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New Normals
Chapter  Fifteen
Niall's POV
When the boys and I drink, we don't over do it...most of the time, but now I had Claire, I need to be especially careful.
We sat around a bar, taking shots, when I ask, "How much longer should I wait?" 
"What do you mean?" Louis asked. 
"He means," Harry laughed, "How much longer does he wait before he asks about..." 
"How long did you and Perrie wait?" these questions didn't phase them, or really bother them at all.
"You know that Claire's a little different, right?" 
"How?" I asked, the alcohol starting to speak, "It happened a long time ago." 
"Can you hear yourself, mate?" Louis asked, a bit of shock in his voice.
I take another shot, "A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do!" I wipe my lips, "I won't wait forever! I wanna know" 
Zayn takes my shot glass away, "When you're sober, we can talk." 
I stumble in the bathroom to wash my face, while I am gone: 
Harry says, "I don't know if this was a good idea.."
"We won't take him home right away." 
"I don't think he should drink..." Zayn says thoughtfully, "Not when Claire is so fragile..." 
Louis kicked the floor, "I thought he could handle himself..." 
"What are we going to do? Where can he go?" Harry asked.
Zayn, thinking out loud says, "We'll just walk him around town..." he lowered his voice, "he isn't that drunk, yet, maybe it will wear off soon.." 
"And if not?" 
"We'll keep him away from Claire," he answers shortly.
In the bathroom, I stare at my reflection in the mirror, and splash some water on my face. I told myself this wouldn't happen. I wasn't going to get wasted the first time Claire trusts me enough to go out alone. I shook my head a few times, and walk back out to Zayn, Louis, and Harry, who had serious looks on their face.
Through the thin veil of blurriness, I say, "I'm ready to go home." 
"Let's go talk first," Louis puts an arm over my shoulder and leads me outside. 
Zayn and Harry walk 10 feet behind us. 
"Are you ready to go home?" Louis asked me. 
"That's what I said," getting irritated. 
"That's what I mean! Can you handle going back there? To Claire?" 
"I'm fine. I can still control myself."
We walk a little longer, and I say, "What I was saying before, about Claire-" 
"Was rude? Uncalled for? Selfish?" he suddenly gets angry. 
"I know,' I close my eyes, "I shouldn't have said that." 
"Well you go that right." 
"Why are you so mad?" I stop walking and stare at him. 
"Because I can not believe you would say that about her! How dare you even think that!" 
My face steams, "It. Was. Wrong. I know that, I didn't mean anything." 
He shakes his head, this was apparently a touchy subject, he hailed a taxi, and we road back to the hotel.
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New Normals Chapter Fifteen Niall's POV When the boys and

11 faves · 2 comments · Dec 11, 2012 6:03pm






LucilleLove2 · 1 decade ago
Love the story!
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hawksfan · 1 decade ago
I like the story!!!
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