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yet another wittian has committed suicide.
r.i.p kissingdaisies.
another innocent girl is dead. she's gone. forever.
no pulse.
no breath.
only a corpse.
she said it was too much to handle. just everything.
i don't get what people gain from making people feel worthless. pure enjoyment from making her hate herself? pure happiness from making her cry? pure pleasure from her pain? no. just no. we all know what it's like to feel worthless, to hate ourselves. so why make someone else kill themselves? it makes you no better than you already were.
suicide is the third leading cause of death for 15-to-24-year-olds.
suicide has been happening more and more these days.
gee, i wonder why.
society can go f*ck itself. and i now that we're all part of society, but i don't want to be a part of it. to society, we have to be a certain way to be accepted, but you know what?
f*ck you.
i'm me and i don't care what society thinks of me.
let me live my life. i don't want to be told everyday that i'm fat or i'm ugly or i'm too smart or i'm a wh*re.
stop making people hate themselves because that's the greatest hate of all.
r.i.p delaney.
we'll see you in heaven when it's our time.


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yet another wittian has committed suicide. r.i.p kissingdaisies.

5 faves · 1 comments · Feb 25, 2012 8:46pm






rachelxox2 · 1 decade ago
I'm very sorry to hear about your friend. And if you need anyone to talk to, I'm here.
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