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Best Bisexual Quotes Today

  1. HerMorningElegance HerMorningElegance
    posted a quote
    June 8, 2013 5:20pm UTC
    I want a guy
    who’ll treat me
    like I would treat a girl.
    #bisexual problems

  2. djsgirl1814 djsgirl1814
    posted a quote
    March 15, 2013 2:23pm UTC
    You'll Never Be Alone
    Chapter 2 Part 1
    Delaney's P.O.V
    Oh my gosh, I cannot believe it!
    Lindsay lives right next door to me!
    I glanced out my window, hoping that I wouldn't seem stalkerish.
    I looked into the window across from mine, and saw Lindsay laying on her bed, smiling and typing rapidly on her phone.
    This may seem creepy, but look out your window :) ~Delaney
    She must've seen this text as soon as I sent it, because she leapt off her bed and ran to her window, nearly colliding with her bedside table. She stumbled a bit then grabbed for the windowsill, blushing like crazy.
    She opened the window, and motioned for me to do the same.
    "What a coincidence." She said, smiling and playing with her hair.
    Its so cute how she does that.
    "I prefer to think of it as a trick of fate" I yelled back.
    I bit my bottom lip and looked to the floor, hoping I hadn't gone too far.
    "Maybe I'll start thinking of it that way, too."
    A male voice boomed from downstairs in her house. Lindsay looked mortified.
    "I have to go, the demon calls. I'll text you, though!" She attempted to hide her fear behind a smile.
    "Okay, don't forget." I said back at her, hoping to turn that just for a moment, I could make her happy.
    "I wouldn't for the world." This smile was a real one, a genuine one that made my heart melt.
    Her window slammed shut and her aqua blue curtains collapsed over the glass inside her room.
    I could hear what was going on faintly, and it worried me to no end.
    All I could hear was something glass breaking, a scream, and then silence.
    "We scream! We shout! We are the Fallen Angels!"
    My phone started ringing, and Lindsay's name showed up on the new message screen.
    If you know whats best for you, do not text this number again, you f/cking wh/re. ~Lindsay
    This text wasn't sent by Lindsay, I knew it wasn't. She wouldn't say that to me.
    I went to bed wondering if she was okay, and hoping that I would see her tomorrow in Algebra.

  3. LittleLea LittleLea
    posted a quote
    October 18, 2013 11:04pm UTC
    "People say it's a phase, others say it's for attention but the truth is everybody just wants affection". -karlene garcia #LGBT #bisexual
    — Karlene Garcia (@karlenethings) October 18, 2013

  4. djsgirl1814 djsgirl1814
    posted a quote
    March 15, 2013 2:01pm UTC
    You'll Never Be Alone
    Chapter 1
    Lindsay's P.O.V
    I walked in the door to The House.
    I don't feel comfortable referring to it as "home."
    Isn't home supposed to be somewhere you always feel safe and accepted, no matter what?
    Well, thats not the case here.
    I heard music blaring from the basement, and I knew my brother was home from college for the weekend.
    Whenever he comes home, its like I don't even know who he is. I can only remember the brother who loved me, comforted me when I was made fun of at recess when I was younger, then told me he would beat up the bullies and take me out for ice cream.
    I don't know if that brother exists anymore.
    When he left for college, he turned into someone I never thought I would have to meet.
    Whenever he would come home, he would yell at me and beat me. Then, my dad started to follow suit.
    My mother passed away when I was 9 years old, and since then my dad has taken care of me...
    Sort of.
    There are times when I have to go without food for days, and I rarely ever get to leave the house for reasons other than school and work.
    I opened the door to the basement and yelled "Jake! I'm home!"
    "Get the f/ck out of here, b/itch!" he yelled back.
    Nice you see you too.
    It was then that I remembered I have Delaney's number on my hand.
    The ink had nearly rubbed off, but I was still able to read it.
    I dialed the numbers into my phone and added a small heart next to her name.
    Hey, Delaney :) ~Lindsay Wescott
    Hey, gorgeous!! :)) ~Delaney<3
    Gorgeous??? Delaney thinks I'm gorgeous??
    I spun around my room in a fit of giggles, trying to think of a way to reply.
    Which area of town do you live in? I was thinking we should meet up for coffee some time :3 ~Lindsay
    Newton and Park Boulevard. That sounds great! ~Delaney<3
    Oh my gosh! I live on Newton and Park! Address? ~Lindsay
    8309 Park :) ~Delaney<3
    OMG! I'm 8303! ~Lindsay
    At this point, my heart is beating out of my chest.
    How could she have lived so close to me, and I was totally oblivious?
    Delaney is my neighbor!
    Hello again! I may be posting 2-3 chapters tonight, just to get things rolling.
    By this chapter, you may think you have the plot all summed up.
    Curveball, headed your way!

