Witty Profiles

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Chapter 8
"Hi." I smiled and sat down with the three girls who had called me over.
I was going to sit with Bentley, but I figured I needed a break from boys for a little.
"I'm Amber." The blonde one bounced oozing smiles.
"This is Jo Ella." She pointed to the brunette one with curls that were to die for.
"And that's Ruby." She said to the other blonde one who was eying a boy across the room.
"Ruby, he's gay." Amber said perky, yet bitchy.  
"No, he made out with me." She corrected. 
"Everyone makes out with you." She said bluntly.
"I know." Ruby chirped. 
"So, where ya from?" Jo Ella asked. 
"I just said that like five minutes ago." I said shyly, I guess they didn't listen.
"Yeah well we had to discuss a major prob, but tell us everything we're all ears." Amber snapped her gum and smiled showing off her pearly whites.
"Maryland." I simply said and took notes on what was on the board.
Ruby snatched my pencil away, "Notes are for nerds." She whispered and gave me a thumbs up.
"Yeah well I need to get into college." I said trying to get it back, but she hid it in her bag.
"No worries, we have them write our notes for us." Amber smiled showing me the group in the front writing a letter a second. 
"Umm, okay." I said awkwardly. 
"We can tell you exactly how this place works." Jo Ella said as she pulled out her blackberry.
"You definitely want to stick with us though, or else you'll be like a total loser." Amber giggled.
"Thanks, I actually already met some friends though." I said quietly.
"Who?" Amber asked irritated.
"Dallas, Tucker, Bentley, Annabelle, and Ollie." I said. 
"Bentley? Like Bentley Adams in the back?" Amber asked interested.
"Uh, yeah." I didn't think there was another Bentley, or maybe there was.
Amber threw her head back and laughed, "Good luck honey, he's my ex-boyfriend. I know his type."
Bentley had never mentioned an ex-girlfriend...
"Ex boyfriends are like, putting a chicken and a hen together." Ruby said and nodded.
"Ruby, chickens and hens do go together." Jo Ella said back.
"Oh." She chimed and continued looking at the boy across the room. 
"Damn it Ruby what did I just tell you!" Amber asked frustrated.
"He's not gay, gosh Amber." Ruby tossed her hair back and waved at the boy, who nervously waved back. "See." She said and stuck her tongue out. 
Suddenly, the bell rang and I gathered my things as quickly as I could so I could escape them.
"Lydia, let us show you around." Amber said sweetly and put a hand on my shoulder.
"Sure." I smiled and followed them out.

I wonder what will happen :P
Eww PSATs tomorrow! Wish me luck so I don't fail.

Next Quote >

Temporary Home Chapter 8 Lydia "Hi." I smiled and sat

39 faves · 6 comments · Oct 14, 2011 2:50pm






xlovedreamerx9 · 1 decade ago
guys, i totally failed. i knew nothing in math because i had algebra last year not geometry. everyone did -____- YAY
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AllieNicoleBieber · 1 decade ago
good luck(:
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gigglegale34 · 1 decade ago
i just took the psats and they suckkk
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audreyann · 1 decade ago
i have psats tomorrow too!!:) good luck girly!
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EmilyJonas · 1 decade ago
i totally love this! & good luck on your psats!:D:D
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HarryPotterr · 1 decade ago
MY NAMES LYDIA! sorry just excited -_-
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