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"You don't know you're beautiful! Oh, Oh! That's what makes you beautiful!"

No. That isn't what makes you beautiful.

Your personality.

Your smile.

Your laugh.

Your tan lines.

Your silliness.

Your ideas.

Your voice.

Your courage.

Your beliefs.

Having perfect hair & skin, or being a size 0 doesn't make you beautiful.

Everything that makes you you, is what makes you beautiful.

And no, I'm not getting paid millions of dollars to say this to you.

This is real, from the heart.

I'm saying it because the beautiful girl reading this needs to hear it.

....And, because it is totally, 110% true...



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"You don't know you're beautiful! Oh, Oh! That's

123 faves · 6 comments · Jul 3, 2012 12:23pm






meagenrose · 1 decade ago
Well I am a size 0, I'm just naturally small so thanks for saying that I'm not beautiful
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NMQuotesNMFormat happy witty anniversary! · 1 decade ago
"Having perfect hair & skin, or being a size 0 doesn't make you beautiful." So you're pretty much saying if you ARE a size 0 and have nice hair you aren't pretty?
I hate when people say that. Just because someone IS a size zero doesn't mean their ugly. So honestly, saying "I'm saying it because the beautiful girl reading this needs to hear it." doesn't make sense when you pretty much called people ugly a couple lines before this.
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Musicc99 · 1 decade ago
That made me smile.
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LoveMexXx · 1 decade ago
how does tan lines make a girl beautiful ? -_-
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rissa7373 · 1 decade ago
Amen! Top quote please.♥
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rhythemoflove · 1 decade ago
when i read this it turned my sad glump face into a small hidden smile. thank you

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