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Best Brokenpromises Quotes This Week

  1. *nerium* *nerium*
    posted a quote
    February 11, 2014 11:56pm UTC
    I lied to your face today, well, not your face - someone else's.
    I lied because you were in the room, and my answer was for you - not them.
    My answers are always for you.
    I lied because I did not want you to know I had broken my promise.
    I lied because I did not want you to cry again, and I was unsure of
    how you would react this time - the third time.
    Would you be sad? Would you cry like the first time I had told the truth,
    in the dark of my bedroom? And would you beg for me not to do it again, beg for me to promise?
    Or would you reprimand me, like you had the second time? Will you tut and sigh and act like
    my existence is this great burden and you are tired of my weight?
    I lied because I do not want there to be a third time,
    and I lied because I do not want to be judged.
    I say I lied for you, but mostly I lied for myself.

  2. HakunaaMatata HakunaaMatata
    posted a quote
    October 5, 2013 3:50pm UTC
    Fu*k what i said~
    it don't mean sh*t now.

  3. kaittrose kaittrose
    posted a quote
    September 7, 2013 3:44am UTC
    yet again, you broke another promise. and you still expect me to trust you.

  4. FallenAngel* FallenAngel*
    posted a quote
    September 8, 2013 6:29am UTC
    Broken Promises <3 ♥ Chapter 1 ♥
    Em's P.O.V
    Ok. Let's start from the beginning. My name's Em. Not Emily. Just Em. I'm 17; I have layered brown hair that’s been streaked with a million different colours. With piercing green eyes and a constant style of skinny jeans or shorts, T shirts and Converse, I'm not your definition of beautiful, but I get by.
    I've known my best friends, Dylan and Adam, since we were five. We've lived on the same street as long as I can remember and that's the way we like it. The two of them really couldn’t be more different but the three of us are really close. Always have been; always will be.
    Dylan is your average jock. He has straight blond hair, sky blue eyes and is well built. He is a player, a heartbreaker and everyone knows it. Adam on the other hand is music obsessed. He is an amazing guitarist and the best DJ you'll ever come across. He has curly chocolate brown hair and golden eyes. He is quieter though, and for some unknown reason, doesn't date.
    I have a stress parent, awesome friends, too much schoolwork and no privacy.
    But my life is just beginning.
    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hey everyone! So this is the first chapter, yes I know, it’s short and boring. I promise that as the story goes on, it gets longer, and there’s much more drama! I would love to know what you think, so just leave a comment, and let me know if you want to be notified!! xo

  5. motz_ztom* motz_ztom*
    posted a quote
    July 31, 2013 7:19am UTC
    At the age of 4, I watched him violently throw her on the bed.
    She cried, she begged.
    Later, she told me she loved him, ignoring the blood and bruises that coloured her face.
    At the age of 9, I thought he was my friend.
    He was my bestfriend.
    So why did he touch me the way he did, I didn't undertsand. He always got angry when I fought back.
    At the age of 13, I knew more, but obviously not enough.
    The cigarette burns on my back, the small bruises on my legs stopped hurting after a while.
    Mum said she'd protect me. But it was my own fault. All my own fault. She begged me not to make him mad.
    At the age of 16, there was someone else and he loved me.
    He kissed each scar on my body. He thought they were beautiful. He thought I was beautiful.
    He pomised never to leave, and never to hurt me. His dark eyes were the only things that stopped me when I'd thought I'd had enough.
    In the end, all promises were broken.
    Mum didn't love him, she was too scared.
    My bestfriend didn't understand, he hurt me. He hit me.
    Dad didn't like what he saw in me. Told me I was nothing. I am nothing.
    Love isn't all it was painted to be. He lied. He took what he wanted, then left me. In pain and in tears.

  6. FallenAngel* FallenAngel*
    posted a quote
    September 3, 2013 7:28am UTC
    Broken Promises <3 ♥ Prologue ♥
    Em's P.O.V
    I hitched my bag up onto my shoulder. As I walked down the gravel pathway, I thought about everything I would be leaving behind.
    My home...My family...My friends...My life.
    I promised myself that I wouldn't look back, but I did. I took one last look at the still house, where my mother lay sleeping. I knew I shouldn't leave it like this, but what else could I do? She hated my for what I had done, but in the end, I couldn't blame her. I sighed, and walked towarks the car waiting for me. I slipped into the passanger seat, and strapped myself in.
    'Ready?' he asked. I simply nodded. Hot tears slid silenty down my face as I took one last glance at what was once my life...
    Before we left it behind forever.
    -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hey guys! Here's the prologue! I know it's short but I promise that it will get longer as the story goes on! But for now, enjoy!! Feedback it much appreciated!! xo

  7. PaperLilies PaperLilies
    posted a quote
    February 2, 2013 5:04pm UTC
    What happened to
    "I'll always be there for you, babe"?

