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Member Since: 16 Dec 2009 05:14pm

Last Seen: 29 Dec 2011 02:18pm

user id: 96069

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is i never stopped loving him. maybe my mind just tried to trick me. im still crazy  about him. lifes hard you know? but ill never get enough of all the lazy days, of all the crazy nights, of all the good laughs, & the great times.


  1. teardropsonmyguitar2323 teardropsonmyguitar2323
    posted a quote
    May 20, 2011 10:08pm UTC
    Dear boy,
    yes, I’ve told you everything you need to know about my life and a few things you didn’t. a lot of times you asked me to tell you, and a few times I just couldn’t hold myself together long enough to hide it, so I told you because I know I could trust you. You are my best friend. And I am in love with you. Since that one day in 3rd grade when we met, I’ve liked you. Do you remember our teacher? She put us right next to each other on the very first day. That is why she was my favorite teacher. She knew from the start, we were meant to be. The next year, I hardly saw you. One of the worst years I’ve lived. Then 5thgrade came. The best and worst year of my life. I remember, you asked me out after nervous flirting. We were just little kids then. But we dated. Meaning we held hands during movies in school, and we IMed each other after each day before we went to sleep. And that went on for 30 days... until you dumped me. On my birthday. Over IM. And you made my best friend do it. That hurts. No, it killed. I thought it couldn’t get worse. Till you dated the best friend who dumped me. Then told me you hated me. The funny thing is, we never talked that entire summer. Then we started talking at the beginning of 6thgrade. And the no my birthday, you finally apologized. It made my entire year. That brings us to the past summer. We texted every day. E V E R Y D A Y. and then at the beginning of the 7thgrade, you asked me out. We were the cutest, perfect, and the best couple. Everyone told us. And in fifth grade we promised out first kisses to each other, but I still wasn’t ready. When you broke up with me I was a wreck. I still am. But since then. We grew close. I became your closest friend. You became mine. This brings me to today. Right now actually. We are about to confess everything to each other, just in case the world ends. I told you to go first. You’re hesitating. I know you don’t know what to say, because you probably either have nothing, or a ton of things to say. But I know exactly what I am going to say when it’s my turn. These five words that I’ve always wanted to say to you.
    I wish I kissed you.
    highlight.no jocking. all mine. all true.

  2. teardropsonmyguitar2323 teardropsonmyguitar2323
    posted a quote
    May 6, 2011 9:04pm UTC
    have screwed up 87% of my teenage life!
    [ ] kissed someone before dating
    [x] gotten a phone taken away at school
    [x] gotten caught for chewing gum
    [x] gotten caught cheating on a test
    Total so far:3
    [x ] arrived to class late more than 5 times
    [ x] didn't do homework over 5 times
    [ x] turned at least two projects in late
    [ x] missed school just because you felt like it
    [ x] laughed so hard you got kicked out of class
    Total so far:8
    [ x] gotten your mom, dad, sister etc to get you out of school
    [ x] text people during class
    [x ] passed notes
    [x ] threw stuff across the room
    [x ] laughed at the teacher
    Total so far:13
    [ x] Took pictures during school hours
    [ x] Called someone during school hours
    [ x] Listened to iPod, CD, etc during school hours
    Total so far:16
    [ x] Threw something at the teacher
    [ x] Went outside the classroom without permission
    [ x] Broke the dress code
    [ ] Failed a class
    [ x] Ate food during class
    Total so far:20
    [ x] Been called the worst student
    [ x] Punished on a school trip because you behaved badly
    [x] Didn't take your stuff to school
    [x ] Given a teacher the finger when they weren't looking
    Total so far:24
    [ x] Faked your parents signature
    [ x] Slept in class
    [ x] Cursed at a teacher behind their back
    [x] Copied homework
    [ x] Got in trouble with the principal/vice principal/dean
    [ x] Thrown food in the lunch room
    Total so far:29
    29 x 3 = 87

  3. teardropsonmyguitar2323 teardropsonmyguitar2323
    posted a quote
    February 6, 2011 8:53pm UTC
    best friend
    got her
    first kiss
    i was
    at home
    making|| origami|| ninja|| stars
    ** *teardropsonmyguitar2323*
    no copy stars<3

  4. teardropsonmyguitar2323 teardropsonmyguitar2323
    posted a quote
    December 26, 2010 5:12pm UTC
    Could you maybe...
    Love me back..?

