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  1. theunicorn theunicorn
    posted a quote
    November 30, 2011 6:14pm UTC
    buy a ship, name it relation now you have a
    .not mine, Credit to: ivelz17

  2. theunicorn theunicorn
    posted a quote
    November 29, 2011 5:30pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  3. theunicorn theunicorn
    posted a quote
    November 26, 2011 10:24pm UTC
    There are so many people out there that will tell you, you cant.
    All you gotta do, is turn around and say "watch me"♥

  4. theunicorn theunicorn
    posted a quote
    November 26, 2011 9:50pm UTC
    Sorry for the late responce,
    I fell asleep.
    Btich, you were on Witty.
    not mine, tumblr

  5. theunicorn theunicorn
    posted a quote
    November 24, 2011 6:25pm UTC
    Facebook: Makes you hate people you actually know
    WittyMakes you LOVE people you've never met.

  6. theunicorn theunicorn
    posted a quote
    November 24, 2011 6:14pm UTC
    Has no phone, but i still talk to him
    Has no Facebook, but he's still my friend
    has no Twitter, but i still follow him♥

  7. theunicorn theunicorn
    posted a quote
    November 24, 2011 6:09pm UTC
    Dear Impossible,
    Screw you,
    I just made a campfire

  8. theunicorn theunicorn
    posted a quote
    November 24, 2011 5:56pm UTC
    Cool story bro.
    Wanna hear mine? It's a fairy tale:
    Once upon a time, I don't give a sh*t.
    the end.

  9. theunicorn theunicorn
    posted a quote
    November 24, 2011 5:54pm UTC
    Saying never mind
    When you're too lazy to re-explain your story.

  10. theunicorn theunicorn
    posted a quote
    November 23, 2011 10:17pm UTC
    interested in:
    ❒ Men
    ❒ Woman
    ✔ hate everyone.

  11. theunicorn theunicorn
    posted a quote
    November 23, 2011 9:59pm UTC
    I hate my
    I hate my
    I hate my
    I hate my
    I hate my
    I hate my
    I'm ugly.

  12. theunicorn theunicorn
    posted a quote
    November 22, 2011 6:20pm UTC
    I'm not the perfect girlfriend:
    I'll yell at you. I'll get jealous. I'm stubborn. I overthink. I pms. I get insecure.
    My moods are like a rollercoaster. I'll probably never listen to you, and I'll never do ANYTHING right.
    But... I promise you, That if i give you my heart, It's yours. Keep it. I'll be loyal.
    I'll be here when you need me, I'll love you to the greatest extent i can.
    I'll treat you right, and I'll do ANYTHING i can, to keep the relationship together.

  13. theunicorn theunicorn
    posted a quote
    November 20, 2011 5:15pm UTC
    - Are you okay?
    - actually, no.

  14. theunicorn theunicorn
    posted a quote
    November 20, 2011 5:11pm UTC
    no matter how hard i try
    I swear, I'll never be good enough for anyone,
    No matter what i do, it's never good enough for anyone,
    i try my best at everything, I try my best to be there for you, to be what you want. to do what you want. To live up to your expectations, but i cant. i just can't.
    I'm not who you want me to be, and i will never
    be good enough for you.
    I'm sorry.

    credit; beachylove ashleymclovin

  15. theunicorn theunicorn
    posted a quote
    November 17, 2011 9:55pm UTC
    [[ Girl on her period ]]
    Girl:Hey can you check for me?
    friend:Sure, walk infront of me!
    *looks at butt*
    "Nope, you're good"
    only me?

  16. theunicorn theunicorn
    posted a quote
    November 14, 2011 9:26pm UTC
    i miss your smile,
    But i miss mine more

  17. theunicorn theunicorn
    posted a quote
    November 14, 2011 9:09pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  18. theunicorn theunicorn
    posted a quote
    November 11, 2011 3:21pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  19. theunicorn theunicorn
    posted a quote
    November 11, 2011 3:18pm UTC
    Did you ever think~
    That he looks at you when your not looking?
    Did you ever think~
    That he likes you, but he's too nervouse to tell you?
    Did you ever think~
    That he doesn't text you, because he wants you to miss him?
    Did you ever think~
    That he talks about you ALL the time to his friends?
    Did you ever think~
    That he's too shy to talk/hang with you?
    Did you ever think~
    That he loves you JUST AS MUCH, as you love him?

  20. theunicorn theunicorn
    posted a quote
    November 7, 2011 9:46pm UTC
    I want a boy who will hold my hand in the mall & make all the girls jealous. I want a guy who would sing to me at random moments. Someone who is more goofy, than romantic. A boy who would throw stuffed animals at me, when I'm acting dumb. Someone who would bet me kisses that he can beat me at his old playstation game, and let me win. a guy who would make fun of me, just to hear me laugh. He'd play with my hair all the time, and suprise me with 25 cent rings. Someone who i could share lollipops with, and lay on a blanket and count the stars. We'd buy tons of disposable cameras, and take a lot of silly pictures of each other. We'd spray squirt guns at each other, just to mess around. but most importantly, One who would be my bestfriend, and never break my heart...just make me smile
    all the time!


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