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I love you.
Oh God.. oh, my God, that just came flying out of my face.
I love you. I just...I did it again. I love you. I do. I just, I love you. And I have been trying not to say it. I have been trying so hard to just mash it down and ignore it and not say it… I am so in love with you. You’re in me. You’re like — it’s like you’re a disease. It’s like I am infected by Mark Sloan and I just can’t think about anything or anybody and I can’t sleep. I can’t breathe. I can’t eat. And I love you. I love you all the time. Every minute of every day. I love you.
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I love you. Oh God.. oh, my God, that just came flying out of

10 faves · Jun 5, 2015 11:04pm





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