  5. teardropsonmyguitar2323 teardropsonmyguitar2323
    posted a quote
    July 22, 2010 10:18pm UTC
    all you need is a
    and a
    heart to

  6. teardropsonmyguitar2323 teardropsonmyguitar2323
    posted a quote
    July 2, 2010 5:51pm UTC
    Time started: 5:34
    Gender: Girl
    Birthday: March 23
    Siblings: two brothers
    Eye color: brown
    Shoe size:4
    Height: 4'9"
    What are you wearing: tshirt and capris
    Where do you live: MA!
    Righty or lefty: righty
    Can you make a dollar in change right now: uh no
    Who are your closest friends: alot. megan jules zeebs morg etc
    Best place for a date? beach<3
    Where is your fav place to shop: idk shop everywhere
    Favorite kind of plant? rose
    Fave Color? green
    Fave Number: 23
    Fave Boys Name: tyler
    Fave Girls Name: justine
    Fave Sport: cheerleadingg:)
    Fave Month: december
    movies: the hangover
    Juice: applee
    Finger: the middle one :)
    Breakfast food: bacon
    Favorite cartoon character: winnie the pooh
    Given anyone a bath: baby cousinn
    Smoked: NOOOO badd
    Made yourself throw-up: not on purpose
    Gone skinny dipping: no...
    Eaten a dog: only the hot kind
    Put your tongue on a frozen pole? yeah we all have
    Loved someone so much it made you cry? yupp
    Broken a bone? nope but gotten very close
    Played truth or dare: all the time
    Been in a physical fight: not really
    Been in a police car: nope and hopefully never will
    Been on a plane: yeah
    Come close to dying: felt like it but not really
    been in a sauna: no
    Been in a hot tub: yupp
    Cried when someone died: yeahhh
    Cried in school: yep on the bathroom floor
    Fell off your chair: all the time lol
    Wait for someone's phone call all night: yeah but fell asleep
    Saved AIM/Yahoo conversations: yeah
    Saved e-mails: aton
    Fallen for one of your best guy friends: nope
    Made out with JUST a friend? no
    Used someone: nonono
    Whats your good luck charm?: my guitar pick necklace
    Best song you ever heard: invisable - taylor swift
    What's your bedroom like: messy- clothes everywhere
    Last thing you said: hahaha seriously just gargle or something
    What is beside you? chair
    Last thing you ate: cheese curls
    What kind of shampoo do you use? idk somethin minty
    Best thing that has happened to you this year:...we hugged
    Worst thing that has happened to you this year: he sadi he wanted me out of his life:((all good now btw)
    Chicken pox: never had em
    Sore Throat: all the time
    Stitches: in my handd
    Broken nose: nah
    Do You Believe in love at first sight: yess
    Like school: most of the time
    What schools have you gone to: middle school
    Eat a live hamster for $1,000,000. dollars: NO i have a hamster!
    If you were stuck on an island, what people would you want with you: megan
    Who was the last person that called you: my friend
    What makes you laugh the most? my friendss
    What makes you smile? so many thinggs
    Last Person You yelled at: brotherrrr
    Told you that they love you: megann
    Is your loudest friend: julianne
    Do you like filling these out? yeah
    Do you wear contacts or glasses: none
    Do you like yourself: most of the time
    Do you get along with your family: depends who
    Stolen anything over $50: never stolen anything
    Final questions
    What are you listening to right now? Run - taylor swift
    What did you do yesterday: gymnastics then hung out with my friend
    Got any awards: yeahh
    What car do you wish to have: convertable
    Where do you want to get married: big church
    If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change: HEIGHT!!
    Good driver: dont drive
    Good Singer: people say so and i pursue it so i guess so
    Have a lava lamp: wantt
    How many remote controls are in your house:umm 4 maybe
    double jointed: kindaa
    What do you dream about: him and dying lol
    Last time you showered: last night
    Last time you took a bath: last year
    Scary or happy movies: bothbothboth
    Chocolate or white chocolate: idk love em both
    Root Beer or Dr.Pepper: dr.pepper
    Mud or Jell-O wrestling: JELLO!!
    Vanilla or chocolate: chocolate
    Summer or winter: either
    Silver or Gold: gold
    Diamond or pearl: pearls
    Sunset or Sunrise: sunset
    Sprite or 7up: spriteee
    Cats or dogs: cats
    Coffee or tea: coffee
    Phone or in person: in person unless its really awkwardd
    Indoor or outdoor.depends
    End Time: 5:50

  7. teardropsonmyguitar2323 teardropsonmyguitar2323
    posted a quote
    June 29, 2010 10:15pm UTC
    I know everything is gonna be okay.
    I know in the future everything comes around
    and it'll end up exactly the way i want it
    and im gonna love every second of it.
    i just don't wanna wait that long.
    in the end...
    everything is better
    My brother said this to me last night and i love it!

