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+& it bugme
When people say:

"My life sucks"
no, i'm pretty sure it doesnt... you have
a closet full of brand name clothing, a cell phone,
a laptop, a great opportunity to get a good education...
i mean really ? what more do you want ? do you know how
many people wish they had had a life half as great as yours is.

"I hate my parents !" 
you mean the people who feed you ,
clothe you , care for you , and love you ? the
ones who always try their best to do everything they 
can to help you...? you hate them because they won't let you 
go to a party, because they just want you be to safe...? 

"I'm starving !" 
uhmm... no honey you are not. 
you just had 3 slices of pizza, and large 
fries about two hours ago... you wanna know 
what starving is..? it's the children in Africa, who
haven't eaten in days... now THAT is starving.

i mean i know sometimes i say these too...
but i think that we just have life so
easy . and we very
appreciate things. we think that nothing is ever good
enough , and a lot of the times we dont
realize that some people
have life so much
harder than we do , and they don't complain half of
the amount we do... 
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+& it bugs me When people say: "My life sucks"

315 faves · 14 comments · Feb 10, 2011 5:30pm






shaaanie · 1 decade ago
This quote is obviously for those who have so much more than others and still complain. I understand some people have it worse, but I know some people who go like "OH MY LIFE SUCKS" just because their favorite sports team lost. lmao.
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kandykyra · 1 decade ago
rely??? i hate my parentes----they abuse me my life sucks----im depressed Im starving---i wnt to drown out my pain with food---everything is not what it seems
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Xobri96Xo · 1 decade ago
"I’m sick and tired of seeing all these quotes about how “when you think your life sucks, look at how bad African kids have it” or whatever the it is. All these quotes about caring about animal abuse. The quotes you post about the horrible state of the world in terms of Africa, natural disasters, etc.
I’m sick and tired of it because the only reason you post it or like it is to make yourself feel better about it. About doing absolutely, positively, nothing. Tell yourself it helps raise awareness, keep telling yourself it helps on a website of a handful of teenagers. You only do it to make yourself feel better. Not the kids who need our help, not the people we say we care so much about.
Get up, get out, and fuucking do something to actually help if you care as much as you say. Stop lying to yourself. Stop pretending that posts makes the worlds problems just go away. Get up, get out, and do something. If you care as much as you say, act like it and do to help."

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xoxo_ellen · 1 decade ago
lol i always say im starving, now im second guessing what i say cuz we had hollocaust day at school and we couldnt eat all day. its rele sad
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xI_Dani_Ix · 1 decade ago
I agree so muchh on everything because my best friend is constantly saying her life sucks when really there are people worse off. Because she does have all those things her parents have good jobs? When she says it I just want to reach over and slap her so basically I love you for making this :D
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yourcool · 1 decade ago
so, i absolutely love you for writing this.
i always felt like i was the only one who felt this way.
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livelifetothefullestx3 · 1 decade ago
Yuup. As Soon as i read this I went over to hug my mom. <3 it moved me that much.
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xoGAMERCHICKx3 · 1 decade ago
X0xoancX0xo said it allllll.
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sharpie76 · 1 decade ago
yah, i understand you mean well, but at the same time, people CAN hate their life or parents because you dont know whats going on with them. theyre parents could beat them, they could be suicidal, depresssed, etc. just pointing it out, but i know you didnt mean it like that! :) <3
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X0xonancX0xo · 1 decade ago
You know what bugs ME? how you're judging on just what people say and you most likely hve NO idea what's actually going on in their life.
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liljjx0 · 1 decade ago
I absolutely hate when people say my life sucks when so many people have it so much worse than them.
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laurabear145 · 1 decade ago
i have never said i hate my parents or my life ......
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YesterdaysFeelingsx3 · 1 decade ago
others have it so much worse.
be happy for what you've got.
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babyxbluexeyes · 1 decade ago
I get what you're trying to say but I don't agree with the my life sucks one. You can have everything in the world and still be miserable. Money doesn't buy happiness. Trust me, I've witnessed it.
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