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I was only able to scronge up $3,827.38; that would barely put a dent in the bail amount. I guess this whole thing was pointless. Without stealing there was no way I was going to get $80,000. My mother resented my dad and his stealing; she would never give me the money. It was hopeless, I guess I should just give up. 

Right after I was done counting all of the money I accumulated my phone started to ring. It was Will. "Hey." I said in a love sick voice. "Hey Santana. I haven't seen you in a while. Come over to my house tonight?" he asked. "I'd love to but I really need to find a way to get the money for the bail." I told him. "Trust me, it won't take long. Come over, it will be worth it." Well, I couldn't resist not seeing Will so of course I said, "Okay, see you later."

I was really curious as to why Will needed to see me so badly. I knocked on the door and waited patiently. Nobody came, that was odd. I knocked again but there was no answer. I heard some voices from inside indicating people were home. Maybe they just didn't hear me? Instead of trying to knock again I smiply opened the door and let myself in. "Will?" I called. "In the kitchen." he called back.

I started to walk towards the back of his house to find Will and everyone else there. By everyone else I meant; Tyler, Nick, Sabrina, Lia, Sam, Pablo, Antonio and the rest of us all. "What's going on?" I asked in pure confusion. They all had huge smiles on their faces. "You tell her, Will." Tyler instructed him, pushing him towards me. "Santana," Will started off by saying, "I know how much you want your dad out of jail. And we were all so proud of you for not stealing the money. So, we deicded to pull all of our money together and come up with the money for you." I was in shock at what I had just heard. This must have been some sort of dream because it was too good to be true. I didn't know how to control my emotions so I just started to cry. "All of you? Together?" I asked in shock. Just last week we all hated each other and now they were working together. This really was too good to be true. They all nodded. "It wasn't just us though. We asked a lot of people from the heights that knew and loved your dad to help contribute. Even your mom contributed a huge amout." Sabrina proclaimed. "I can't accept the money." I admitted. They all started to yell at me for wanting to refuse it. "Come on, Santana we worked really hard for it all. Take the money, we all want you too." I continued to cry out of joy. "I just can't believe it." Will gave me a big hug to comfort me. "We're just about $3,000 short." Pablo admitted. Sabrina nudged him in the arm for ruining the moment. "That's perfect, I scronged up just about that amount." I said gleefully.

Will grabbed his keys and started to head for teh door. "Where are you going?" I asked. "To bail out your dad of course!" We all pilled into our cars and drove to the police station. After we payed the bail they let my father out. "Santana, how'd you possibly manage to get that much money?" my dad asked giving me a huge hug. "My frineds helped me out and we managed to get enough." I said to him. Everyone gave me a warm smile; my old friends and my new ones and of course Will. "Thank you all so much, I owe each and everyone of you." he said gratefully. "I'm never going to steal again." he told me. "I guess I should have followed your example and stopped before I got ahead of myself." he joked. "Good." I whispered, still hugging him in total disbelief.


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BadGirlGoneGood 24 I was only able to scronge up $3,827.38; that

173 faves · 8 comments · Jan 3, 2012 4:34pm






unibugsrock · 1 decade ago
YAY! OMG! Over already?!?! Wow. THis was one of your greatest stories... GREAT job :) I think one of your future stories should be a really long one, like Still Waiting for You. Not the murder one though. That one shouldn't be tooooo long, but make it any length you want. The murder stories are usually short and action packed though. ANYWAYS, off to read the FINAL CHAPTER of BadGirlGoneGood. Wow. final chapter! :)
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xxchloethedogxx · 1 decade ago
aww this chapter was soo cute!!
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swfychaps · 1 decade ago
that was a adorable way to solve the problem!!!
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ohmylanta · 1 decade ago
that was sooo cute!!! loved it! i love this story so much! im sad its over:(
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awkwardpenguin · 1 decade ago
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surferchicknpg · 1 decade ago
:) im sooo sad this is gonna be over thoughh! <3 <3 <3
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bieberfever1540 · 1 decade ago
Yay first time I'm first to comment :)
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stillwaitingforyou · 1 decade ago
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