  8. SheDreamer SheDreamer
    posted a quote
    September 12, 2013 9:20pm UTC
    So there's this guy...
    who's generally perfect.
    And once upon a time, he loved me.
    I knew that one day
    He would leave me.
    I knew it.
    But he promised me that here would be no one else.
    And that he really loved me.
    He promised me
    That he would
    Love me forever.
    But no one keeps their promises anymore.
    And no one tells that truth anymore, either.
    I started to believe him.
    Until I did, in fact, believe him.
    And less than 24 hours later,
    He found someone else.
    And less than 72 hours later,
    We were finished.
    Because no one keeps their promises anymore.
    And because no one tells the truth anymore, either.

  9. FallenAngel* FallenAngel*
    posted a quote
    August 30, 2013 10:15am UTC
    Broken Promises<3
    ♥ Introduction ♥
    Em is far from your average girl. She is witty, smart and one-of-a-kind.
    She had known her best friends, Dylan and Adam, all her life. The three of they couldn’t be more different, but you know what they say; opposites attract.
    Years ago, the promised each other that they would be friends forever…
    …but promises are meant to be broken.
    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey guys, so here is an intro to my story, some of you will know I have tried to write this story so many times, but I think I am finally ready for it to be on Witty. Let me know what you think, feedback is much appreciated. Remember, this is just a taster, I promise it will get longer!! xo

  10. iminlove1208 iminlove1208
    posted a quote
    June 11, 2013 9:18am UTC
    I want to escape this world.
    Block out everything
    and just escape with you.
    Lay my head on your chest
    as I forget about all the guilt.
    Cry away all the deceit
    in your arms.
    Watch the broken promises fly away
    as I drown in your eyes.
    Kiss the lies goodbye
    as we explore each other in the most beautiful way.

  11. paigexoxo paigexoxo
    posted a quote
    November 4, 2013 9:52pm UTC
    though my lips are sealed
    and a promise is true
    i won't break my word
    my word to you.
    cross my heart
    hope to die
    stick a needle in my eye
    i loved you then
    i love you now
    i'll still love you
    though i'll break my vow.
    i can't hold this secret
    any longer
    it's hurting you
    not making you stronger.
    you're my friend
    so i'll risk your respect
    by hurting you
    i can protect
    i'll save yourself
    since you will not
    you might hate me
    but i'll give it a shot.
    i'm willing to risk
    our bond that we own
    so long as you're safe
    you won't be alone.

  12. beautifulsmiles beautifulsmiles
    posted a quote
    January 31, 2013 4:45pm UTC
    Do you not realize that you go back on your word every single time?
    You're making my final decision so much easier.
    I cannot deal with this.

  13. PrimarilyParamore* PrimarilyParamore*
    posted a quote
    April 5, 2014 10:13pm UTC
    And you
    call me
    up again
    just to
    break me
    like a
    promise, so
    casually cruel
    in the
    name of
    being honest
    -Taylor SwiftParamore
    "All Too Well" |Red

  14. beautifulsmiles beautifulsmiles
    posted a quote
    May 7, 2013 3:57pm UTC
    And for some reason you have grown so inconsiderate.
    Where did all of the promises and back-up go?
    You said you were always there for me.
    What happened?

  15. Ashbear_xoxo Ashbear_xoxo
    posted a quote
    July 22, 2013 5:51pm UTC
    We are fOreVER.</3

  16. fionarose fionarose
    posted a quote
    May 27, 2013 12:40am UTC
    And I promised to never leave him on his own
    And I promised I would do my best to out last him
    And now all I can do is sit here and cry

  17. xxsophia_lovexx xxsophia_lovexx
    posted a quote
    June 18, 2013 7:18pm UTC
    when the one who promises you everything,
    and when the one you love,
    leaves you for something you didn't
    even do.... </3
    he will realize his mistake one day...


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