Witty Profiles

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  1. and_the_snow_fell_in_July and_the_snow_fell_in_July
    posted a quote
    February 27, 2011 1:49pm UTC
    Part Fourteen
    "You can go back in." The doctor said tapping my sleeping head. I opened my eyes and walked back into Lyle's room to see his eyes still closed. I can't take this. "Lyle, wake up." I said shaking his hand. "Wake up." His hand flopped over the edge of the bed a hung there until I placed it back next to his side. "Courtney?" I swung around to see Bill at the door. "Your dad's here." A look of disgust came upon my face. "Get him out." I yelled pointing to no where in particular. "I don't think this is your call Courtney. It's his son." I blew up. "LYLE DOESN'T WANT TO SEE HIM! HE'S THE REASON WE'RE IN HERE." I pulled up my sleeves. "HE'S THE REASON FOR ME DOING THIS! HE'S THE REASON WE'RE IN HERE! HE'S THE REASON I FLIPPED OUT ON LYLE! HE'S THE REASON LYLE'S IN HERE IN A FUUCKING COMA. EVERYTHING HIS FAULT!" Bill was staring at me with his mouth wide open. I sat back down on the chair and brushed myself off. "Just make him leave, please." I looked up at him with puppy dog eyes. "Fine." He breathed out. I waited for a moment, knowing my dad would blow up, just as I had. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN I CAN'T SEE MY SON?" Oh God, this is just the start. The door burst open and I jumped twenty feet to the opposite side of the bed. "THIS IS YOUR FAULT COURTNEY. THAT SHOULD BE YOU IN THE BED. YOUR A WORTHLESS BIITCH AND YOU SHOULD GO DIE, JUST LIKE YOUR BROTHER'S GOING TO." Bill grabbed him and pulled him back out of the room, slamming the door. I never wanted to see my dad again and he just ruined it all over. I ran back to Lyle's side and put my hand on his. "I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, As long as I'm living, the greatest big brother you'll be." I picked up his hand and touched it to my face.

  2. and_the_snow_fell_in_July and_the_snow_fell_in_July
    posted a quote
    February 26, 2011 11:12pm UTC
    Part Thirteen
    "Here's your, uh, book." The doctor said placing it on the table next to us. "Thanks." I said taking it in my hands. I opened it and smelled the new book smell. One of the best things in the world. "Hey Ly, I know you probably can't hear me, but, I think it's about time for me to read to you." I said putting my hand on his, feeling a tear drop roll off my cheek and hearing it hit the floor. "A young women holds her newborn son and looks at him lovingly. Softly she sings to him: I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, As long as I'm living, my baby you'll be." I swallowed the huge lump in my throat and felt Lyle's finger twitch under my hand. "Lyle, please wake up soon, I-I miss you. I need you. I don't think I'll keep my life if you die." I said tearing up. His finger twitched again. "I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, As long as I'm living, my big brother you'll be." "Uhm Courtney?" I swung around to the doctor leaning on the door pane. "We need to do bathing and stuff like that. Would you mind waiting outside?" I shook my head, walked out the door, and stood next to the chair that was outside the room. "Aren't you going to sit?" Bill said mowing down on some chips. I shook my head. "I don't think I could if I tryed."

  3. and_the_snow_fell_in_July and_the_snow_fell_in_July
    posted a quote
    February 26, 2011 9:41pm UTC
    Part Twelve
    This big man, who's name turned out to be Bill, brought me to a part of the mental institute i have never been in. Lyle was laying on a bed, both wrists wrapped up, oxygen up his nose, IV in his arm, eyes closed, he looked like he was really dying. "Lyle!" I yelled running up next to his bed kneeling. "This is all my fault. If I never said all that stupid stuff to you, if I never got mad, if I never cryed, why is everything my fault!?" I yelled putting my face in my hands and crying. I lifted up my head and saw a doctor standing at the foot of Lyle's bed with a laptop. "Is this your brother?" I nodded. "He's in a coma right now. There's no telling when he'll awake. He cut pretty deep, lost a lot of blood. Are you going to stay with him?" I nodded again. "Anything I can get you?" I thought for a moment. "Can you get me the book 'Love you forever'?" She raised an eyebrow. "Yes of, of course." She said forcing a smile and walking out of the room. The name of the book flooded memories back to me. Don't think of me weird. Lyle read me that book every night when my dad used to abuse us. Up until I was 13 that is. No, I'm not a loser, I'd like to see you last one week in my old house.

