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let's pretend it's love
Chapter 18

Going back to London was hard, but soon enough I fell back into my regular routine.
It was weird not seeing the boys everyday after being with them for so long.
I didn't have much to do, and it was a rainy night, so I was just sitting inside of my flat, when my phone rang.
Harry Styles is calling you.
"Hello?" I answered the phone.
"Come outside" He said.
"Harry, it's raining" I sighed.
"Please" He begged.
He sounded serious, so I sighed and agreed. Not bothering to even attempt to look presentable, I went to the ground floor, and stepped outside of my building.
"Zoey" He grinned, hugging me, "You came"
"I did" I said, "What's this about?"
"I have to tell you something" He shouted over the heavy rain beating on the pavement.
"Yeah?" I asked.
"I remember everything" He admitted.
"What?" I asked, confused.
"When I was drunk, and I came to your room in LA" He explained, "I never forgot it"
I thought back to when he told me it meant nothing to him. Why tell me he remembers now?
"And you said it meant nothing to you the next morning" I sighed.
"I thought that's what you wanted to hear" He said honestly.
Was it what I wanted to hear?
"I-" I started, not really sure of what I was going to say.
"Did you feel anything?" He asked.
"Harry.." I trailed off.
His face dropped, and I knew I was going to regret not telling him I felt it.
"It's alright" He said, "You don't have to say anything"
He started walking away, and I shouted after him.
"Harry, wait!"
He spun around and studied me for a minute.
"I'll see you" He said, "And nice hoodie"
I looked down at my chest, which was drowning in Harry's large hoodie.
I sighed to myself, and watched him until I couldn't see him anymore.
He walked here in the pouring rain to tell me he felt something. And I have no idea what to do.
(Author's note- hey guyses! we didn't reach the last goal, sadly:/ i was like c'mon! one more! but we got to 24 not 25. instead of waiting for one more fav, i decided to post anyway cause i went waaay too long without it before and i feel sooo bad! okay darlings, we'll try this goal again- let's get to 25! i love you all x)

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let's pretend it's love Chapter 18 Going back to London

30 faves · 4 comments · Nov 8, 2012 4:01pm






deidj33 · 1 decade ago
please do the next chapter RIGHT NOW!!
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jenniiebearr · 1 decade ago
please please please make them date so close so good ahh
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deidj33 · 1 decade ago
this is absolutely amazing
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avillanueva17 · 1 decade ago
ARRGG!! SO CLOSE!! How could she be so stupid!!! I don't understand it! He was right there and so was she!! It was raining and the mood was amazing I thought you would do the kiss in the rain thing but you kept me hanging!! I love it!! I don't know why! I should be ever so angry with you but you did it in a way that I loved! Thanks, lovely. This story literally made my day!! Thanks, love. Have a great day and enjoy your friday!!
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