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You know that you're really ugly when
even Donkey screams at the sight of your face.

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You know that you're really ugly when even Donkey screams

9 faves · 4 comments · May 18, 2011 4:58pm






f_o_r_g_i_v_e · 1 decade ago
haha yeah donkey is awesome no not being mean, just referencing to the fact that donkey doesn't even seem slightly bothered by shrek's looks so saying if you are even less attractive than an ogre, which is impossible, that's only when you have to worry lol.

not that there's anything wrong with shrek, he has a handsome grin =]
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jackieBOWLERevans · 1 decade ago
ok. i was just saying cuz for some reason alot of girls on here r starting to be mean ?? for some reason im just trying to get everything chill again. and i love donkey =) lol
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f_o_r_g_i_v_e · 1 decade ago
lol no it's not, it's fictional... donkey doesn't even exist, so it'd never happen therefore nobody would ever be called ugly, therefore it isn't mean. But if you see things in a weird way sure, by all means. :)
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jackieBOWLERevans · 1 decade ago
just wondering why you would put this on witty. why would u say someones ugly. THIS SITES NOT ABOUT THAT its about the oppisite of that. this is relaly mean.?
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