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Never Say Never. part 1.

June 22nd, Justin

I woke up the next morning to the sound of my alarm clock going off. I rolled over and moaned. I swung my arm towards my night desk and blindly searched for my alarm clock. My hand managed to collide with the snooze button, shutting the damn thing up.. I rolled over onto my back and rubbed my eyes, followed by slowly opening them to the bright sunlight streaming through the windows around my room. I sat up and stretched out my arms. I flung my legs off of the bed and stood up, losing my balance and falling miserably. I attempted to stand up once again, with much better luck. I flipped my hair and smoothed it back with my hand. I walked over to my balcony doors and opened them, filling my room with the sweet smell of the ocean just below. I trudged out onto the balcony and yawned. I looked out over the balcony and smiled to myself, finally the tour will be starting soon..


So incase you were confused, two weeks have gone by. Yea.. Nothing has really changed. Lots of dance rehearsals, singing practices, surfing,, pizza, and hanging out with my boys and their girls. Unlike me, who doesn't necessarily have a "girl". Me and Kellyn have been getting extremely close, like insanely close, but it almost seems like we were meant to be nothing more than friends.. too bad.. She made me so happy, and being around her always put me in a better mood. Sam and Ryan are going stronger than ever, just wait till the tour starts.. Alex and Chaz are one of those "Awe! Look how cute they are together!" kind of couples, if yah know what I mean? I guess it was fun to be around them, but being around all these 'couples' just made me want Kellyn even more..


I came back in from my balcony and turned on my stereo. Give Me Everything started playing, guess that's okay.. I turned it up a bit more and walked into the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror and frowned. My hair was a wreck.. (haha). I decided to climb in the shower and freshen up, before yet another day spent in the dance stupid..


June 22nd, Kellyn

I woke up to "Never Say Never" by Justin. He would change my alarm to that.. I rolled over and stretched before turning it off. I honestly didn't mind the song anyway.. I whacked my alarm clock, shutting it off. I stood up and stretched out my legs. Damn were they sore.. all these practices were starting to get to me.. but the tour starts soon anyway! I opened up my balcony doors and smiled. The heat from the sun felt amazing against my already extremely tan skin. I walked out onto the balcony and smiled. God I hope it's gonna be a good day.. Me and Justin have been getting pretty close, but yet he hasn't even asked me out yet.. odd? Especially considering it's obvious we both like each other.. what ever.. Everyone else seems to be doing well with their 'partner'.. except me of course.. It's so frustrating! Ugh.. anyway I decided to hop into the shower before heading off to yet another last minute dance rehearsal before the tour officially started.. which is like 2 days.. fun..

first part of the sequel!! yeah!! let me know what yah think.. sorry if it's a bit boring.. :( It's gonna get better though! :]

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Never Say Never. part 1. June 22nd, Justin I woke up the next

19 faves · 4 comments · May 6, 2011 8:28pm






jssx623 · 1 decade ago
yeah can kellyn & justin go out already?!
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Bieberluver0 · 1 decade ago
excited make kellyn and jb become bf and gf
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LivyLuvz · 1 decade ago
this is cool (;

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xoxshanxox · 1 decade ago
aah i'm excited for more (:
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