  5. djsgirl1814 djsgirl1814
    posted a quote
    March 20, 2013 3:26pm UTC
    You'll Never Be Alone
    Chapter 6
    Lindsay's P.O.V
    *3 Months Later; Prom Night*
    I woke up with a start, more excited than ever.
    Delaney had asked me to be her girlfriend a little over three months ago, and things couldn't be more perfect.
    We spent every day together and she treated me like a goddess. I think its safe to say I'm in love with her.
    She listens to my problems and is always there to hold me when I cry.
    Now, tonight, I would get to walk into Prom with her at my side. I couldn't imagine anything better.
    I rolled out of bed and walked over to my mirror. I looked awful.
    I went into the bathroom and turned the water in my shower to scolding hot; just how I like it.
    When I started to take off my clothes, my phone rang.
    It was Delaney.
    Can't wait for tonight sweetheart, I finally get to see your dress! :) ~Delaney<3
    I was surpised you didn't break into my house to see it!! ~Lindsay
    With that, I put my phone down and stepped into the shower, letting the hot water wash over me.
    I spent a good half an hour in there before finally getting out and wrapping a towel around myself.
    I looked at the clock and was shoked to find that it was already 3:30, and that Delaney would be here in 3 hours.
    I wrapped my hair in a towel and dug my makeup out of my purse.
    I did a sultry smoky eye with bright red lipstick, hoping it would look good with my dress.
    I checked my phone again and saw a text from Delaney.
    I'll admit, it was tempting. But hey, you know I love surprises :) ~Delaney
    I took my hair out of the towel, setting my phone down and leaving Delaney alone so she could get ready, too.
    I turned on my hair dryer and got my hair completely dry.
    I put it into an updo and curled the pieces I let dangle around the sides of my face.
    My bangs hung down over my right eye, so I got a black rhinestone covered bobby pin and pulled them out of my eyes, a look I wasn't used to.
    I grabbed my dress out of the closet, messing with the ribbon on the back.
    Corset back, lace sides from bust to hip, strapless, poofing out at my knees, making a mermaid like shape.
    It was absolutely gorgeous and it fit me perfectly.
    I slid the black fabric over my body, tying the red ribbon up the back to make my waist look smaller and my hips bigger.
    Grabbing my shoes and slipping my feet into the black patent leather strappy heels, I heard a knock at the door.
    I nearly ran to answer it, and there stood Delaney.
    Her dress was aqua blue and the corset top was covered in silver rhinestones. The dress fit her small, thin figure gorgeously.
    She looked gorgeous ever day, but today it was different. Her eye makeup was done naturally, and her hair wasn't teased.
    She looked absolutely stunning.
    Her lips were a pale pink color, and she had only put on clear lip gloss.
    "Delaney, you look absolutely gorgeous. How did I get so lucky?" I managed after a minute of speechlessness.
    "You stole my heart and ran with it. You got lucky because I stole yours, too." She giggled.
    "Lets go, we're gonna be late!" I grabbed onto her waist and kissed her softly before running past her and opening her door and urging her to get in the car.
    We spent the ride jamming to "If You Can't Hang" by Sleeping With Sirens.
    When we got to the school, I opened her door and grabbed her hand as she got out of the car.
    I heard somebody behind me scream in our direction.
    "F/ck off, lesbian c/nts!"
    Then I heard it.
    Two gunshots.
    Delaney fell to the ground silently.
    "Oh my god! What have you done??" I screamed, kneeling beside her sobbing. Her chest was still moving, just barely.
    I pulled my phone out of my clutch and dialed 911.
    "911, what is your emergency?"
    "Please help! Somebody just shot my girlfriend! Oh God, please send help! Shes barely breathing!!" I said, panicking.
    "Help is on the way to your current location, just remain calm, Miss."
    Then, I heard two more gunshots.
    I felt two sharp jolts of pain, one in the left side of my back, the other on my right shoulder blade.
    I fell to the ground, everything starting to get blurry around me.
    I heard sirens surround me, and I was put on a stretcher in the back of an ambulance.
    I assumed Delaney was in an amublance next to mine.
    Knowing she is in good hands, I closed my eyes and let the medication they were putting in my body take over. I shut my eyes and went to sleep.
    Plot twist!!!

