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20 children won't have their first kiss.
20 children will not be trying to catch a glimpse of Santa Clause this Christmas.
20 children won't know what it feels like to graduate.
20 children won't know how it feels to have their heartbroken.
20 children won't go to prom.
20 children will never get married one day.
20 children will not be able to sneak out of bed to stay up late.
20 children won't know what it feels like to be accepted to college.
20 children won't know how it feels to turn 21 with their friends.
20 children will never be able to have children of their own.
20 children will never know how they made all of us realize that we take life for granted.

RIP to all of those inncocent little kids.

Please pray for Newtown, Connecticuit.


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20 children won't have their first kiss. 20 children will

13 faves · Dec 15, 2012 8:26pm






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