed that Jodie hadn't showed up. I had a big speech about how I had a girlfriend, but liked Jodie more, and I would break up with Scarlet. Why wouldn't she show up?
    "Oh, I was just about to call you in," Hazel said when I walked in. "Call in Eoin and Jodie, will you?"
    "Jodie?" I asked. "She's here?"
    "Yes. She's been here all day. They're in the sitting room. Tell them lunch is ready."
    "Oh." That was strange. I went into the sitting room, and found Eoin and Jodie decorating the Christmas tree. They were laughing and teasing each other. They looked like a couple. Neither of them noticed when I walked in.
    I cleared my throat. Jodie looked up at me and, still smiling, walked over to me.
    "I haven't seen you all day," she said, in an over friendly tone - not at all like her. Since when was she nice to people? Especially me?
    "Ha. Yeah. Lunch's ready," I said awkwardly.
    "Okay. Come on, Eoin!" She went into the kitchen and I stared after her, my eyes wide. When Eoin walked past I looked him in the eye.
    "What did you do to her?" I asked.
    He grinned. "Nothing. She wanted to stay with me, and I wasn't going to ask why. She's been really nice. And she doesn't like you, apparently."
    "What? Why not?"
    "I don't know," he admitted. "She said you're clingy, and that she would hate to be Scarlet because th-"
    "Scarlet? Who told her about Scarlet?" I snapped.
    "You did," he said slowly.
    "Come on! Lunch is ready!" Jodie called from the kitchen. Eoin shrugged and walked off and I followed him, trying to process some of what was happening.
    I sat down opposite to Jodie. She smiled at me and then continued her conversation with Eoin.
    "Oh, Conor?" Jodie said, cutting Eoin off mid-sentence. "Scarlet rang earlier. She said she was coming around today. Forgot to tell you."
    Author's Note:
    I'm aware of this chapters awfulness, thank you very much.
    Feedback? Follow for a follow. Thanks! ~Mary :)

  4. *blushes* *blushes*
    posted a quote
    October 13, 2013 3:38am UTC
    The never released fairytale
    Chapter 8
    To my surprise, my room was clean when I woke up. I thought about being grateful to them, but they would probably tell me I owe them one (or more), anyway.
    James entered the room bringing me breakfast.
    "Call yourself lucky, sweetie."
    "For what? That the baby died?"
    "Don't get cocky. Won't do you well.", I snuffed and took my food.
    "Who do I owe one?", James looked at me sort of amused.
    "What makes you think that?", I had never talked like that to one of them before. But James seemed to have enjoyed it, "I guess our housekeeper."
    "You have a housekeeper?"
    "Had. For that situation.” I lookedat him, startled, with my eyes wide open. Oh my god. He left the room and I finished dressing just as Christopher came to get me and my usual schedule started. Well, quite usual.
    Today was my test for the black belt. Meaning I'll probably have many more bruises. And Seth acted like nothing hade happened yesterday.
    I passed the test, but I seriously felt like I couldn't stand anymore because my whole body ached. Nevertheless I had to shower anyway. Today with Luther.
    As usual, Steven brought me my food, still being the one I referred to.
    "How are you feeling?", that question kind of confused me. He'd never ask me that.
    "What?", he just looked me dead in the eye, obviously not willing to repeat his question.
    "Not good, I guess."
    "Because of your miscarriage?"
    "One reason, yes. … Why?"
    "Curiosity.", with that, he left me. Kind of suspicious.
    After he left, I decided I won't go to bed now. I had planned to escape since some long time now. Today I was feeling I could make it. Especially now that I have my black belt.
    To my surprise,the door was open, so I snuck out. Trying not to get caught.
    I then realized for the first time how big the facility really was. It must have been a smaller abandoned industria area.
    So I ghosted around there, trying to find the exit.
    Until someone grabbed my shirt from behind and said, "Where do you think you're going?"
    The voice surprised me and I thought I'd maybe confuse it.
    He threw me against a wall and then I saw something metallic in his hand.
    I have never screamed that much.
    Comment for a reminder.
    Previous Chapter: http://www.wittyprofiles.com/q/6903687
    If you liked it, fave or comment

