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Quote #4724628

55 faves · 5 comments · Dec 26, 2011 9:28pm






foreverplusoneday · 1 decade ago
You're so much more than that douche! You're not ugly, , or a ! Don't ever let that get to you, he needs help. Tell your friend she's high if she can't see what he's saying to her isn't a joke. DO IT, what you said you wanted to text him up there^♥ He deserves it.
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toriphillipsxoxo · 1 decade ago
you're not ugly, fat, , or . You are one of the most gorgeous girls I know on here. I go through the same thing as you. The people above don't know what they're talking about except for mwittym. I don't think he's kidding.Kidding around doesn't sound like that. That's just extremely rude and obnoxious. You can do something about it.
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LiveLifeLoudly_ · 1 decade ago
"I seem to have received this prank call recently... Know anything about it? Well you should, because I know it was you and I'm fed up with it. You have no reason to treat me like you do and it's silly! I feel sorry for you though, because while I'm living my life, your sitting around bored of your own life doing nothing but calling girls utterly disrespectful things. It's pitiful. Quit being a and wake up and smell the roses bro, your in high school and your acting like a 2 year old." something like that, I have the same problem girl. Stay strong though<3
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mwittym · 1 decade ago
hes probly not worth it. but if he's that rude i'd still try to convince your friend
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loveyou4ever · 1 decade ago
Be like glad to know you don't have anything important in your life so you have to bully others, but sorry for you nothing will hurt me so may as well save your breath.
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