  8. teardropsonmyguitar2323 teardropsonmyguitar2323
    posted a quote
    June 28, 2010 10:50pm UTC
    So, here's how it works:
    1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, ETC.)
    2. Put it on shuffle
    3. Press play
    4. For every question, type the song that's playing
    5. When you go to a new question, press the next button
    6. Don't lie and try to pretend your cool...
    Opening Credits: Time For Me to Fly - Jonas Brothers
    Waking Up: Fast Car - Wyclef Jean
    First Day of School: Hate That I Love You - Rihanna
    Falling in Love: Welcome to Heartbrake - Kanye West
    Fight song: 4 Minutes - Madonna + Justin Timberlake
    Breaking Up: Good Girl Gone Bad - Rihanna
    Studying/Working: Animal - Ke$ha
    Life: Blind - Ke$ha
    Mental Breakdown: Concrete Angel - Martina McBride
    Sunny Day: I'm So High - Sammy Adams
    Rainy day: Maria Maria - Santana
    Party/Dance Music: Only Me When I'm With You - Taylor Swift
    Driving :Change - Taylor Swift
    Sleeping/Dreaming: Heartless - Kanye West
    Nightmare: Cowboy Casanova - Carrie Underwood
    Flashback:Headphones On - Miranda Cosgrove
    Wedding: Last Cigarette - Bon Jovi
    Birth of a child: Kiss N Tell - Ke$ha
    Final Battle:The Way I Loved You - Taylor Swift
    Death Scene: Girls Just Wanna Have Fun - Miley Cyrus
    Funeral Song: Just Dance - Lady Gaga
    End Credits: S.O.S. - Rihanna

  9. teardropsonmyguitar2323 teardropsonmyguitar2323
    posted a quote
    June 26, 2010 8:14pm UTC
    Did anybody else think of
    from "Finding Nemo" when they saw
    on the commercial for progressive?


  10. teardropsonmyguitar2323 teardropsonmyguitar2323
    posted a quote
    June 24, 2010 9:29pm UTC
    Its Easy...
    Once you know how its done
    you cant stop now
    its already begun
    (_.·´¯`·×» you feel it (_.·´¯`·×»
    running through
    your bones

  11. teardropsonmyguitar2323 teardropsonmyguitar2323
    posted a quote
    April 17, 2010 7:07pm UTC
    I hate
    that i cant help but loving you. I know you have a girlfriend. But she is not right for you babe. Your friends say were meant to be. You told them you like me. You always tell me that you girlfriend is always in a bad mood.There is always chemistry between us. You cant forget what we had. It was magic. I need you in my life. My heart skips a beat any time you look at me. I'm never going to forget you. You have craZy ideas. a winning smile is graced Across your face. I cant get your brown eyes out of my mind. Your impossible to forget. I Cant make myself forget you. You're too important to me. I regret all the bad things i said to you. I'm falling for you again. Please fall back because you mean everything to me. I only want you to be Happy. Don't you ever forget this. I love
    fav if you feel this way!
    no copytrees!

  12. teardropsonmyguitar2323 teardropsonmyguitar2323
    posted a quote
    March 20, 2010 8:15pm UTC
    Remember when
    "before he cheats"
    was just a

  13. teardropsonmyguitar2323 teardropsonmyguitar2323
    posted a quote
    February 21, 2010 7:05pm UTC
    mature eyes only
    Okay when you read this...really think about it and what it means.
    Why do we sleep in church,
    but when the ceremony is over we suddenly wake up?
    Why is it so hard to talk about God,
    but so easy to gossip?
    Why are we so bored when we look at a Christian magazine,
    but find it easy to read Playboy?
    Why is it so easy to ignore a Godly myspace message,
    Yet we repost the nasty ones?
    Why are churches getting smaller,
    but bars and clubs are growing?
    Why is it so hard to fight for what you belive in,
    when its so easy to get in a fist fight?
    Think about it, are you going to repost this?
    Are you going to ignore it, cause you think you'll get laughed at?
    Just remember God is always watching you.
    The Lord said: "If you deny me in front of your friends, I will deny you in front of my father."
    90% of you won't repost this

