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i am flat chested.
I am always afraid that people are making fun of me for it, especially boys. Nobody notices that I feel like this, but when they talk about boobs or anything like that, I feel like crying. There was a girl last year who is very popular who make fun of my chest in front of everyone, even boys. I cried myself to sleep every night and felt many times like cutting myself, but I did not have the guts. My friends talk about bras and stuff around me and it makes me very sad. It is hard to find a bathing suit that will make me look flattering because my sternum sticks out very much from my chest, making my boobs look even smaller. It is also hard to find a dress for my chorus concerts and shirts to look good in. I have currently taken the pads out of one bating suit my mother got me, and wear them in my cami to make me look like I have something there. I feel like I am living a lie,but what else can I do,
I'm 14 years old.
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i am flat chested. I am always afraid that people are making

196 faves · 76 comments · Jun 7, 2010 7:56pm






DesiraeGeeOrtega · 1 decade ago
Trut me sometimes I wanna be flat chested I am 14 too and I want breast reduction but can't afford it people always talk about my boob and I hate it that's like the thing they always say when they see me walking by or something it sucks I'm good in sport but it hurts too run and yeah and I'm not conceded but I'm pretty and people like me but I feel it's just is of my boobs and sometimes I look fat because of them so I'd rather be flat chested then Wht I am now . . An I just barely turned 14
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shopperchick33 · 1 decade ago
i took the pads out of a shirt and wear them all the time :/ my friends all make fun of me no matter how much i tell them to stop. all my friends have huge boobs. i know how you feel!
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mc123laugh · 1 decade ago
i amm tooo. well kinda. and it sucks. i get made fun of ALOTT. espcially from this one guy in my grade. but ive learned not to care. it doesnt matter. i have a boyfriend who loves me for who i am, and he never makes my feel bad about myself. hes the type of person you want to be around. my friends make fun of me too. but its ok. just know youre not alone. im 13, and barely even a 34A. dont get yourself down honey. its all gonna turn out ok:)
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SuicideSummer · 1 decade ago
i'm not pancake flat but i totally get where you're coming fromm, and i say why not stuff if you're that insecure. you can also like get a mini bra at like justice or somethin. it's not even an a but it adds a little umph.
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Lovin_Lana · 1 decade ago
hey(: im not completely flat but i kinda am.i get where youre coming from.but it's all gonna be okay(: no worries just try and love yourself the way you are(i know its hard) but you can do it(:
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Minnie0929 · 1 decade ago
the size of your chest doesn't determine the size of your heart. don't rush it; because if someone likes your for your chest, then there's no relationship there anyway.
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KSDavis · 1 decade ago
dnt be upset anout how you look. no one should have the power to change u and u shouuldnt change yourself. be happy about who u r. just simply be urself!
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CMPSunday · 1 decade ago
one has over 700 :)
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secretsunspoken__x · 1 decade ago
wow. 70 comments :D
thats the most ive EVER seen!
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CMPSunday · 1 decade ago
I know you probably wont say, but who gave you this quote idea? ?
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xbabykay97 · 1 decade ago
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maydayparade3996 · 1 decade ago
Im flat too haha like COMPLETELY FLAT! i use bathing suit pads too hahahaha. and think of it this way: the earlier you get boobs, the earlier theyll start saggin! so ull actually have boobs when ur older while that other girl, she'll have them until shes about 30. so go ahead and shuv it in her face next time. Im still not over it and im self concious about it too so ur not alone. i guess itll take time for us both .
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StartAllOver · 1 decade ago
hey girl, I had that problem too. now im 16 and I just got my period and its all good. you got time, dont worry about it. and those girls are just pointing out your flaws because they want to cover up theirs. you are so much better than that.
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XOilovefriendsXO · 1 decade ago
you girls are just so sweet!
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carrrlyx · 1 decade ago
some people are naturally less large in the chest because of genetics or other reasons, you're just gonna have to wait a bit till they grow:) but girl. i have the curliest hair you can imagine. guys give me crap about it. i used to care but now i just brush it off because they're seriously not good enough for either of us. finally, i met a sweet guy. he tells me all of his problems. AND he told me he doesn't care about boobs; only jerks do. sweetie, the right guy is out there somewhere. stay strong:) <3
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fruitcup · 1 decade ago
hey don't worry about it i have a bunch of friends who have flat chests and they are just as good as everyone else!
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sexiichikk428 · 1 decade ago
doll, dont worry about it, bc im flat chested & all the guys talk to me & not this chikk in my grade bc she has boobs. they think she stuffs! so now would yu rather be flatt chested or have guys [& girls] think yu stuff ? dont worry about it, trust me yu have along time ahead of yu(:

im 15!
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so_iloveyouu · 1 decade ago
dont worry about it. my friend said shed rather be like that because guys only go to her cuz of that.
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Live_Laugh_Love1324 · 1 decade ago
Don't worry boutit! My friends 14 and she has pretty much no boobs. And we tease her and stuff but then she just picks on us back like i have smaller boobs and so she'll just say that mine arent much bigger and my other friends have bigger boobs and she just picks on them and like once we went bra shopping and me and her tried on really big bras and decided we looked better with smaller ones! haha ;)
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carmenxo · 1 decade ago
then just wear a padded bra. dont worry they will grow, your still young.
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