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unpopular opinion:

it actually iritates me when girls (mainly "tumblr/witty girls") who think they're one of a kind  and they're so weird and original and they stay home on saturday nights and they're total "losers" and "nerds" and "AWKWARD" and it's the new cool thing to be very anti-social and be sickly obsessed with a band or tv show but it's really not and just stop. stop seriously though because that kind of behavior DOES make you look weird and that's not very attractive and you should be very social and that doesn't mean just online. dont you want to tell your future kids about your adventures and fun times as a teenager or are you going to tell them about how you spent it all online.  really though it's okay to take a break from the internet sometimes it will always be here. just one weekend get off the computer and do something with other people. 

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unpopular opinion: it actually iritates me when girls (mainly

14 faves · 4 comments · May 7, 2012 9:31pm






audreyann · 1 decade ago
I'm actually so social it's unbelievable
I met you online
and we're friends now
and I'm so popular in skool cuz i have nice hair n ppl love that about meh
all girls FTW
cnt wait till my skool haz boiz so u can come visit meh!!!!!
well not that you cant
but damn i miss you
come bak into mah lyfe!
wow that was the most bipolar comment i've ever written
normal one second, crazy the other
that's so audrey
like that's so raven
but different
cuz i cnt c da future lyke her
i was gifted other ways
like with my hair
you probably hate my guts
i have no idea what i'm saying
peace be with you, kind sir
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completeinhim · 1 decade ago
Well excuse me for having an anxiety disorder. Excuse me for being genuinely afraid of social situations.
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cvnt* · 1 decade ago
I agree to an extent. Like, I think it's dumb for people to think it's "cute" to always be "nerdy" or a "loser" and stay on the internet. But some people literally have no place else to go. I've always been terrible socially. I literally only have friends online. I'm too nervous around people. I didn't start getting engrossed into the internet until about last year or so. People spread awful rumors about me, nobody acknowledges me, and when I try to go out of my comfort zone and try to start talking and rebuilding my confidence again, I'm ignored or shot down. It's just kind of scary. I try to hang out with friends, but a lot of times I'm literally laughed at. Some people are just bad at real life situations. I truly am. I really do try to stay away from the internet and get into the real world, but it's truly difficult for some people. I just get scared. But aside from the internet, I do usually do other things like reading, Just Dance, walking, etc. I do agree that it's dumb to waste your life away on the internet coz you think it's "cool" or "funny." It won't be when you grow up.
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cujo* · 1 decade ago
I absolutely agree with this quote and kclove5's comment, it's never good that they are wasting their lives in a virtual world. Not good for their future, present or past. If they spent their whole childhood/teen-hood on the internet, they will most likely forget how to communicate face-to-face, develop bad eyesight due to strain from electronic screens, and have an aching body from lack of movement. Once they finally step away from a computer, they might even be forever insecure in the literal world.
Although I am on of those people who spend most of their days on the computer, I do have a reason, I have been taking courses online for two years and the internet is the only way I can communicate with my best friend and sister (I got out of school + moved away and my sister moved out). I'm longing to just get a reason to run away from the internet and will when I complete my course in a week (yay!). I have come to the point where as soon as I turn on this laptop, I'd have made a call to ministry of headaches. Feels great knowing I can finally get away soon. Sorry I typed so much, force of habit!
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