  14. teardropsonmyguitar2323 teardropsonmyguitar2323
    posted a quote
    February 16, 2010 3:16pm UTC
    Bcuase their love
    will never be as strong as ours

  15. teardropsonmyguitar2323 teardropsonmyguitar2323
    posted a quote
    February 13, 2010 7:08pm UTC
    " I LOVE YOU"
    then i sneezed and said
    "sorry I'm allergic to bullshit"

  16. teardropsonmyguitar2323 teardropsonmyguitar2323
    posted a quote
    February 7, 2010 6:27pm UTC
    my brothers
    the most amazing people
    we fight
    but i look up to them
    and love them so much

    So Yesterday,
    i was in my brothers' room
    when one of them left
    so the other started talking to me
    but not like a sister
    but like a friend
    a best friend
    he was telling me things
    he hardly tells anyone
    and he wasn't holding back anything
    then imagine me
    nothing but a tiny little sister
    giving my brother advice
    after a long time he looked at me
    and said" you really have grown up squirt,
    i can tell you things and trust you keep them secret
    i love the times like this"
    and i looked at him and said with a smile
    " i love you too"
    no copytutles
    leave a comment telling me about your best sibling moment!!
    check out morgster1234!

  17. teardropsonmyguitar2323 teardropsonmyguitar2323
    posted a quote
    February 5, 2010 8:27pm UTC
    you have the half friend
    ya know that girl who you talk to if you're bored
    but you've never been to her house
    or told her secrets
    you have the frenemy
    you hate her deep down
    but she likes you
    you would never admit it
    but if she did she would
    You have the weird friend
    you like her and she likes you
    but sometimes you think shes weird
    and you don't hang with her on those days
    you have the sport friend
    she's your friend at a sport or activity
    but at school you wouldn't be caught dead with her
    but she thinks you guys are really friends
    you have the dumb friend
    she's not the brightest person in the world
    but shes a great listener
    even if she doesn't get anything
    but she's always there
    then theres the best friend
    shes every kind of friend mixed in one
    you fight you hug you can't live without her
    and she's the only one who's going to be there forever
    comment leaving one person your friends with for each kind of friend!!
    fav if you like!!!
    *project famous certified!!*

  18. teardropsonmyguitar2323 teardropsonmyguitar2323
    posted a quote
    February 5, 2010 3:21pm UTC
    we had to wait till the end of the day
    8th period.
    i figured that we had a good audition.
    That's all we cared about.
    people claimed we were good.
    We never believed them.
    We were humble.
    A crowed formed in front of the door.
    We walked slowly to the door to find out.
    Who was in the show.
    Who was out.
    That girl who is really bad is freaking out.
    Screaming" I made it! I made it"
    We take one look at the list and breathe.
    I read the names.
    She did the same.
    Two best friends.
    Praying for the best to come.
    Our names weren't there.
    We both said" OK no big deal."
    But we both knew inside we were dying.
    The girl doesn't care about our sorrows.
    She only cares about her own accomplishment.
    and she was the one this morning.
    Who looked me in the eyes and said
    "you get everything you want"
    true story
    check out my friend morgster1234

  19. teardropsonmyguitar2323 teardropsonmyguitar2323
    posted a quote
    February 5, 2010 3:20pm UTC
    lil glimpses of my unusall and crazy life
    OK now honey dont talk to strangers
    ok mom
    Are you okay
    yeah im fine
    so whats your name
    umm im not supposed to talk to stangers
    my typical day
    OK honey if you get hurt ask someone for help
    OK mom
    Are you ok
    yeah my leg just hurts a little
    so whats your name
    umm hasn't your mom ever told you not to talk to strangers?
    actually no she actually encourages it!
    umm OK then...
    fav if you like the series

  20. teardropsonmyguitar2323 teardropsonmyguitar2323
    posted a quote
    February 1, 2010 9:36pm UTC
    typical day
    How was school?
    it was good
    Anything happen
    What are you doing now?
    Need help?
    Nope I'm fine
    OK. IF you need any...
    I'm fine mom
    my typical day
    How was school?
    Umm, it was okay...
    What happened? Are you okay?
    Don't worry about it. its nothing.
    Okay. Well tell me now or i find out on your AIM history later.
    Well, its the truth!
    see what i have to deal with?
    possible series?
    fav if you liike
    no jocking or bad comments


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