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 i know most of you arent going to be reading this, but i just wanted to say to anybody who's going through anything right now, that things will get better. this summer i truely realized something about life while on a missiontrip. i wish i could just share with every single one of you what i learned, it was really life changing. but the one true thing that matters is happiness. not if your popular, rich, skinny, have a boyfriend or not. the thing is, do what you want. and to those in hard times, things will get better. i've also been through a lot in my life, and all you need to do is think about the future, the life you can make for your self. those with friend problems, if you ever have doubts about a friend, or a friend who keeps hurting you, dont' keep comming back to them. forgive them, but if they have lost your trust for a real reason then just don't make that mistake again. someday you will find true friends. friends that will be with you no matter what happens, friends who don't care if your popular or not. that friend could be a sibling, someone from your school, even someone from your church. for people who have relationship problems, wether your best friend likes the same boy you do, or if you don't feel like thigns will work out, or even if you just really like this boy, remember how young you are. you have plenty of time to find 'the one' for now, just focus on whats important, and somebody will walk into your life and make you realize why things never worked out. i truely wish i could go on and on, but it only helps if you've seen what i've seen. if you ever want to talk, ill always be here for anybody who needs it. just think about your life, what you can do with it if you work for it. nothing is hopeless, especailly happiness.

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i know most of you arent going to be reading this, but i just

97 faves · 6 comments · Sep 3, 2011 7:13pm






missindependent415 · 1 decade ago
i read your "about you" and decided to check this out. so glad i did :)
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courtney2015 · 1 decade ago
i read ur profile and decided to read ur first quote i love it. iand its so true iv been threw a lot of too but ur right things do get better and i found my one person tht makes your realize why everything makes sence now. shes my everything and i love this quote
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happyfry66 · 1 decade ago
all your quotes are wicked good! i read your info thing which told me to check out your first quote soo i did:D ahah check out mine too? bytheway you're wicked pretty!! im jealous <33
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noelle_knows · 1 decade ago
seriously i wish i read your page earlier, im not even saying this because of my promotion quote more people should meet you. this is my friend Noelles witty which she comes on to express and talk to people like her, but shes always judged.. id love to promote you on my personal witty not noelles!

-kelsey (cheerstar143)
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hobowithasticker · 1 decade ago
You are amazing..and really pretty...if more people were like you in this world it wouldn't be such a sad place, keep being awesome! I am only 13 but you sound like someone i would be best friends with(: <3 ya(:
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KaTi3Gx3 · 1 decade ago
I seriously love this. c:
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