Witty Profiles

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you have the half friend
ya know that girl who you talk to if you're bored
but you've never been to her house
or told her secrets
you have the frenemy
you hate her deep down
but she likes you
you would never admit it
but if she did she would

You have the weird friend
you like her and she likes you
but sometimes you think shes weird
and you don't hang with her on those days
you have the sport friend
she's your friend at a sport or activity
but at school you wouldn't be caught dead with her
but she thinks you guys are really friends
you have the dumb friend
she's not the brightest person in the world
but shes a great listener
even if she doesn't get anything
but she's always there
then theres the best friend
shes every kind of friend mixed in one
you fight you hug you can't live without her
and she's the only one who's going to be there forever

comment leaving one person your friends with for each kind of friend!!
fav if you like!!!

*project famous certified!!*

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FRIENDSHIP you have the half friend ya know that girl who you

4 faves · 1 comments · Feb 5, 2010 8:27pm






teardropsonmyguitar2323 · 1 decade ago
What? no responses?
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