  5. TheSmileFaker TheSmileFaker
    posted a quote
    June 3, 2013 5:44pm UTC
    Oh The Cherry Tree- Chapter Eight.
    We sat there like that for a while. Kaii's heavy head on my lap, my hand behind his ear. I still couldn't belive any of this was happening, it felt like a dream I would soon wake up from. I'm not sure if I wanted to wake up or not, though.
    Kaii moved every now and then, and every time he did, I'd jump. It may have been Kaii, but he was big, and dangerous. He was calm now, but who was to say those gentle eyes couldn't be angry in an instant? Who was to say those lips couldn't curl back in a snarl? Well they probably could have, but they didn't. Instead, whenever Kaii felt my heart begin to race, he'd whimper. I think it was to prove that he was in contorl, and he wouldn't hurt me.
    Occasionally I'd run my hand through Kaii's fur, making sure he was actually there. I faintly wondered why he didn't shift back, but I was glad he didn't. I probably needed proof that everything was real, right in front of me. Lying on my lap.
    At one point I must have realised it was getting dark, because I shifted a bit to look at Kaii's face.
    ''Kaii .. maybe we should go back inside. It's cold out here, and dark,'' I said gently.
    Without a response, he lifted his head to look at me. He had a carefree look in his eyes, and he trotted back into the trees. I heard more rustling of leaves, more snapping of twigs and branches.
    And then, suddenly, sauntered out a very smug Kaii. He was grinning from ear to ear, stark naked.
    I yelped and turned away, and I heard him laughing from right behind me.
    ''So you're scared now?'' he chuckled.
    ''You couldn't have bothered to put your clothes back on?!'' I screeched back at him.
    ''They're covered in a layer of snow. I'm warmer this way.''
    ''You're bloody naked Kaii! Get inside! Now!''
    ''Your wish is my command, Ma'am,'' he laughed, and brushed past me, probably on purpose, into the house. He jumped onto the couch and propped himself up with his elbows, enjoying every second of it. ''Draw me like one of your French Girls,'' he joked. I threw a blanket at him.
    ''Can you get serious with me for a second? I've got some questions.'' I announced.
    ''Ooooofcourse you do,'' he sighed. He sat up straight and wrapped the blanket around himself. ''Fire away,'' he commanded.
    ''What animal were you out there? what do I call it?''
    ''Just call me a shifter.''
    ''Have you told anyone else about you?''
    ''No, I don't know many people. I don't tell anyone, the only person that knows is you. Besides my mother of course, but she lives in South Carolina. And my brother, but he's a whole story all on his own.''
    ''What about your Dad?''
    ''He died. My brother accidentally killed him when he shifted for the first time.''
    ''Why aren't you with your Mother?''
    ''After my Dad died, she stopped shifting. No one could explain why, it was as if she hated who she was. Who my brother and I were, too. So her inner-shifter stayed inactive, and hasn't been active since. It's rare, but it happens.''
    ''How old were you when you first shifted?''
    ''Eleven. Think of shapeshifting as a bit of an illness. It's genetic, and it needs to be activated.''
    Kaii had answered all of my questions without pause, I fired the questions and he fired the answers. But for my last question, he was quiet for almost a minute before he answered.
    ''How do you activate it?''
    ''You die.''

  6. aislinn325 aislinn325
    posted a quote
    February 7, 2013 7:03pm UTC
    Stepping Out
    Chapter 8
    John picked me up and held me tightly.
    "Now, where were we?" He asked me. I could see Greyson struggling to get away from John's buddy. Desperation filled his eyes; did he actually care? I think he did; he genuinely cared about me. I came back from my thought and remembered what was happening. The left side of my body ached a bit from hitting the ground so suddenely.
    "Let me go, John. Leave me alone." I mustered up all of the courage I had left. "It was Seth's own fault; he didn't work on the project. He didn't deserve credit."
    "Yea, well, that's where I don't agree with you." He said, eyes looking straight into mine.
    chapter 8!
    i know it's extremely short but...
    i'm writing another one right now!
    by the time you actually read this it might already be up so

