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I'm taking → a survey. If you support gay marriage;

762 faves · 90 comments · Feb 19, 2011 6:23pm






TheGreatEscapex3 · 1 decade ago
My uncles gay and he's proud
I hate it when someone is like
"its agenst the bible" so its against god to be a decent human being and not judge others?

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lovehurts88 · 1 decade ago
Soo You Probably Wont Read This BUT...@ All You Fricken Haters All Of You It Is People Like You And Your Stupid Beliefs That My Brother Killed Him Self!!! Okay, He Went To Church Everytime He Had A Chance And Was A PROUD Gay Person And His Church Freaking LOVED Him!! Soo To All Of You Who Blame GOD For Your Ignorance You Really Need To Put On A New Front Or Get The Hell Over Yourself!! Yesterday Was The Anniversary Of Him Passing And You Wanna Know What If It Was For You People He Would Still Be Here Without A Doubt!! So Next Time You Ignorant Wanna Hate Make Sure What You Say Is Worth Someones Life Holes!!! Srry If Thats A Little To Blunt But Oh Well. :'( R. I. P. David Leisure. :'(
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_bexmyxescape · 1 decade ago
can i just say, it's a little late, but the reason the writers of the Bible told us not to participate in homosexuality was because AT THAT TIME it was looked down upon. many people were "experimenting" homosexuality in ancient Greece, Rome, and other places as well, and in Jerusalem, they didn't view this the same. Look how far we've come, though. people change. times change. we move forward. I think it's wrong to quote God and the Bible in quotes because I believe in God too, but I don't believe in the same things you do, obviously, since i support gay marriage. So let's stop with the Bible references (:
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JustAnOrdinaryGirl · 1 decade ago
To the Christian commenters, how the hell do you know that Jesus wasn't gay himself? The Bible wasn't even written by him. God is supposed to love everyone, including men, so technically he's gay himself. Ever thought about it that way? God doesn't seem like a very nice person to me if he neglects people just because they fall in love with somebody of the same . Gay people are still human, therefore they deserve to be treated like everyone else. @BeautifulMonsterrr said that our population could decrease if we accept gays. So what - we just treat them like crap and refuse to let them be who they truly are? How can people be so self centered? It makes me sick! You love what you love, whether that be a man, a woman or a fricking elephant. Nobody else should be able to intefere. And think about it this way - what if your best friend told you she was lesbian. You'd just abandon her? I'm sure you'd think differently if something like that happened, and to be honest I really hope that one of your children turns out to be gay, and then you have to choose whether to accept it or disown your own child. Think about that for a while.
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CookieMonster1994 · 1 decade ago
listen you guys. i know most of the witty people wont take the time to read this. but they should. first off to whom ever posted this... congrats to you! second to whome ever is "religious" i have a few questions. 1) did you pick your religion or did your parents cause you should have. 2) can you show me where in the bible it says god hates gays???? cause ive read that bible cover to cover and it nevers says half the crap your religious people claim it does. thats all im sayin. i have some amazing gay friends both guy and girl.
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ihatemylife · 1 decade ago
Okay dokie, May I just say this? Not everybody believes in "God" I used to be Christian but I dont believe he even exists. But my point is, if this "God" hates gays, why did he make us? "He" made all of us right? So why should it matter? Why does everybody state thats from the bible? What about other religions? What about the Aethiests? What about those of us who don't have a clue about faiths. This quote is no longer about supporting gay marriage or not, but what we think the "bible" says. You know what people, fine- think what you want. But its not going to change gays and lesbians along with bisexuals and transgenders. Okay? Get over it. There are so many kids who HIDE who they are, make fun of people who are just like THEM because they feel discredited to support. I'm a lesbian, does that mean I'm going to "hell"? I don't believe in "God" so where am I going? Tell me. Tell me straight up why everybody has to add the "God" theory. Tell me why everybody has to be so fvcking naive and hurt other people. I may be 16 but I've known who I was since I was 9. I hid and stayed quiet for too long. My own fuckingg mom wants to put me at a christian school to "get the gay" out of me. She thinks its a faze. It's not. We don't chose our destiny's. And, whoever said something about "google 'gay gene'" you're so childish. There are so many non-gay sites that you will never get the right facts. Go to a support group, go to the government. Get your facts straight. And, love- love is a chemical in the body thats released. If you're a guy/gay then that chemical is only released to another man. If your a girl and a lesbian, you only fall for girls. Its a chemical, not a choice. You don't know how many days I cry because I'm not "normal" and can't be the kid my mom wants me to be. Okay? You think us "gay" people have an o-so-easy life? Try getting beat up everyday of your life, until you get so scared you just don't go to school. Try being tormented by your own brother for years. Try being me for a day. Look through a different perspective. It's not our choice. Again- I would give anything to like the next boy who showed up at my doorstep- But I can't. I will never feel the way you straights feel about guys. I just can't. It's not in me to. I lied for so many years to myself about liking guys, that I was crazy, that there was something wrong with me because the girls looked hot and guys -not. I thought I was crazy. But I finally admitted it to myself and I'm free from the pain. But you guys just don't get it. You don't understand what everyday is to an LGBT.
I want to marry my fiance one day. I've been with her for 2 years now. We want to start a family too. Am I wrong to do that?
