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Love  is l ike  finding  sea shells 
 you see the one you want, and you know you will go to any lengths to reach it
you reach into the water, hopeful and expectant, when all the sudden a wave washes it away
its gone, right before your very eyes
but then there it is again
you reach for it, and as if by accident, it falls right into place
when its in your grasp, its more beautiful than you could ever have imagined
but just like that, its gone
dropped into the never ending water, washed away by a wave
you're disappointed, but soon forget about it
later that night, you remember the seashell you never ran after
the one you just let slip away
and although you move past it...
it will always be there, hidden in the back of your mind

just like the one true love you'll never let go of

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Love is l ike finding sea shells you see the one you want, and

19 faves · Aug 7, 2010 4:55pm






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