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When I was 7 my mom died. Every year for the past 11 years my dad my little sister and me have taken flowers down to her grave on the 21st February for her birthday. It was sort of a tradition that we had done since her death. It started when after moms death my little sister came into my room and said "Timmy, what is mommy thinks we have forgotten about her if we do nothing for her birthday, wouldn't it be honouring her life if we remebered her then." So we had and today was her birthday.

9 days ago my best friend was involved in a head on car crash with another car. He lost his dad and his brother who was my sisters age and was left in a coma. We were all so worried about him and our class made him a get well soon card which we all signed and I went to visit him and his mom in hospital every day. His mom never seemed to stop crying but then I don't blame her, she had just lost her husband and her son and was close to losing another. But yesterday I got a call from her saying that that morning he had woken up. I rushed straight to the hospital but wasn't allowed in to see him as he was still in a critical state and had only just been told the news about his dad and brother and was spending some time alone with his mom. So today after visiting my moms grave and leaving her some beautiful roses and shedding a few tears I went to see my best friend.

When he saw me he looked me in the eye with the most sad look I had ever seen, and he said to me "They must have gone to be with your mom for her birthday, I just know that they wouldn't have wanted her to be alone." Then he bent his head and cryed and in that moment I saw the small vulnerable 7 year old me in him, being told that my mom's heart had just stopped beating and that everyone was so deeply sorry, and I sat next to him and told him I understood his pain. Because I did....... and I would never forget.

Please pray for him


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When I was 7 my mom died. Every year for the past 11 years my

13 faves · 2 comments · Mar 24, 2012 10:07am






Pia · 1 decade ago
i'm crying...that's deep man really deep and emotional...
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gray22 · 1 decade ago
i'm criying, i'll pray sweetie :)
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