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heyy , i'm an ugly quote. you probably won't favorite me, or even read me, because i don't even look pretty. you'll think i'm by some new Wittier who doesn't understand layouts, even though the person who made me has been on Witty since August of '10 and she fully understands HTMLs. you'll probably skip right past this quote right now. that's just because i don't have pretty colors or fades or shadows? right. but maybe i have a good meaning. maybe you shouldn't pass by this quote. See, girls on Witty say they're against judging, but I don't think so. See, Witty's like high schooll.. the pretty ones get noticed &everyone loves them, and thhe ugly ones get passed right by &noone gives them a second glance. So next time you see an ugly quote, stop. Stop and read it. because you never know what hidden message it might send.. Maybe it's someone calling for help, trapped inside their own mind. Maybe it's something hilarious that will make you laugh &bring you out of your bad mood. Or maybe it's a quote like this, trying to teach you an important lesson. ♥

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heyy , i'm an ugly quote. you probably won't favorite

110 faves · Jun 5, 2011 10:01am






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