  4. EvilAngel EvilAngel
    posted a quote
    February 15, 2011 1:05pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  5. LetTheFlamesBegin LetTheFlamesBegin
    posted a quote
    February 13, 2011 9:06am UTC
    Feeling suicidal?
    A few days ago, I found out I have cancer. I've had it for a few
    months and it's spread.
    I only have a few weeks to live.
    I'm thirteen years old.
    I don't even want to die.
    But soon enough, I will finally be with my father and brother.
    If you ever feel worthless, you're not.
    You're beautiful inside and out.
    Live for me, please? ♥

  6. LetTheFlamesBegin LetTheFlamesBegin
    posted a quote
    February 13, 2011 9:56am UTC
    "If your friends jumped off a cliff, would you?!"
    . . . Actually yes Mom, I would. ♥

  7. LetTheFlamesBegin LetTheFlamesBegin
    posted a quote
    February 14, 2011 12:26pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  8. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  9. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  10. alyson545 alyson545
    posted a quote
    February 17, 2011 8:17am UTC
    I'm in love with my
    part 32
    Bree’s POV
    A few hours later, I started to dance around in my room listening to music. Matthew walked in. "Hey." He smiled. "Um...hey." I turned around turned the music off. "So, when do you think we should tell our parents.."
    "Tell us what?" My mom asked, as she walked in. "That..we're not.. ready for the wedding..thats all." I didn't exactly lie, I kind of wasn't.
    She nodded. "I understand, I'm not either. But we gotta do it!"
    "Oh you know I heard this funny rumor...that you and Matthew were dating." She said.
    I opened my mouth to explain but my mom cut me off. "It's stupid what people make up these days.." She laughed and walked out.I sighed.
    "Whoa, that was close." Matthew whispered. I nodded. "Too close. We gotta tell them at the wedding, where everybody's there."
    "And then what?"
    "And then...we go our own way."

  11. alyson545 alyson545
    posted a quote
    February 15, 2011 8:16am UTC
    I'm in love with my
    part 31
    Matthew’s POV
    widened her eyes. "You bought a new couch?" She asked as two men set it down. "Yes."
    "um, why?" I asked.
    "Because This couch is getting boring." she said.
    Bree stands up and walks upstairs. "Thats suit looks great on you." Bree's mom said, looking at me from head to toe. I give her a small smile. "Thanks.."

  12. alyson545 alyson545
    posted a quote
    February 15, 2011 8:13am UTC
    I'm in love with my
    part 30
    Bree’s POV
    “I’m scared.” I whispered to Matthew. He turned and walked over to the couch. He sat down and put his arm around me. “Don’t be.”
    “Why not? It’s hard not to be.”
    He sighed. “What did I tell you when I had found you the other day?” He asked. “We’re in this together.”
    “That’s why you shouldn’t be scared.”
    I nodded. “I love you.” I said.
    He kissed me. “I love you too.”
    “And I need you to set this over there!” My mom shouted as she walked in the house. Matthew and I quickly separated.

  13. alyson545 alyson545
    posted a quote
    February 15, 2011 8:05am UTC
    I'm in love with my
    part 29
    Bree's POV
    I couldn't do it. I couldn't stand up as a bride's maid, watching my mother kiss Matthew’s dad. In four days it's the wedding. Four days. My parents were really mad at me for running away though they didn't ask questions, they were too busy with the wedding. All day long they'd run around the house going crazy. I walked downstairs and Matthew was admiring himself in the mirror. He was wearing a nice black suit. "Loosen up, Best man, you look like a business man." I giggled.
    He turned to me. He rolled his eyes and came over. "Where's your dress?"
    "I'm not putting it on right now!" I laughed.
    He grinned. "Fine, fine."
    I sat down on the couch in the living room.

  14. and_the_snow_fell_in_July and_the_snow_fell_in_July
    posted a quote
    February 13, 2011 12:05am UTC
    click to see this quote

