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August 16

that's the day my grandfather past away.

He was a great man. He fought in WWII, was a firefighter, got his degree in teaching while being a firefighter, and then became a teacher. He made a difference to everyone he knew. He always had an open door and everyone was invited in for coffee and conversation.

In 1948, he married my grandmother. She was Italian and Catholic, while he wasn't either of those things. Her father refused to give her away, and stated "This marriage won't last a week!"

63 years later, on August 20, she stood in front of her husbands' coffin and said "Through sickness and health, till death do we part, you will always be my husband"

 R. I. P  ♥ 



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August 16 that's the day my grandfather past away. He was

10 faves · 1 comments · Aug 21, 2011 1:30am






sammylovesyouu · 1 decade ago
god bless your family and what you're going through <3
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