  6. sexy_strawberry101 sexy_strawberry101
    posted a quote
    May 7, 2013 3:37pm UTC
    I told one of my closest friends that I'm bi. And she's obviously displeased and is barely talking to me. She doesn't get that I seriously need her right now.
    I hate earth.

  7. LittleLea LittleLea
    posted a quote
    September 30, 2013 1:47am UTC
    dear straight people...
    just because I Like girls
    doesnt mean I Like All girls

  8. djsgirl1814 djsgirl1814
    posted a quote
    March 15, 2013 2:54pm UTC
    You'll Never Be Alone
    Chapter 2 part 2
    Delaney's P.O.V
    I walked into algebra class and immediately looked toward the table Lindsay had been sitting at the day before.
    She was there, but what I saw worried me.
    She was wearing sunglasses and a beanie, both of which are against the dress code.
    Mr. Donatelli asked her to remove them, and she reluctantly did so.
    She had a black eye and her head was wrapped in a bandage, a small amount of blood seeping through.
    I ran over to her, asking her if she was okay and what had happened.
    "I.. I fell down the stairs." She whispered, looking at me through her bangs.
    She had worn a cream colored knit sweater with a pair of red skinny jeans, and the sweater was a tiny bit see-through.
    I took my seat and reached down to my side to get my notebook out of my backpack when something caught my eye.
    More cuts, all the way up the outside of her right arm, wrapping around up to her elbow.
    I pulled out my phone and sent a text.
    Meet me in the A Hall bathroom in 2 minutes ~Delaney
    I got up and walked out of the room, knowing that Mr. Donatelli lets people leave without permission.
    I walked through the hall, shaking and trying to think of ways I could comfort her.
    She walked into the bathroom, her sunglasses and beanie back on.
    "Take them off. I can't see your beautiful eyes." I whispered as I wrapped my arms around her.
    She shook them off and collapsed to the floor, crying.
    I sat down next to her and let her lay across me and rest her head against my chest, holding her almost like a baby.
    I stroked her hair, careful to avoid the parts of her head that seemed injured.
    "Its okay baby, I'm here. I'm right here. Shh, don't cry. You're safe now."
    She buried her head in the crook of my neck, her breath rushed and choppy against my neck.
    I gently wrapped one of my hands around her frail wrist, pulling up the sleeve slightly.
    She sat up and hung her head in what seemed to be shame. She removed her sweater, sitting before me in a small white undershirt.
    I looked at her arms and saw thousands of cuts and scars, ranging from faint, light scars to deep, dark gashes, some of them still bleeding through band-aids.
    I stood up and got some paper towel and soaked it in warm water, then sank down next to her and carefully removed the bandages from her skin. She winced and let out a small gasp.
    "Shh. Its okay. I won't hurt you."
    I lightly pressed the warm paper towel to the cuts that were still bleeding, and put my other hand lightly against her cheek.
    "Whats making you do this, love?"
    "I just needed a different kind of pain."
    We stayed there for about twenty more minutes, her head rested in my lap, before the bell rang and dismissed us for the day.
    I drove to the hardware store and purchased a 50 foot rope, and 6 bells.
    I wouldn't let Lindsay suffer any longer. One way or another, I will be there for her.
    What do you think so far?
    Small turn of events there at the end.
    Just comment if you want a reminder for this story:)

  9. 98angelblue* 98angelblue*
    posted a quote
    August 26, 2013 1:15pm UTC
    Did you ever wonder what if would be like if it were wrong to be straight and normal to be gay?
    Warning: This is super emotional and one of the few things that actually make me cry.

  10. hopejune7 hopejune7
    posted a quote
    August 16, 2013 2:49pm UTC
    is too
    to be
    hidden in
    the closet.

