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For the love of dance...

Dance is a language and no one takes the time to listen to what we have to say. There is a lot more to dancing then just moving your body, we tell a story, we paint a picture and we show people a side of us that they normally dont see, I walk around with a smile on my face, everyone does, but if you look deep down you can see the differences in the smiles when you see someone perform. When we perform, we speak, we show people that what we do actually means something, even if people dont think it, each dance has a meaning and tells a story



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For the love of dance... Dance is a language and no one takes

11 faves · 5 comments · Aug 8, 2012 11:37pm






xxKeelyBxx · 1 decade ago
to me it doesnt really matter whn you start dancing, its the fact the you love it, so if you really do love it, go for it, because you will enjoy it sooo muchh and step revolution was the movie that inspired me to write this
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ThatsJustLifee · 1 decade ago
I love this quote. I always admired dancers, whether its ballet dancing to hip hop dancing. Everything has a meaning behind, its a way they express themselves. I've seen all of the Step Ups, and they inspire me to dance but i feel like I'm too late so people will say "you have no true passion"..
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xxKeelyBxx · 1 decade ago
its a really hard thing to explain, cus no one really understands the love us dancers have for it and them not being dancers, they cant tell when we perform that its the best feeling in the world to be on the stagee
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KrIsTeN_LoVeS_1D · 1 decade ago
This is exactly what I try to explain to my friends! But they never understand!
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taytayyx3 · 1 decade ago
I lovvve this so much, that's why dance is an art just as much a sport x3
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