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She had a good head on her shoulders, 
and knew right from wrong.
As she studies the mirror,
she questions how her hair,
had gotten so long.

Humbled by her appearence,
she carelessly strokes each strand.
Absent mindedly covering the bruises,
she feared the blow from his hand.

Friday was dinner-night,
She was expected to look her best.
No surprise he'd been drinking again,
she could feel her heart,
beating out of her chest.

While she prepared the table,
he slithered from the door.
He grabbed her hips hard,
and tossed her to the floor.

Helpless and in silent tears,
she lie still on the ground.
Knowing that if she tried anything,
He'd be ready for another round.

What did she do,
to ever deserve this?
He told her she wasn't good enough,
when she tried to welcome him home
with a kiss.

He said he loved her,
seemed like it was true.
When they stood side-by-side,
and both said 'I do.'

She decided to end it,
all the suffering and pain.
Writing her Mother and Father letters,
tears started falling like rain.

She took one-too-many tablets,
feeling her tension soften.
Finally she was free,
in her dark secluded coffin. 

Domestic violence is serious. If you suspect you are a victim, contact www.thehotline.org
***First poetry ever posted, no hate please. Fav if you would like more! Thank you Wittians!

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She had a good head on her shoulders, and knew right from wrong.

7 faves · 1 comments · Jun 29, 2013 12:42am





poetry · abuse · poems

LandonIsWitty · 1 decade ago
I really like this, good job
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