Witty Profiles

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  1. forever611 forever611
    posted a quote
    January 17, 2012 9:23pm UTC
    Whoever broke
    Adele's heart
    made her rich

  2. erikaajaguarr96 erikaajaguarr96
    posted a quote
    January 17, 2012 10:19pm UTC
    I'd rather him hit me
    than dump me,
    because my arm heals
    faster than my heart
    [::[ ]::]

  3. BlackButterflies BlackButterflies
    posted a quote
    January 18, 2012 2:39pm UTC
    If it still hurts to think about,
    then you still care.

  4. bryanrockssocks bryanrockssocks
    posted a quote
    January 17, 2012 9:38pm UTC
    Dear girls,
    Maybe its a good thing he didnt notice
    the new shoes, dress, hairstyle, ect.
    sincerley, at least you know he isnt compltly focused on whats on the outside.

  5. leavingthelove leavingthelove
    posted a quote
    January 17, 2012 9:34pm UTC

  6. TristanIsAGuysNameToo TristanIsAGuysNameToo
    posted a quote
    January 18, 2012 5:14pm UTC
    Oh, I'm Sorry!
    did the middle of my sentence
    interupt the begining of yours?
    Format: TristanIsAGuysNameToo

  7. jimmy365 jimmy365
    posted a quote
    January 18, 2012 5:40pm UTC
    saying to your frien d
    "there's your best friend"
    when you see someone they hate
    follow me, i follow back:)-jimmy365/nmq:)

  8. rocker09 rocker09
    posted a quote
    January 17, 2012 9:04pm UTC
    Does anyone else get terrifyed
    when they watch Pretty Little Liars by themselves?
    Just me?

  9. BlackButterflies BlackButterflies
    posted a quote
    January 17, 2012 9:04pm UTC
    i hope you see something that reminds you of me today,
    and i hope it hurts when you remember why i left.

  10. JustDropItLikeItsHot JustDropItLikeItsHot
    posted a quote
    January 17, 2012 9:31pm UTC
    If you like her, tell her.
    Maybe she likes you too.

  11. RunawayRachel RunawayRachel
    posted a quote
    January 18, 2012 7:03am UTC
    ‼ ‼ ‼ ‼ ‼ ‼
    It's like you feel homesick, for a place that doesn't even exist.
    Format Credit - RunawayRachel

  12. allysinlove allysinlove
    posted a quote
    January 17, 2012 3:53pm UTC
    Having a bad day?
    or call.
    586 604 0201
    im here for you:)

  13. trinityy_xoxox trinityy_xoxox
    posted a quote
    January 17, 2012 12:11am UTC
    Is it worth fighting for,
    even if it's not worth dying for?

  14. JustDropItLikeItsHot JustDropItLikeItsHot
    posted a quote
    January 16, 2012 12:52pm UTC
    To: mom and dad
    One day i'll make you proud. i promise.

  15. LoveIsARiddle LoveIsARiddle
    posted a quote
    January 16, 2012 1:03pm UTC
    Two is better than one
    Chapter 1
    Hi. My name is Harley and I'm going to tell you a little about myself.
    I'm a brunette.
    I'm 15 and I'm a Sophmore
    I'm just like any other girl.
    Except, in my heart, there is a blank space.
    That space is were someone really special belongs.
    That person is Tyler.
    I'm going to tell you all about him and I and what really happened.
    It was a Monday morning. The first day of 2nd grade. I was up and running around the house. Just like any other 7 year old little girl, I couldnt wait for the first day of school. I couldnt wait to see my best friends, Apple and Melody.
    "Harley! Get in the car, do you wanna be late for the first day of school?" My mother shouted from outside.
    "No mama!" I answered back, grabbing my bag and running to her.
    10 minutes later, we pulled up to the school.
    "Bye sweetie! Have a good day!" My mother kissed my head and sent me off.
    "Bye mama!" I blew her a kiss and ran into my school. Once I got to my class, I scanned the room for Apple and Mel.
    "Harley!" They cried and rushed up to hug me.
    "Melody! Apple!" I giggled and hugged them back.
    We sat in the back of the room. There was four kids to each table. So Melody, Apple, and I sat together. There was an extra seat beside me. I figured no one would sit there but if someone did it didn't bother me.
    Well, before the teacher put our talking to a stop a boy, who I had never seen before came up to me, "Can I sit here?" He asked ever so softly. I looked away from Apple and Mel.
    "Sure!" I smiled kindly, being the sweet little girl my mother brought me up to be.
    He just smiled and sat beside me. Instead of turning my back to him, I started to talk to him.
    "Hi! I'm Harley! Whats your name?" I talked a mile a minute, being very outgoing.
    He answered in that soft shy voice, "Hi...I'm Tyler."
    After that, we became best friends.
    Tyler, Apple, Melody and I.
    Then that one day in 6th grade he came up to me. Not Apple or Melody, but me. We had been the closest. He always told me everything. I was always willing to listen but what he said next, I wish I didnt hear it at all.
    "I'm moving."
    He said then left. Never said good-bye. Just left.
    And to this day those two words haunt me.
    "Im moving."
    Hope you like it
    I love feedback
    Chapter 2 up maybe later today or tomorrow!

  16. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  17. BlackButterflies BlackButterflies
    posted a quote
    January 16, 2012 2:14am UTC
    & of course,
    the only day there is a male cashier at the checkout
    just has to be the day I'm buying tampons.

  18. yourcool yourcool
    posted a quote
    January 15, 2012 11:29pm UTC
    1) make to do list.
    2) cross off number 1.
    3) realize you've already accomplished 2 things today.
    4) reward yourself with a nap.

  19. mireunlove15 mireunlove15
    posted a quote
    January 15, 2012 11:59pm UTC
    263,455 people on
    witty and not one
    liked my quote?

  20. twilightgirl995 twilightgirl995
    posted a quote
    January 16, 2012 8:10am UTC
    Rules for texting a girl:
    1) Don't take 40 minutes to reply.
    2) Use good grammar.
    3) Ask questions.
    4) Use the :) face


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