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Holly...I'm not even going to be vague about this because you know this quote is about you...I couldn't just post this on your profile or as a reply to the quote because (agian) my computer is blocking so much stuff it's not even funny. I'm lucky I can still get on Witty. And I don't even think you're following me, so if someone could please tell nevergrowup89 to read this quote it would be much appreciated. So much crap has happened since June that it would be pointless to put it all in here. I started marching band and thought I was better then honestly just got worse. I thought that getting over you would be easy. I guess that Dani, in some way, is like my way of laughing in the face of everything that has happened in the past and saying, "Ha! I'm better now take that!" And I love her and I want to try and love her like you loved me. And trust me, I never forgot how much you loved me Holly. I saw your quote on here about being relieved becasue you didn't have to make me happy anymore. But you know what? You made happy no matter what. I know I could've been a better girlfriend but I couldn't have asked for anyone better than you. And yes I remember everything, too. Even though I called you selfish and uptight that night, I cried harder than I ever had before. The only time I cried harder was the night my parents had found out. I remember how I would blush everytime you said iloveyou and how...gah how do I put this in an appropriate way...oh nevermind I'm not saying that out loud on here. But I'll never forget about kitty, staying up late every night, going to school dizzy and wonderful,talking about books, talking about life, and planning our future together. Because God knows I wanted it. I wanted it more than anything. And in some way, I guess I am happy that you almost have someone (though I would prefer it be a girl rather than a boy. Sorry, just my opinion.). You're no longer mine and unless some magic happens, you probably never will be. Please know that you will always have a special place in my heart. I don't care that you're not mine anymore. If you kill yourself I will personally...I don't know. I was going to say murder you but that would be a bit hard. Anyways...you're amazing Holly. If things ever get bad, you know where you can come. Also, I still think that after your senior year you should come down and go to DC Pride with me. And that's all I have to say. 
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Holly...I'm not even going to be vague about this because

2 faves · 9 comments · Oct 10, 2013 3:24pm

Jillian Marie*


Jillian Marie*


love · imissyou · lettertomyex · break up

nevergrowup89 · 1 decade ago
For now it is actually a girl... But ever since I saw your comment on my witty I dot know how I feel about her anymore. I love her but I only think it is as friends...
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Jillian Marie* · 1 decade ago
Holly honestly...I love you to pieces but don't let me get in the way of what you have with her. If you love her, then just don't worry about me.
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nevergrowup89 · 1 decade ago
I don't know if I love her. I don't know if I can love her. Or anyone.
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Jillian Marie* · 1 decade ago
I just don't know anymore...
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nevergrowup89 · 1 decade ago
You do though. You have found someone who can wait on you 24/7, they way I should have been able to. You love her. So be happy.
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Jillian Marie* · 1 decade ago
Yeah but I just kinda feel...I don't know. And this is why I want you to get on chat because there's way too much stuff to explain in one comment. If I could sum it up, I guess I would say I kinda feel like Glinda in the beginning of Act 2 of Wicked. And if my reference is totally lost on you, I'm sorry xD
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nevergrowup89 · 1 decade ago
It is and I can't get on chat. It doesn't work on my ipod
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Jillian Marie* · 1 decade ago
I know that :/ and I'm going to be the annoying one but you should tell me about this girl that you like :3
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nevergrowup89 · 1 decade ago
It's my friend Teria. At the beginning of summer we confessed that we liked each other but now it's just like... I don't know. I'm not ready to be open with her and she is. So I don't want to hurt her.
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The Chosen One*nevergrowup89