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I finally met a boy
that makes me smile, that's never made me sad. He makes me laugh,
I never think of you.  Too bad he's so much older than me, and next
year he'll be gone.  Too bad that when I think of him, I'll still think of
 you, too
. I met a boy I'm happy around, and I'm still friends with you.
Too bad that just like you,     he'll never think of me like that. I guess
 it's a good thing he doesn't mean as much to me. This boy is honest,
 he makes me think. He's funny, but serious.     He's funnier than you,
 he's even smarter, I'm sure.     I finally met a boy I like, that isn't you.
 But that's the worst part.      I met a boy, he'll just never be you.

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I finally met a boy that makes me smile, that's never made

29 faves · Sep 18, 2011 2:17pm






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