  7. Alexisiscool Alexisiscool
    posted a quote
    August 23, 2013 3:56pm UTC
    Chapter 8.
    We set up ready for camp, soon later we heard a rufferling in the bushes, suddenly a boy came out, covered with bruises and cut... He was bleeding,
    I ran over too him "Oh my gosh, Are you okay?"
    "Please, Miss, help, my brother, the children, my village!" The boy cried
    "Wait, whats your name, whats going on?" I questioned
    "Joshua! The children in my village taken, by-by the sheriff, he has the children, we need your help!" The boy cried
    "Okay, Guys, we need to go, this boy, the village!" I yelled, Jane and the others glared at me "This boy needs help, his brothers been taken, please!" I say turning to the boy "Please take us to your village!" Joshua stood up still crying and still scared, he led me down into the deep inky blackness of the wood, Jane, Rob and Furry followed slowly behind. He led us down the windy road and across a long brown wooden bridge to a cleanance, where there was a small sweet village. There were a lot of women and men on their knees crying out side of house's.
    "Oh no!"
    Alexander pov:
    "Haha, your brought them, too me, well done!" I yelled "She wont be able to stop herself from coming to help these poor child, TAKE THEM TOO THE DUNGEON, ANY OF THEM WHO FIGHT WHIP THEM!" My guards took away the children they had kidnapped from the village, this is my trap, she'll have to come and save them, we'll defeat her then she'll be mine for ever, crying every night, I'd look at the body more and more! Naked, sexy, me pouring acid and watching her scream in agony and cry! Yes...I want to see that, that sexy beauty. Nice burnt up body... Whipped up, bloody... Hahahahahhaa! Yes! I have her at my fingertips! Her nudity, her viginity that she's lost too me!
    Joshua's brother pov:
    Hey I'm Kevin... I cant believe this, Im here, I cant fight.. Oh my god, I cant, no! Im only 14 my brother he's 6 years old, I know what this is, its a trap, nooo! I cant do this! I started to bang on the bar windows of the cell, yelling "HEEEEELLLLLPPP!" I COULDNT STOP "Help!" Please God, I want someone to help, I went to the floor crying... My brother... he's only a child... I cant help him!
    Back to Ruby's Pov:
    I saw the rags they wore, I begn to walk in to the village "Hello, are you okay?" I yelled the people "
    Our children!" many people cried
    "Listen I'll get your children and money back from the sheriff, but I will need back up, otherwise I will not be able to help you!" I yelled "Anyone willing to help?"
    A man stood forward holding a shovel, "I will join you In this battle!"
    Then two people came out from a dark shadow "Im Ruff Scarlet!" said a male, "This is my sister Annabeth Scarlet!" he gesture to the female next to him "We will fight for the children!"
    Then 5 men came out "WE ARE A GANG, WE ARE ON YOUR SIDE RUBY!" I
    nodded "Great, Well, Hi, I'm Ruby, these are my friends, Jane Little, Rob, Joshua (He brought me here) and furry, good too see we have more fighters!" "
    Wait..Before we go on! I have a secret!" Rob put his hand on my shoulder and stepped infront of me "I AM --"
    Sorry it took so long to update! I was soo busy! Im really sorry..X anywho, I will update daily from no on, okay? XD Wait who's Rob really? Take a guess!

  8. StoryOfMyLyfe StoryOfMyLyfe
    posted a quote
    January 26, 2013 12:10pm UTC
    Stor y Of My Lyfe
    By:KayJay6 and RachelRichard16
    Story Of My Lyfe
    Chapter 8
    It sure is. It’s the head of the police department. Also known better to me as my uncle. How am I supposed to tell my uncle these things. I can’t tell him that it’s all my fault she’s gone. If I wouldn’t have left her, what have I done? “h-hi Uncle Smith..” I said with a shaky voice, he can tell that I’m scared and nervous. “Hi Kayden. Take a seat.. We just have a few questions to ask you about your missing friend.” he said with a stern voice. “O-Okay, Anything you need. I’d be happy to help. I just want my friend Layson back.” I said with more emotion than I intended. I thought to myself for a few minutes, what is she going to do, she must be freezing.. shes still in her dress and I’m worried someone might try and take her and not give her back. What’ going to happen.. By this time I’m already crying and I have barely said anything to Uncle Smith. I freeze because I only hear one thing that is said next. “We have found that necklace she was wearing and the high heels by the river. We are going to have a full on search in and out of the water. We have already contacted base. They are getting the dogs.” River, Water, I knew that this could mean a lot of horrible things. Layson couldn’t swim, I ran up into her room and grabbed her favorite things, He baby blanket the towel, that she got when she was 2 at an old amusement park, And her pink leapord spotted bathrobe. Just incase they found her I wanted her to be warm. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    “I’VE FOUND SOMETHING!” i hear a random yell coming from the bushes. I quickly run to the bush to find her cell phone.. I open it up and see a sent message. “Going for an adventure:P wanna come;)?” Who was this sent to. I quickly see that it was to Rider. How could he cheat on me with her. I’m so much prettier than her. I tell the officers that I’m going Home and I’ll be back later and to keep me posted. I take my car and go to Riders house. DingDong. He opens the door. And I let it all out.
    Format by twilightgirl995

