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You girls need to realize
That when you’re 14, 15, 16 years old, you’re
NOT going to get you’re “happy ending”
You’re going to have plenty of boys break your heart.
Because   face   it –
Boys don’t start really caring about our feelings
Until much later in life.
So  quit  drowning  out  the  world  with
Stupid Taylor Swift songs about heartbreak
And face the beautiful reality
That one day, probably further
Down the road, that your happy ending will come.
I guarantee it.        ♥ 
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You girls need to realize That when you’re 14, 15, 16 years

164 faves · 14 comments · Aug 6, 2010 1:54pm






GanzypooForeverXO · 1 decade ago
I disagree. my parents met&started going out when they were 14, still happily married... I guess you're still right. 14 years old shouldn't expect a happy ending; for my parents, there won't be an ending<3
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Youcantkillmedudeimlikealreadydead · 1 decade ago
Look at all these girls denying that this is true, when obviously it is. You're hynotized by a bunch of lovestruck lies. It's the movies and songs that do it. Cause in my opinion it's all crap. But,
I agree with this 110%. Yea sure maybe a couple of teenage relationships will work out but not always. And yea, there is more to life then ONE guy. And no one gets a happy ending. Unless you find dying happy. But I think this is the BEST quote on this website.
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_authorized · 1 decade ago
About people getting worked up over the boys don't really start caring, that is the truth. It's not always their fault, it's something called hormones, and puberty. Since boys are still going through puberty until they're 17, or 18.

Girls need to stop believing love is what they see in the movies, or hear in songs. It's nothing like that, that doesn't mean there's no happy endings, but nothing is ever like the movies. In fact, you should all be blaming the media, and hollywood, for this generations twisted perception on love, and relationships, and being a teenager, not believing it and trying to be like that.

okay I'm done ranting, hahaha.
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DanceChica33 · 1 decade ago
dont give up hope , everyone gets there happy ending. dont say they wont </3
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SuckerForLove · 1 decade ago
Aaaaaaaaaand, Taylor Swift's songs are NOT stupid! Kay, I'm done commenting on this quote now, bye.
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SuckerForLove · 1 decade ago
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SuckerForLove · 1 decade ago
I disagree with this quote. I think crushing on boys is a fun part of life. And umm, how old are you? cuz I'm sure you know all about this...
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annaa438 · 1 decade ago
i agree with dreamerchick7.
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dreamerchick7 · 1 decade ago
nope, not really :p
i'd have to say this quote is very limited. why can't teenage girls dream? sure they shouldn't let one boy ruin their life; but let them blast their taylor swift. let them eat ice cream from the carton. and let them cry on their bestfriend's shoulder. because they're going to be alright, just like everyone will be. let the girls dream.♥
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ximxalwaysxhere4youx · 1 decade ago
Seriously? Not true. My sister's getting married MARRIED to her boyfriend. She just graduated early from college (he's a year older) And they've been dating since she was a freshman. They NEVER once fought (and I would know, me and my sister are close) and never broke up or even those stupid breakups that only last for a day. Not once. They're soulmates. So shut up, let them live how THEY want to live, let them pour their heart and soul out on witty, to bestfriends, or by crying to a Taylor Swift song (although I personally hate her music). They might have loved the boy, how can you know? It's how she feels, not how you feel.

This was dedicated to alone and to trmxx16.
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styleweird · 1 decade ago
And you know this all... how?
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trmxx16 · 1 decade ago
THANK YOU!!! thats what ive been telling all my friends. we are in middle school and they are like "ooo i loved him!" no you didnt! he was just a stupid boy who just wanted you for action. its the sad fact of life when you are in middle school. i am waiting till i am like a junior/senior to have a real serious commited relationship with a guy who actually loves me
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geekyguardgirl · 1 decade ago
"Boys don’t start really caring about our feelings/ Until much later in life."
this statement is not always true. there are some good guys out there, some guys who really do care and love with all their hearts, even at 14, 16, 18 years old. there's no age limit on love.
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chrushlikelove · 1 decade ago
you wanna know something? i went camping last summer, and the people next to us started dating when they were in the 6th grade. that is 11 or 12 year-olds. They were happily married at 40-something with 2 teenage kids. So you cant really "guarantee it" because i have legit seen proof. thank,s now, btw, you have inspired me to make my memory a quote.
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