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I'm sorry.
But i just can't do this anymore.
i'm gonna end it tonight.
no more keeping my feelings in, no  more crying on the inside.
tonight, we are bleeding outside too.
this way, the ugliness of my soul will match the ugliness of my body.
that's how it's gonna end.
with a razor or a knife
but it's gonna end tonight.
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I'm sorry. But i just can't do this anymore. i'm

26 faves · 38 comments · Jun 6, 2012 5:09pm






grlsmmy* · 1 decade ago
No please don't do it... you helped me so much when I almost did it... If it weren't for you I wouldn't be here today commenting on this... You can't do this... I know that you don't really knowme and I don't really know you but... You helped me through so much when I almost used the knife... so please... I am here for you if you need anything... Please feel free to talk to me...
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flossydossy · 1 decade ago
just please no dont do it...please
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YourBeatifull21 · 1 decade ago
You Have Every Reason To Live A Full Beautiful Life It Doesnt Matter What Nobody Else Thinks Its You Opinion That Matters Talk To Sumone About It Im 11 But Lately Everyone Is Doing It Its Crazy ! Perfect Kids Risking There Lifes caause sumone called them fat or ugly!ino im only a small voice but i hope i helped !
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flossydossy · 1 decade ago
dont do it you might not see it now but you've got so luch to live FOR
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9yeres · 1 decade ago
Don't kill yourself! You have every reason to live, your whole life ahead of you. Stay strong, and if you need someone to talk to just comment on my page I'm always here:)
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dancer938 · 1 decade ago
Dont do it please! Everyone here cares about you! You are beautiful and veryy loved! Dont take your own life, you have so much potential. You are so amazing and we all love you. I know what it feels like, to feel like your not wanted and nobody cares! I cut, but i've stopped! I helped myself and some others and i can help you too. Please talk to me and dont do anything! I love you and so does all of witty.
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tabbykat · 1 decade ago
please please don't you are beautiful you are loved. Life is but i promise you i gets better! this is the worst that it gets and its awful but you're strong and incredible and can get through it < 3
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its_okay_not_to_be_okay · 1 decade ago
please don't kill yourself. talk to me, i care about you and want to see you here.
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DreamingDirectioner · 1 decade ago
There are so many things in this world you haven't even discovered. There are people who die every day not by choice. There are people who need you in their life...please don't take yours away </3
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xxPerfectlyImperfectxx · 1 decade ago
Don't do it please.
I don't even know you,
but I know that you are better than that.
Do not take your life, because there is so much more to come.
We go through good and through bad, but at the end of the day the only things that matters is that we keep going.
Do not give up now
The best is yet to come.
The problem will not be conquered be killing yourself
The only thing you will be doing is letting down your loved ones
And bringing up your enemies.
Do not do it please.
You are loved
Whether you realize it or not
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SweetMelody15 · 1 decade ago
My Dear SheDreamer,
Stop. Think. You are like a sister to me, I can't stand seeing you hurting. But please don't go back to that awful thing. You have made it almost a month now without cutting. I believe in you. I know you are stronger than that blade. Fight it. Fight for me, Emma, all these people who commented on this, but most of all fight for yourself...
~Your SweetMelody15 <3
Call me. We need to talk. ok?
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TuckersGirl · 1 decade ago
Darling, listen t me.
I just revpcently lost one of my best friends ti suicide.
I know I don't know you, but I'd love to take the time to!
Pleas, don't kill yourself.
What if you're destined to cure cancer?
Or you are mention to be the president one day?
Please, love don't kill yourself. I love you and I don't want to see you go
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arenaud · 1 decade ago
I promise. you have so much to live for. so have plenty of time to be dead, but you only have a very short amount of time to live. Dont make it any smaller. You're worth it. Trust me. We care. Stay Strong. Don't do anything that you'll regret. I'm here if you want to talk. You deserve to live your life to the fullest. Talk to someone if you need help, but please please please please dont kill yourself. we all love you
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jessiegirl96 · 1 decade ago
i promise this it isn't worth it some of my friends have felt like life wasn't worth living but now are loving every minute of their lives i PROMISE their's more to life than right now...
stay strong and you'll make it :) <3
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YouLeftMeHereToBleed · 1 decade ago
please don't, you're worth more than this. i've considered suicide so many times, i used to pretty much every day, but i never actually attempted it. and i am so grateful that i didn't do it. it really does get better, and you deserve to see that, no matter what other people say.
you're beautiful whether you like it or not and you always will be :). so smile, it looks good on you.
stay strong, and it will get better, i promise.
if you ever need absolutely anything, comment on my profile, and i'll always reply. we're all here for you < 3
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timraandnicole · 1 decade ago
if you feel like no one wants you here please know, I want you hear, the rest of the girls commenting on this quote want you here, and all of witty wants you here. you are unique and perfect in your own way, we all are. please stay with us. someone out there is going to need you one day. do it for them.
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sophierules · 1 decade ago
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hcbook · 1 decade ago
... no middle finger showing just stait out why hank you :). lol you shouldve seen his face it was like O.o
it was pretty funny
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hcbook · 1 decade ago
im not going to hate. but im not going to pull up any sympathy either, cause right now thats not what u need. but you need to know that i care and that most of witty care, and many people care. dont punish yourself for other peoples doings, punish them. ok? this is what u do, u start taking karade or something like that, and when ou think your ready, you beat the sh*t out of them cause hats what they deserve. or you can somehing a little less violent and smile at them whenever they say somehing mean, for example i was once called a , i smiled at him and said nicely, why thank you Joe, your a jerk. and walked away, nothing sarcastic in my voice, no midd
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olives · 1 decade ago
Please don't! I would be truly sad if you gave up on life or even self harmed. Even if you don't believe me I just want to tell you that you are important you do matter you can have a bright future and things will get better if you just stay strong. I know it seems like you've been strong for too long but if you need someone to talk to I'm here and I'm sure other wittians are too. People do care! And God wouldn't put you on this planet if it wasn't for a purpose so please stay alive so you can find out what that is. You are loved and you are an amazing person and people will truly miss you if you're gone including me even though I don't personally know you.
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