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Forgive Me. TWO

"Yes?" I roll my eyes, not wanting to flatter him too much. I walk back to his table, and he points to his already empty coffee cup. I pour him a cup, and his bright eyes look into mine. I feel something, but I shake it off, my boss probably turned up the air system. He giggles a little bit, and stands up. He hands me a napkin, and a small tip.
"It's Radley by the way," He pushes open the door. "Bye." He walks out into the crisp autumn air. I open up the napkin, it has a number, the date, and handwriting saying: Meet me in the park, after you get out of work, we could get to know each other. I smile, and get back to work. After about four hours, my shift is over. I grab a coffee, and get in my car. I drive past the park, and see Radley on a bench, his leg nervously shaking. I park my car on the side of the road, and get out. He sees me instantly, and smiles. He walks over to me,  and hesitates to take my hand.
"Why are you doing this?" I take out a cigarette, after a long craving. I light it, and he walks away. He laughs to himself, and mumbles something I can barely hear. "Why'd you want me here?" 
"You seemed so outgoing, and beautiful. I knew it was too good to be true." He keeps walking away. "Smoking is my biggest turn off... My mom died of lung cancer two weeks ago." 
"Wait, Radley..." I put out my cigarette, and put a piece of gum in my mouth. "I'm so sorry, but please, get to know me. I'd love to get to know you." I  walk closer to him.
"I can't stand smoking," He apologizes. "It just reminds me too much of my mom."
"Weird," I say. "Smoking is the only thing that reminds me of my mom." I sit down on the bench, he comes over, and sits down next to me. 
"I'm so sorry...." He says, his voice sounding so deep, and assuring, it sends chills up my back. I convince myself that it's just the wind. It's too early to 'fall in love'. 

///Author's Note: I'm loving the plot of this story, and I hope you are too! I love all of my readers with all my heart. If I don't post it's because I'm busy, but I'll try to post as much as I can, whenever I can. Comment to be notified.                                                           \\\\
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Forgive Me. TWO "Yes?" I roll my eyes, not wanting

10 faves · 3 comments · Aug 31, 2012 4:05pm






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