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Chapter 42
(7 Months Later- July)
I peered out the glass windows of Starbuck's, trying to spot two blonde heads.
Where were they? They were already twenty minutes late.
I tapped my fingers against the counter.
Suddenly, the doors opened, and a head of blonde curls appeared.
She scanned her brown eyes around the room, until they met mine.
"Carson?" she smiled, walking up to me.
"Kristina!" I laughed, embracing her into a tight hug.
"Hey! Gosh, I miss you! Sorry I'm late, traffic." she explained.
Kristina has gotten much tanner over the summer, making her look like a true Malibu Barbie.
"It's fine, and I miss you, too!" I gushed.
"So, you got your little bikini? We're going to the beach." Kristina smiled.
"I'm wearing it under." I smiled, pointing to my ruffled, cream tank top.

"Great, let's go now. Tyson's waiting in the car."
I followed Kristina out of Starbuck's, and we walked down the block.
We approached a silver BMW, as Tyson's sandy blonde hair appeared.
"Tyson!" I beamed, as he opened his arms for me.
I leaped into his arms, as he said, "Carson, it's so good to see you."
"I could say the same. I miss living with you, you always drank the milk out of the carton."
He took his finger, and flicked my nose. "Damn right."
We got inside his air conditioned BMW, and started driving.
We headed towards the route to Venice Beach, and parked.
From the parking lot, I could see a good amount of people, but it wasn't as busy as usual.
Kristina wrapped her arms around mine, as we headed for the beach.
I let the hot sand go in between my toes, as my sandals left imprints.
"Brett!" Tyson suddenly called out, waving his arms in the air.
My eyes grew wide, as I glanced over to the man that was waving back, under the umbrella.
From my distance, I could see there was a girl next to him.
Tyson and Kristina didn't tell me Brett was going to be here today!
Those bastards...
I wasn't ready to face Brett, after seven months.
After our little exchange of words, Brett moved out of our dorm.
He went and moved in with Drake on the West side of the dorm buildings.
He never said goodbye.
Kristina tugged my arm, as we became closer and closer to Brett and the girl he was with.
"Hey, man." Brett said to Tyson, doing a weird brotherly hug.
Brett later walked towards Kristina, wrapping her into a friendly hug.
I took in a deep breath, as he let go of her, and slowly came towards me.
From up close, I could tell his hair was wet, which made him look amazing.
"Hi, Carson." he said calmly.
"Uh, I, uh, hi Brett." I stuttered.
He gave me a smile, but they never reached his eyes.
Was he still angry at me?
"Well, guys, this is the girl I've been talking about this whole time." Brett smiled, gesturing towards the girl.
She was beautiful. She had sleek, brown hair, and looked like an exotic mix with Puerto Rican and French.
"Hi guys, I'm Angela. Brett's girlfriend." she smiled, waving at us.
B-Brett's what?


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Roommates Chapter 42 (7 Months Later- July) I peered out the

187 faves · 8 comments · Sep 30, 2011 7:40pm






guitargirl13 · 1 decade ago
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imayellowkangaroo · 1 decade ago
:O NOOOO!!!): (Youre an AMAZING writer! Kepp up the good work!(:)
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x0xanggx0x4 · 1 decade ago
loveeee♥ haha my names angela! :]
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BeOriginal · 1 decade ago
do another story this is amazing
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TheBestEver13 · 1 decade ago
Oooh foshizzle! xD Keep up the great great great work!(:
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EmilyJonas · 1 decade ago
youuur amazinnng!:D
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tiana · 1 decade ago
wowwie i wish i could write like you (: ♥
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maybaby12 · 1 decade ago
amazinngg story(: you're an amazing authourr ! & first comment & favee...yess.♥
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