  15. and_the_snow_fell_in_July and_the_snow_fell_in_July
    posted a quote
    February 12, 2011 10:28pm UTC
    Because I Said So
    Part two
    "Hey Juliet, where's Romeo?" My ex-boyfriend, Kyle Grey, the highschool jock, home-coming king, said as I walked out of the locker room. "Oh Kyle, paleasee. Your just mad you don't get this anymore." I said turning around slapping my butt. "Oooooooooh!" All the guys around him yelled and started laughing at him. His face turned bright red and he turned around in anger. I smiled to myself and turned around right into Steph. "Ah!" I screamed holding my chest. "Relax, it's me. But uhm, can I talk to you, please?" "Of course babygirl." I put my arm around her shoulder and pulled her over to where no body was. "So what's up?" I said looking around at all the wild boys throwing the footballs around. "So uhm, do you remember that party that we had at your house, me, you, Mike, and Charlie?" I put my finger on my chin and looked up. "Uhm yeah, vaguely." "So you uhm," She swallowed hard, "remember how we went our separate ways?" I looked back in my mind and remembered me and Mike in my room. Our clothes were everywhere. On my bean bag chair, hanging loosely off my mirror, scattered all over the floor. I smiled to myself. "Yes I remember. That was like what, two months ago?" "Yeah, and I haven't gotten my period since then." I think I stopped breathing. "Are-are you-" "I don't know. I was hoping we could find out tonight." I pulled her into a tight hug. "Of course we can hun." We stood there for a while. She was in tears and I was pretty close to it. "Steph, it's all going to be okay. Even if there is someone inside you right now, it's all going to be okay." "Bu-Bu-But what if Charlie l-lleaves mehehe." He said in the middle of sobs. "He deffinately won't Steph, he loves you." There was silence. "I hope so." She replied. "Girls come on! Time for soccer!" He both groaned and walked over to the group of students sitting on the floor of the gym. It's going to be fine. All going to be fine. I thought to myself as I sat down.

  16. and_the_snow_fell_in_July and_the_snow_fell_in_July
    posted a quote
    February 12, 2011 9:27pm UTC
    Because I Said So
    Part one
    "After you my lady." Mike said holding open the door of the school for me. "Thank you my man." I said standing on my tipie-tops to kiss him. My best friend Stephanie made a gag noise. "Nasty." She said walking ahead of us. I looked at Mike and giggled. He wrapped his arm around my waist as we walked down the hallway to my locker. "So Juliet, are you going to ditch me again tonight?" Steph said walking on the other side of me. "Oh please Steph, I didn't ditch you, I told you I was grounded. And you're coming to my house. You have to ditch me!" "Very true. I'll come on one condition." "Which is?" She went close to my ear. "He doesn't come." I rolled my eyes. "I already told you it was going to be a girl's night! Duh!" "Okay, just making sure. Oop, there's Charlie, I gotta go. Catch up with you later!" She went over and kissed him on the cheek as he slipped his arm around her waist. If you haven't figured by now, Mike's my boyfriend and Charlie is Steph's. "So beautiful, where are we going to go tomorrow for our Saturday night?" Mike said as we got to my locker. "Oh I don't know. We'll see what comes up." I said to him in a seductive voice. I saw his eyes widen and I knew he was interested. "Sounds great to me." He said smirking. Then the warning bell rang. I slammed my locker, mad I didn't get to have much time with Mike. "I have to go to class, see you at lunch?" I said looking up at him. "Come on baby, we're seniors. We can skip one class." "No way Jose. You know how I am about this stuff." He sighed. "Fine." He kissed me. "I love you." He said as we pulled away. "Why?" "Because I said so." He said smiling. This was our little game, every time one of us said I love you the other says because I said so, since that's what he said the first time I asked him why. I smiled back. "I love you too." Then I turned around to walk to my first period class, gym.

  17. 123babe123 123babe123
    posted a quote
    February 8, 2011 8:51pm UTC
    today my pet dinosaur died :'( he meant a lot to me and i just wish more people cared. If i get at least 100 100 faves I'll know that all you witty girls care!♥
    fave if you hate these quotes too.
    not my format ! ! !

  18. helloxgoodbye helloxgoodbye
    posted a quote
    February 8, 2011 5:23pm UTC
    This summer,
    I wanna be that girl. The pretty one. The freshman that all the 6th graders envy. The one with the perfect boy. The outgoing one, without a care in the world. I wanna be the girl who always has a cute outfit, and looks amazing in a bikini. The girl who goes to concerts and parties every weekend. The epitome of a teenage girl. For once, I wanna be the girl that everyone wants to be.

  19. averageemily23 averageemily23
    posted a quote
    February 9, 2011 5:19pm UTC
    I learned that the most-viewed video of all time on Youtube, Justin Bieber's "Baby" music video, has more "dislikes" than "likes".

  20. alyson545 alyson545
    posted a quote
    February 12, 2011 12:52pm UTC
    I'm in love with my
    part 28
    Matthew's POV
    I turned around and there she stood with her big brown eyes staring right at me. "I'm sorry I ran away, I couldn't stand knowing we wouldn't be able to stay together." She said slowly as tears dropped down her cheeks. I pulled her in for a hug. " I love you, don't ever run off like that again. Remember, we're in this together."
    "Matthew.." She whispered.
    "I don't wanna go back home."
    "Me neither, but we have to...but I will figure something out so we could get out of this living hell"
    She nodded her head.
    "You know,we gotta tell them." I said, playing with her hair.
    "No we can't! they'll seperate us.."
    "No matter what happens, i'll be with you." I whispered in her ear.


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