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14 faves · 7 comments · Jan 1, 1970 12:00am




5678julie · 1 decade ago
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emily1534 · 1 decade ago
taylor you are absolutely BEAUTIFUL. like i once said, thee prettiest girl on witty. inside and out! im here to talk. ♥ dont give up.
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LaughYourHeartOut · 1 decade ago
things do get better though! wait ten years, the people who make you feel bad now might now even matter in the future. don't throw it all away. your still only at the beggining of your life. you could live to be in your seventies or eighties, and be there to expierence so many things. you have sixty more years to go, and I promise you, it will get better.
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emilyrochester · 1 decade ago
no dont! talk to your friends and people on witty, you can always talk to me if you want! just don't end your life, you have so much to look forward to!
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LollaSerbia · 1 decade ago
okay , you have to stop and take a breath cause the easiest thing to do is quit and by doing that you are letting the persons who hurt you win , you're not just ending you're life , you'll end your families and yes I know everyone says it get's better and I know that at some points it doesn't feel like that but I PROMISE you it will and you have so much things to live for , I don't know you but every person you named here needs you to live , so if not for you then for them please keep breathing okay ?
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kelssxo · 1 decade ago
Please don't..
You have so much potential.
You're gorgeous, funny, amazing, nice, sweet, I've seen some videos of you, you have the most contagious laugh and smile. You're absolutely flawless. No i'm not just saying this, I see so many of the posts, and I rarely ever comment, it sounds mean, but I don't, But Taylor, so many people wil be devasted if they realize you're gone. who's going to be the one to find you? your parents? your friends? imagine how that person will feel. please don't do this Taylor, I'll always be here if you need to talk, always, I would stay up until 5 in the morning, just don't do this..
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lexidanielle_xo · 1 decade ago
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