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(no capitals intended)

his mother asks me before i leave
their home forever, i've lost the honor
of being their future daughter.
she asks me: were you ever heartbroken
to break my little boy's heart?


it might had been the first time,
i realized, i feared of oceans after
drowning myself in the darkest
parts in my soul, i lost my voice

to say the words the lost boys want
ed to hear, i gave up my voice to
my throat which i thought was like
a wishing well, there my voice stayed,

to overcome my fear through oceans,
i became the ocean. my love was like
oceans for the boys who came into 
my arms freely like as if they wanted 

to find lost treasure in the ocean, i
watched one by one slowly drown
themselves trying to find their ways
home, they were lost boys.

I was the girl who never promised
them, homes in my arms because..
because, she was afraid that she would
run off home to her parents.

run and run and run, my  mother told
me I had strong legs and a strong
kick ever since I was in my mom's 
belly, I realized this so many times.

I ran so much, only wanting the boy
to grab my arm, hold me me there;
because my fear of oceans has seemed
to gradually grow bigger now like

how the lost boy's eyes dilates when
I say, 


after their i love yous.

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(no capitals intended) his mother asks me before i leave their

3 faves · Sep 4, 2015 7:56pm





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