Witty Profiles

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addicted to the bad ones
part 62

"I have to go back home." I started walking towards the door.
"You are home." Brandon smiled, grabbing my arm and pulling my body close to his.
"No. I need to go back to Delaware."
Just by looking in Brandon's eyes you could tell his heart sunk into his stomach.
"What are you talking about?" He whispered.
"I need to go back. I'm sorry."
I walked away from him and out of the skate shop. As I heard my feet hit the concrete sidewalk, tears were starting to fall. Every step I took was a step back to unhappiness. A step back to wishing I lived here. A step back to pretending I was happy with the life I live.
I felt someone grab my hand and tug me back. I turned around and saw Brandon. He looked too upset to speak.
"I'm not letting you leave. Not again. Please stay, Hazel. I'll do anything." He said through all the pain he was feeling.
I rested my arms on his shoulders and placed my hands on the back of his head. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him.
"I'll think of something. I promise." I said.
He kissed me, and kept kissing me. Neither one of us pulled away. I didn't want to. As soon as I did, I'd probably start thinking about how I might not see him again.
Later on that night, Johnny, Chris, Jess, and I were all sitting in the apartment. We were watching a movie when my cell phone started to ring. It was my grandma's house number.
"Hello?" I answered nervously.
"Hazel, it's Trever."
I sighed with relief. "Hey Trever. How are things in Delaware?"
"It's fine except for Grandma flipping out." He was whispering.
"Why is grandma flipping out? And why are you whispering?"
"Grandma and Grandpa are sleeping. And Grandma is so mad that you left without telling her. I'd be careful when you come home. And make sure you have a story planned out to explain everything."
"I will. And hopefully I'll be home by tomorrow. Goodnight."
"Goodnight Hazel."
I shut the phone and ran my fingers through my hair. I was so stressed out.
"Was that little Trever?" Chris asked.
"Yeah. He's not so little anymore. He's about ten years old."
"Wow that's crazy. I miss that kid. I need to see him soon."
I turned my attention back to the movie, trying to get things out of my mind. It wasn't working. But at that moment I thought of a plan that just might make everyone.
"Give me that!" I ripped the laptop from Johnny's hands.
"You could've just asked." He said in a rude tone.
"I need a plane ticket. Tonight. And a ride to the airport."

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addicted to the bad ones part 62 "I have to go back home."

15 faves · 1 comments · Sep 9, 2010 6:56pm






hcoCutiex3 · 1 decade ago
k. so you need to write moooore often(: I'm literally addicted to this story. ik you are busy but please please please pleeeeeeaase get on & write more often. :) haha. thankk yaa.
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