  11. djsgirl1814 djsgirl1814
    posted a quote
    March 19, 2013 2:03pm UTC
    You'll Never Be Alone
    Chapter 5
    Lindsay's P.O.V
    I got into the driver's seat of my 2002 black Mustang and watched as Delaney got in the passenger side.
    I plugged my iPhone into the auxilary cord attached to my radio and turned on "Knives and Pens" by Black Veil Brides.
    We both sang along, and I swear, Delaney had the voice of a goddess. It was strong, yet soft. I got lost in it whenever she sang.
    We pulled into the parking lot of the CVS and went in to buy red hair dye and hair bleach.
    When we got back into the car, Delaney ran in to get something else, and I waited, listening to Suicide Silence and Asking Alexandria.
    She comes out holding something behind her back and she was smiling ear to ear.
    She got in the car and asked me to drive to the park right by our houses.
    We rode in silence and she was writing something down on a sheet of red constraction paper.
    When we got there, she blindfolded me and told me to wait in the car, and I could hear the happiness in her voice.
    About 10 minutes later, she took off my blindfold and ran and hid before I could say anything.
    I looked around, catching sight of a piece of red paper on a tree.
    It had a single rose attached to it and it read
    Down by the lake is where you'll find your next clue sitting near a flower patch that reminds me of you :)
    This girl is too sweet!
    I went to the lake to the garden, and I found two roses and a sheet of red paper.
    You'd better hurry up to the end of the dock, theres not much time left on the clock <3
    I ran to the old dock and found Delaney sitting there, nine roses in her hand.
    "I have to tell you something, Lindsay." She whispered nervously.
    "What is it, love?" I said back.
    "I....I'm bi....." She struggled out, hiding shame in her eyes.
    "Me too, Delaney. Haven't you been able to tell I have a massive crush on you?" I laughed, looking her in the eyes.
    She threw her arms around me and whispered "I've liked you since I first saw you."
    "Me too." I muttered.
    She pulled away from me and pulled a small box from behind her back.
    She opened it and revealed a small, shimmering black diamond heart surrounded by rose gold.
    It was the most gorgeous necklace I have ever seen. I must've cost her a fortune.
    "Oh.. Oh my god!" I shrieked, wrapping my arms around her. "I love it!"
    "Lindsay Rose Wescott, would you like to acompany me to the 2013 Lakeview Senior prom?"
    "I would love to, Delaney!" I managed through tears of joy.
    "Also, would you like to by my girlfriend? It would be the highest of honors to walk through the halls with such a beautiful girl on my arm." She said, looking into my eyes.
    "Yes. YES!" I cried, holding her closer.
    She pulled back slightly. I looked into her eyes, wondering what she was about to do.
    I glanced to the side for a minute.
    I looked back at Delaney, smiling wider than ever.
    She looked down at my lips, licked hers, then looked back at my eyes.
    She leaned in.
    What do y'all think so far?
    Leave feedback in the comments!

  12. warrior_lovato26 warrior_lovato26
    posted a quote
    February 1, 2014 7:47pm UTC
    Its not theirs to speculate if it's wrong
    I'll fight their doubt and give you faith.
    I love you

  13. Leah_Elysha Leah_Elysha
    posted a quote
    April 18, 2016 12:48pm UTC
    I have the ability to love despite of gender and i think thats pretty awsome.

  14. Vampire123 Vampire123
    posted a quote
    November 22, 2013 5:24pm UTC
    I think I may be bisexual, but I'm so scared of telling my parents. What shout I do?

  15. ItsRachaelxo ItsRachaelxo
    posted a quote
    October 11, 2013 4:22pm UTC
    I want a girlfriend... (I'm bisexual) :D

  16. loveisequal loveisequal
    posted a quote
    May 20, 2013 10:54pm UTC
    Gay, straight, bisexual,
    etc...Why are there
    even titles? Why does it
    matter? Love is love.
    let people be

  17. onelastsecret onelastsecret
    posted a quote
    April 9, 2013 2:06am UTC
    Hello everybody,
    obviously by my username this account is so I can post one secret. Just a secret I have to get off of my chest, one I can't keep bottled up.
    I just, I can't. Well I guess here it is.. I think I'm gay, well bisexual really. It would explain so much. How I get so offended when people say being gay is disgusting. How I sometimes seem to catch myself slightly flirting with a guy. How sometimes in the locker room I have to try and not stare at some of the six packs. How I think some of the guy's in my school have really(and I mean really) cute a$$es.
    It also explains the dream, where I kissed a guy in my school and it felt so.. right. I didn't wake up thinking it was ridiculous, I woke up thinking I really, really, wanted to do it again. I guess I am bisexual.
    Well f/ck.

