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Taylors P.O.V
Chapter 1

I remembered the day like it was yesterday, the day that I became blind. It was a normal day until I was in an accident. My eyes central corneal tissue was damaged and since then, I was blind. Like most people, I took the gift of sight for granted. I didn't realise how lucky I was to be able to see until it was gone.
It was gone just like that.
There was a way for me to retrieve my eyesight. There was a doctor who specialised in eye surgery, the transplant he did was called a corneal transplant. The wait for the transplant was huge, though I still hoped.
Do you need anything?” my mum asked. You'd think after 3 years of me being blind that she would stop babying me. She wasn't my real mum, I was adopted when I was 2. I think of her as my mum, she would always be the woman I turned to.
No, mum, I'm fine.”
Are you sure?”
Yes, mum. Can we just leave, now?” My mum and I got into the car and put some glasses on, I usually didn't wear them but at school, sometimes I could see light and it was very distracting.
It surprised a lot of people that I went to regular school, I didn't want to go to some special school. I was the same person as when I could see. I lost a lot of my friends after the accident but I have one that I can always trust. Her name's Jasmine, we've been friends for a while now.
Bye mum!” I said as we arrived to school.
Bye Taylor.” When my sight was gone, I could hear better. Heaps better.
Taylor!” a voice chirped.
Hey Jazzy.”'
Guess what?”
I'm great thank you,” I teased. “What is it?”
There's a new student... he's really hot, blonde hair, green eyes.”
Ooo, what's his name?”
Jai, Jai Greene. Okay, don't freak out but he's coming to us right now.” I rolled my eyes.
Jasmine, hey. I'm Jai.” I could tell the guy was speaking to me.
I replied, “I'm Taylor.”
Cool,” his voice was deep. I wondered what he looked like. I felt Jasmine shift uncomfortably.
Uh, Jai, Taylor can't see.” I had no idea what Jai was doing but whatever it was required me to be able to see.
Oh, uh.. um...”
It's fine, relax. You were bound to find out sometime, I just don't like introducing myself with, 'Hey I'm Taylor and I'm blind'. Anyway, Jasmine go and show Jai around the school. I'm going to go to my locker.”
You sure?”
Yes, Jasmine. Bye.” With that I started walking, my cane in front of me. I wondered why Jai didn't see it when he was speaking to me. I had been going to this school since year 7 and so I knew it inside out, it was hard getting used to it when I first became blind but now, I knew where everything was. I did though envy people with sight, I wish the accident never happened but you know what they say, everything happens for a reason.
I guess I'm still waiting for a reason. 


~Comment for a reminder~
A/N Uh, so how was that? I hope you all liked it (: 
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LOVE IS BLIND Taylors P.O.V Chapter 1 I remembered the day like

22 faves · 4 comments · Dec 16, 2012 4:47am






RingoStar · 1 decade ago
reminder, please!
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*Caraphernelia* · 1 decade ago
Reminder please!

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kelly* · 1 decade ago
reminder pls (;
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I_love_mee · 1 decade ago
This is really good!!

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