Think about the world through a different mirror. Stop being ignorant thinking that everybody who isnt straight is going to hell. Be real. We have to hide everyday that we're not out of the "closet" because we're afraid of being ourselves.
10000% Gay Marriage
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LiiFESABiiTCHx · 1 decade ago
Listen to yourselves.:P
Now, I'm not completely positive, correct me if I'm wrong (nicely, please) but isn't it also a sin to curse? And half of the effing posts on here have curses in them. I don't think it's a sin, personally, but people do. And, they shouldn't get married because they can't reproduce? Dude. What about women who are infertile? Like my cousin. Do infertile women not deserve to be married because they can't reproduce? No. Like, kay, you're against it. Kcool. But, don't go around saying it's because they "can't reproduce", cause you wouldn't be saying that crap if YOU were infertile or gay. And, people have come up with procedures to let same- couples to have children. Jusssayin.
I'm honestly all for it, like yeah. LET LOVE PREVEIL! (<--I think that's the right word? xD) But, yeah. You're against it? Cool. Not my business to change your mind.
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MaddiexLove · 1 decade ago
Okay, So I'm just posting. But I support gay marriages i know it says to commnt if ur against but I'd like to add something. If the u.s. is suppose to be about freedom and everything, why are there so many laws keeping you from your loved one? You can't help who you fall in love with. and u cant make ur self not like them. Thats just my opinion. and for all you who supports gays thats ur opinion to..
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firepoptart321 · 1 decade ago
for those people who keep saying that "witty isnt supposed to be like this". WTF? No, lets just act like issues like this dont exist in the real world. This is a very good way to debate topics important in the world today. We can express our opinions, stand for what we believe in, because one day you're gonna have to do it when its our generations in charge of the world we live in. So thank you to the creator of this quote, its genious, and truly inspiring!
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ii_L0V3_you_x3 · 1 decade ago
my uncles gay. hes happily in love with his husbandd. they live in a huge house & theyre happier then any straight couple ive ever seen. him & his husband are the funniest & SWEETEST people ever. it makes me want to cy seeing people hate on them. fuckk haters. love is love. gender doesnt matter. <3
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livin_4the_MoMeNt · 1 decade ago
the fact that the favorites are 10 times more than the comments is awesome
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vrwood · 1 decade ago
The fact is there is no sense in arguing about it. Eventually everyone will see who is right. And it won't be people who clicked the heart.
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meg33xo · 1 decade ago
sarabearrx3, katybugg and fieldhockey20, i agree you!
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meg33xo · 1 decade ago
*quote has
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meg33xo · 1 decade ago
guys please, stop all this hate towards the gays and each other, witty isnt supposed to be like this, this quotes had caused alot of chaos and i think it should all stop
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ohhshanappp · 1 decade ago
@kaytbugg , agreeeed. and hahaahahh @gators909 , and @rubyredox132, god doesn't control everything. he gave us free will, remember?
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clayfreak08 · 1 decade ago
clarifying myself-
not to be a here, or sorry for being one, i'm just sticking up for gays. in the beginning of the comments, someone said that gays can "control their desires". likes make themselves straight? we cant CONTROL our desires. that's like choosing who you fall in love with. you dont, it just happens.
also, the who said that gay people are faking it cause they just want attention, hahaha, i could punch you. you're free to say you don't support it, but saying something like that is judgemental, rude, and completely uncalled for. gays are honestly some of the nicest people i have EVER met. has a gay ever made fun of you or judged you for being straight? i'll bet they haven't. you have no right to say that they just want attention, because its just not true. my jaw literally dropped when i read your comment. i didn't think people that stupid still existed. oh well.
also, people worried about religion, did you know that in the bible, in the same section that it says that gay marriage is prohibited (leviticus), it also prohibits round haircuts, tattoos, wearing garments of mixed fabrics, eating pork, getting your fortune told, and even playing with the skin of animals? (there goes football!)
bottom line, i believe in morality, which is doing what is right regardless of what i am told. unlike religion, which is doing what i am told regardless of what is right. everyone is welcome to their own interpretation of the Bible and of politics, but i need more than the fact that 'God says so' to justify certain things in this world and certainly to judge them.
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princesspamelaa · 1 decade ago
Comment (;
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movies4life · 1 decade ago
That is so uncalled for. I'm not for it too but gays are just like everyone eles @Miki
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cvnt* · 1 decade ago
This is getting seriously ridiculous. You people are saying that this site is here to talk about not being judged, etc, and you're expressing your opinion by saying shut the up if you don't support gay marriages, it's messed up. If you're allowed to express your opinion, why can't people who don't agree with it express their opinion with out getting attacked? This is why people don't use their voice anymore. People attack if they don't have the "right" opinion. It's terrible. Someone said basically that these girls are whores etc coz they don't agree. Why are you acting like that? Can't we respect each others opinions and move on? And can't we stop posting stuff like this on here? Look at what it causes! Gracious people!
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