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it's those things you didnt think could ever happen to you,
that kill you the most.
it's those things, that break you.
that make you feel so empty inside,
you don't know how you could ever be yourself again.
that make you look at yourself in the mirror,
and be so disgusted with what you see,
so disgusted that you can't even look in the mirror at all.
you blame yourself, because who else is there to blame?
and you're so scared that it'll always be this way.
you'll always hurt.
you'll always be stuck in the constant state,
where you don't really know if you're living,
you just know you're alive.
and you don't know what to do,
because if you move on, then you have to forget,
you have to make yourself believe it never happened.
but it did happen, and you can't just forget.
you can't forget about what you felt, and what you said.
you can't just move on, because then it's over.
and i don't want to admit that it's over.
i don't want it to be over.
i don't want to forget you.
because you were a part of me,
and i loved you so much.
and i only knew you for such a short amount of time,
and then you were gone,
before i even got the chance to show people how much i loved you.
before i even got the chance to feel you move.
before i even got the chance to give you a name.
but you were my baby.
you were mine.
and i already gave you my heart,
and you took it with you when you died,
and now i'm stuck being the only one who remembers you.
the only one who loved you.
the only one who misses you.
and sometimes, at night, i still wake up and rub my belly,
and then i remember that you're not there anymore.
i have to hold onto everything that made you real,
because you were real to me.
people ask me how i could be so upset,
"it was only four weeks." but when i thought about you,
when i looked at my belly,
i had hope.
i had hope that maybe this was life granting me something beautiful.
this was life giving me something to live for.
and now i'm left with nothing.

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it's those things you didnt think could ever happen to you,

21 faves · 1 comments · Nov 13, 2012 9:27pm





break up

wallenbee · 1 decade ago
I commented on your other quote, but I'm sitting here reading this, crying my eyes out. I know how hard it is. I know how much you want to blame yourself, but it's not your fault. These things happen, all the time, and it's so unfortunate but don't ever think it's your fault. Your not blame, no ones to blame, it just happened. And I'm sorry that it did. It's been two months for me and I still lay my hands across my stomach and wonder what it would feel like if I hadn't lost her. It's not easy and you're right, people don't really get it. People tell me that I was only pregnant for 2 months, that's not that long. But they don't understand. That moment you find out you're pregnant, something in you just clicks and you realize you're a mother and that baby inside of you, that's your child. It doesn't matter how many weeks or months you are along. Moving on doesn't have to mean forgetting. Moving on could just mean understanding. I know you don't understand right now, it's been 2 months since it happened to me and I'm still at a complete loss, but I know over time, I'll understand it all. Moving on does not mean forgetting. Because, like you said, your baby is apart of you. Always. You loved your baby and you always will, that will never change. I'm so so sorry that you lost your baby. I'm here if you'd like to talk about any of it. Be strong darling <3
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