  9. OnceUponAStory OnceUponAStory
    posted a quote
    December 4, 2013 10:31pm UTC
    The Letter. The Change.
    THE LIE.
    Chapter 8: End of April
    *Katia's POV*
    I started to panic, terror was rising inside of me. He was smiling evilly, with his crooked grin that never seemed to leave his face. My mind raced, he wasn't supposed to be here not until April 22nd.... and then it hit me: it was the 23rd.
    "Missed me?" he asked. I struggled, trying to break free. Suddenly I felt sharp pain as he slapped across the face with the hand that used to be covering my mouth. My arms were being held above my head just like before.
    "Someone seems to have forgotten the rules," his face was just inches from mine. His breath smelled of alcohol. I turned my head up to the sky.
    "HELP!" I started to scream, but Zach slapped me again. My face burned and I cried out. But that only caused him to hit me again. I bit my lip holding back the scream that was at the back of my throat.
    "Someone really forgot the rules, oh well," he laughed. His voice got deep and quiet as he continued with his face right in front of mine. "More fun for me." His lips crashed onto mine. Even though I know it would just cause in more pain I struggled. Zach's hand was running down my side, I squirmed to the side pulling my body away.
    I could feel him laugh as he continued to kiss me. Suddenly there was a sharp pain in my left wrist as he began twisting my arms. Tears were now openingly falling from my eyes. I prayed for to be over, prayed for someone from the track team to run by, to see what that scream was.
    "Are we done struggling?" he asked me. I took a deep breath, and stared into his cold hard eyes.
    "HEL-!" I screamed. I was cut short as Zach's hand came in contact with my face. Over and over.
    "Why are you screaming?" he asked, hitting me again. "Do you honestly think someone will come? They never did before, why would they now?" Again and again he hit me. The pain in my wrist was pulsing now, and I knew my cheek had to be a bright red. Tears were still falling down my face, landing on my shirt.
    I had lost count of how many times he had hit me now, now my only thought was that he had to stop eventually. And he did, but only to continue to try to kiss me. And then it was a cycle. Kiss me, me struggle, him hitting me. Over and over. At one point I thought I heard footsteps, but I didn't believe it. When I opened my eyes the ground was shaking, spinning almost.
    Suddenly though he was off of me. My arms were released and I was no longer being hit. I tried to look to see what was happening but everything was distorted. Instead I decided to just run, but I couldn't. I tried standing but my legs gave out from under me. So instead I started backing up, i was already against the shed but I kept trying to move farther away. Eventually I gave up and sat there, my arms wrapped around my legs with my head resting on my arms, and my eyes shut tight.
    Soon I heard more yelling, there were multiple voices now. I didn't look up though, I continued to sit there. Tears were still running down my face but I didn't care. I heard someone say my name and instinctively tried to get away. I began backing up again.
    "Katia," I could tell their voice was trying to be gentle but they were yelling. "Katia! Katia look at me!" My head was forced up and I saw Louis. "You're okay Katia. You're safe now." His voice was quieter now.
    I wrapped my arms around him and he pulled me onto his lap. He held me there and rocked me back and forth. I was hiding my face in the crook of his neck and in a matter of seconds his shirt was soaked. I heard other voices in the background but I just listened to Louis. He was doing a mix of whispering to me that I was safe and that he loved me, and singing softly.
    After some amount of time, everything was distorted to me by that point, I had stopped crying. Louis was no longer whispering in my ear, he was talking to someone. I didn't care enough to listen to what they were saying, or who it even was but soon Louis was telling me we were leaving.
    I stood up, leaning on him for support. I looked around, the world wasn't spinning anymore. I noticed we were sitting a considerable distance away from the shed. I don't know how we moved, unless he picked me up when I was still disoriented. Looking around I realized Zach was no where in sight. I saw a couple members from the track team though.
    A couple girls that didn't like me and one guy, Derek. Derek who I used to really like and then Ashlyn started talking to him and made him hate me. He would tell me daily how useless I was and he would laugh whenever Zach would humiliate me in front of everyone. All were watching me and suddenly I felt terrified. I clung onto Louis, trying to hide behind him almost.
    "Hey," he whispered. "its okay. Lets go back to the school and grab your stuff so we can go home." I nodded but I still watched the others as we began walking. My steps were slow and awkward, as if I was learning to walk all over again. I suddenly remembered something and stopped.
    "my bag, I left my bag..." I began to turn around to go back for it.
    "I'll go get it," Derek offered. He was jogging away before I could argue. I was kinda glad though, I didn't want to be around him. I didn't want to be around anyone.


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