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Dear boy,


 yes, I’ve told you everything you need to know about my life and a few things you didn’t. a lot of times you asked me to tell you, and a few times I just couldn’t hold myself together long enough to hide it, so I told you because I know I could trust you. You are my best friend. And I am in love with you. Since that one day in 3rd grade when we met, I’ve liked you. Do you remember our teacher? She put us right next to each other on the very first day. That is why she was my favorite teacher. She knew from the start, we were meant to be. The next year, I hardly saw you. One of the worst years I’ve lived. Then 5thgrade came. The best and worst year of my life. I remember, you asked me out after nervous flirting. We were just little kids then. But we dated. Meaning we held hands during movies in school, and we IMed each other after each day before we went to sleep. And that went on for 30 days... until you dumped me. On my birthday. Over IM. And you made my best friend do it. That hurts. No, it killed. I thought it couldn’t get worse. Till you dated the best friend who dumped me. Then told me you hated me. The funny thing is, we never talked that entire summer. Then we started talking at the beginning of 6thgrade. And the no my birthday, you finally apologized. It made my entire year. That brings us to the past summer. We texted every day. E V E R Y D A Y. and then at the beginning of the 7thgrade, you asked me out. We were the cutest, perfect, and the best couple. Everyone told us. And in fifth grade we promised out first kisses to each other, but I still wasn’t ready. When you broke up with me I was a wreck. I still am. But since then. We grew close. I became your closest friend. You became mine. This brings me to today. Right now actually. We are about to confess everything to each other, just in case the world ends. I told you to go first. You’re hesitating. I know you don’t know what to say, because you probably either have nothing, or a ton of things to say. But I know exactly what I am going to say when it’s my turn. These five words that I’ve always wanted to say to you.
I wish I kissed you.




highlight.no jocking. all mine. all true.


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Dear boy, yes, I’ve told you everything you need to know

8 faves · 4 comments · May 20, 2011 10:08pm






XxIMMYxX · 1 decade ago
Awh thats a really sweet story.(:
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teardropsonmyguitar2323 · 1 decade ago
Morgan: you lived through it with me anyways
Brattto: thanks(:
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Brattto · 1 decade ago
That was a really cute story(:
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morgster1234 · 1 decade ago
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