  18. djsgirl1814 djsgirl1814
    posted a quote
    March 18, 2013 3:01pm UTC
    You'll Never Be Alone
    Chapter 4
    Delaney's P.O.V
    My eyes fluttered open and I looked around to find that I wasn't in my room, or my house for that matter.
    I looked over to see a mess of tangled blonde and blue hair. I lifted the hair to find Lindsay sleeping soundly, looking incredibly adorable.
    I placed my hand on her waist, shaking gently, whispering "Lindsay, wake up, love. Its almost noon."
    Her eyes shot open and she threw her arms around me, sobbing into my chest.
    I sat shocked for a moment, but quickly gained control and wrapped my arms around her, asking her what was wrong.
    "Nightmare. Blood, screaming, I almost lost you." She sobbed.
    I stroked her hair and said to her "Baby, its okay. I'm right here, I'm okay, I promise."
    She layed on my chest crying for about twenty minutes before I asked her if she wanted me to make her something to eat.
    She shook her head and asked "Do you want to go out somewhere? I'll drive and pay."
    I grabbed my wallet from my purse and said "You'll have to drive, given my lack of car. But the food is on me."
    We walked upstairs and I realized that I had forgotten to pack clothes for today.
    "What size do you wear?" Lindsay shouted from her closet.
    "Size 3 jeans and small shirt." I yelled back.
    "We have so much in common!" She giggled.
    She tossed out a pair of red skinny jeans and a black tee-shirt.
    I took off my sweatpants and tank top in the middle of her bedroom, and she walked out of the closet as I was standing there half naked.
    "Okay, I get it! You're hot, but I gave you clothes for a reason!" She laughed
    I slid on the jeans and tee-shirt, admiring the design on the front.
    "I love Black Veil Brides!" I said, taking my hair strightener, teasing comb, hairspray, and makeup out of my bag.
    "Me too, they're my favorite band!"
    I plugged my straightener in and did my makeup while it heated up.
    I lined my eyes rather heavily and applied false eyelashes and powder to make me appear paler than I really am.
    I realized it was the first time Lindsay had seen me wearing makeup, and I looked over and hers was done almost exactly the same.
    She was back combing her hair and coating it with hair spray when I pointed out the fact that we looked almost the same with our makeup like this.
    "How long have you been doing it like that?" Lindsay asked.
    "Since I was 14."
    I straightened my hair and teased and sprayed it to perfection.
    I styled my bangs so they swept across my forehead, almost covering my left eye.
    "One of these days, you have to dye my tips. I want them red so bad!" I said.
    "Then lets go to the store and get some dye!" She laughed, throwing on a pair of converse and running out the door.
    I quickly followed suit and went into the car with her.
    I couldn't believe I had found a girl like her, and I would do anything to make her mine.
    Sorry for the delay guys!
    Heres chapter 4, and I should have chpater 5 up soon!

  19. CloudyWithAChanceOfDeath CloudyWithAChanceOfDeath
    posted a quote
    August 22, 2013 4:10pm UTC
    Someone on witty just called me unnatural. What the actual f/ck? When I read the comment it felt like I got stabbed in the chest. Maybe I don't belong on witty. It's just full of homophobics and little kids.

  20. Peri Elana* Peri Elana*
    posted a quote
    May 21, 2013 10:35pm UTC
    My first real crush, not love, was a girl.
    I feel so horrible because I didn't realize this until now, and I can't do anything about it because she moved away. I wouldn't start a relationship with her anyway because I am in love with a guy right now and I have been for a year and a half now. I feel so guilty because she showed me that she had feelings for me and I just ignored them and moved on with my life. I just thought about myself and not someone who truly loved me for the real me. I have no way to contact her because she has no social networks and she apparently got a new phone. I really miss her and I just want to apologize for the things I didn't notice. Please help!


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