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Chapter Ten

Things have been pretty average, I guess.
Me and Zayn haven't spoken a lot, which is probably best.
He only thinks of me as a drunk mistake anyway.
But I miss him.
I would hate to hurt Louis, but I really want Zayn.
Stupid rules.
It doesn't matter anyway though, it's not like Zayn wants me.
I was sitting on my bed contemplating this, and I heard a knock on my door.
"It's open" I shouted, and I heard the click of the door opening.
It was Louis. I hated myself for wishing it was Zayn.
"Lily" Louis said, grinning.
"Hey Lou" I said, "What's up?"
"Nothing" He shrugged, sitting on my bed, "I miss you. We haven't had much bonding time since we got here"
"I know!" I said, fake pouting, "I feel like I haven't seen you"
"We went clubbing, at least!" He said, brightly, "Though I couldn't find you that whole night"
"Yeah, that was weird" I lied easily.
It kinda surprised me how casually I said that.
Lying was becoming easier, but I still felt the guilt in the back of my mind.
Stop obsessing, Lily, what's done is done.
"So, what am I wearing to the event tomorrow night, Ms. Stylist?" Louis winked.
"That's for me to know" I replied vaguely.
"I tried to bribe Kate into telling me, and she wouldn't" Louis pouted.
"Damn right she didn't" I said happily.
I single handedly picked all five boys outfits out, and Kate loved them.
I was beyond thrilled.
"So what are you wearing?" Louis asked.
"What are you talking about?" I gave him a weird look, "You know you can't take me"
It was true. 
Louis can't take me to events. Even though Eleanor can't always come, they think it'd stir up too much media drama.
"Course" Louis sighed.
There was a pause, and then he broke into a grin, as if he was about to share the best news in the world.
"Zayn will"
(Author's note- I'M SO SORRY, i know i was supposed to update, i had so much going on though yesterday! i tried so hard to update, but i had no time at all. anyways, this is a bit of a filler, though it really shows her lying to louis becoming usual, which is obv important. next chapter will be dramaaa filled. so goal is 24 and i PROMISE if we reach it there will be a next day [or even that day depending when we reach] updatee!)

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here with me Chapter Ten Things have been pretty average, I guess.

21 faves · 2 comments · Dec 16, 2012 12:34pm






avillanueva17 · 1 decade ago
Zayn will?!?! What is this?! Did he agree to this?! What?! So many question marks and exclamation points! I loved that! A bestie moment to relieve the awkward. Or just postpone it... This is becoming absolutely fabulous!! I can't believe how goo you're getting. It's incredible!! And back at the first story I started reading, I thought you couldn't get better. But, you've done it!! I hope you really enjoyed your weekend and I wish you a happy week. And don't forget to watch the "Kiss You" music video tomorrow. I'm so excited!! At least I think it comes out tomorrow... If I've given you the wrong information, I'm sorry love. Have a great day and I look forward to your next post lovely!!
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EmilyJonas · 1 decade ago
hehe, we'll find out everything whenever it reaches!! i'm about to start writing the next one so i'm prepared for when it does! thank you so much for sticking by me, your comments keep me going when i don't even like my own writing! thanks tons<33333
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