Witty Profiles

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  1. softballlover20 softballlover20
    posted a quote
    July 22, 2011 1:33pm UTC
    Dont You Wanna Stay?Chapter 13"Attention passengers, we will be landing in about 10 minutes in Dallas."We all heard come from only god knows where."Are you ready for this?" He asked me, putting his phone in his pocket."No. But we gotta do it." I whispered. The lady behind me gave me a nasty look and flipped the page of her magazine.We were back on our feet in Texas twenty minutes after our conversation. We havent spoke since. We walked over to get our luggage, when I saw Nicks hand bumb mine. I looked directly up at him."What are you doing here." He asked me with an attitude."Finding my brother. I suppose, you might just possibly be getting a life here?" I said, thinking about if that was a good comeback or bad."Well, I see were still bitchy, arent we."I swung my fist into his nose. He clutched it, and knelt down."Whoopss!" I said, lifting my bag up.He knelt there for a while, as I walked over to where Michael was standing."That, felt, awesome." I said smiling."Haha. Lets go."We were in a taxi heading to the police station. We both walked up to the front desk, and Michael asked,"Do you know who Sean Evers might be?""Is this a missing person report?" The woman behind the desk adked him with an accent. Michael and I both looked at eachother."Listen, our brother was last known to be in Texas. There were shootings and kidnappings a few weeks before, we just want to know if hes in any relation to them.""Follow me." The woman demanded. We followed her into a room, much like the one we sat in back in New Jersey. A man in a police uniform, and cow boy hat sat behind the desk like the one in the room before. He motioned for us to sit down in the two chairs."Why you here." He asked with an attitude."Were looking for Sean Evers.""Sean Evers? Oh he was reported missing about a month ago."

  2. softballlover20 softballlover20
    posted a quote
    July 22, 2011 1:13pm UTC
    Dont You Wanna Stay?Chapter 12"Lets go." Michael said, looking me in my blue eyes.We picked up our suitcases, and stuck the note we left for mom and dad on the door. Chris was waiting for us in his car."Are you sure about this." He asked us."Positive." We both said at the same time.We got to the airport in wich seemed like seconds."Bye." I said, hugging Chris. He did the same to Michael, and we walked into the airport. We went to the luggage place, and showed them our tickets. I was left with my bag, phone, a few dollars, and the tickets. We walked through security, and then to the gates. We sat down in chairs beside eachother. Finally, our flight was called. We both stood up and walked through the gate. We sat down in our seats next to eachother. I starred out the window, taking a last good look at this place. Before I knew it, we took off.Next stop, Dallas, Texas.*i honestly think this story sucks.either more people read this or im stopping.

  3. softballlover20 softballlover20
    posted a quote
    July 21, 2011 11:59am UTC
    Dont You Wanna Stay?Chapter 11Vinny was quiet for a while."Alright, I love you too." He said breaking the silence."Well i gotta go pack, Im gonna miss you." I said, running to the suitcase Michael had just put on my floor."I'll miss you too.""Bye."I hung up. I didnt even bother folding any of my clothes, and threw them in the suitcase. I picked up Seans laptop from inder his bed, my phone, ipod, and laptop charger, my make-up bag, and anything else I could think of. I picked up the old picture of me and Sean. I gave it a good look, and put it in the suitcase along with all my other things."You ready!?" I yelled to Michael, passing his room to get my tooth brush from the bathroom."Almost."I ran back in my room and threw it in my bag. I quickly brushed m hair, and threw my hairbrush in with it.It was eight o'clock. I walked back into Michaels room, and said,"Hurry up."I walked out, and instead of going into my room, I went into Chris's. I found him hidden in a pile of boxes. His room was empty."Hey." I said, sitting on one of the closed up boxes."Hi." He responded back to me."Its gonna be a lonley Christmas, for mom and Brendan and dad." I said."Yeah I know. WHat are you guys even going to do there?""Do what weve been doing for weeks, look for Sean.""What if you cant find him? Or, what if hes dead?"We sat in silence, unitll I broke it saying,"Then we come home."I stood up and walked back into my room. I grabbed my emergency credit card, and my birthday money I never spent. I closed the suitcase, putting them in it. I grabbed a sweatshirt, and walked over to Vinny's house."Hey." He said opening the door, after I rang the doorbell."Hey.""Come in."I walked inside his warm house. His sister Bianca, was sitting on the couch, on the phone. I waved hello to her, and followed Vinny upstairs. We walked into his room, and sat on the edge of his bed."So whats up?" He asked me."What if hes dead?" I asked him."Then hes dead. Theres really not to much we can do about it."He put his arm around me, and realized I was crying. I turned to him, as he gave me a huge hug. He let go of me, and I said."I gotta go, my flight leaves soon." I stood up, him following. We walked downstairs, to see Bianca and their mom paying a board game. I waved goodbye to them, and we walked outside."I love you." I said to him, wrapping my arms around his neck."I love you more."He kissed me lightly, and I walked back twards my house. I waved godbye, and soon enough he was out of sight.

  4. softballlover20 softballlover20
    posted a quote
    July 20, 2011 3:46pm UTC
    Dont You Wanna Stay?Chapter 10I woke up to the sound of my alarm, at 6:30 the next morning. I rolled over to shut it off, and stood up. I walked over to my dresser, and starred into my mirror."Is it because of me?" I The silence in the house, was disturbed by my parents fighting."Every time, EVERY TIME!" My dad yelled."CALM DOWN!" My mom fired back."DONT BE EXPECTING TO SEE ME BACK HERE." He screamed, as he ran out the door. My mom ran up the stairs in tears, and slammed her door. I got dressed, ate breakfast and walked into Michael's room. He was sitting on his bed, talking to Chris."Whats happening to us?" Michael asked him, looking at an old family picture."I really wish I knew, I really do."Michael sighed."I gotta start packing." He said standing up. He obviouslly saw me standing in the doorway , and he stopped, looking into my eyes. He walked over to me, and engulfed me into a bear hug."I'll always be here." He said, and walked out of the doorway.I walked over to the bed and sat where Chris was just sitting."Look, we gotta go." I said."Just drop everything and go to Texas? What if hes not there? What if hes dead!?" He was saying, almost yelling."Well, theres things in life you gotta risk Mike. We need to go, well go to wherever the shooting was. Ask the police things, try and find him. Its a big big state. Me and you, going to Texas. We still have our emergency credit cards we can use."He sat there quiet for a while. He broke the silence saying,"Here. Take this and go buy the tickets. Get them for as soon as possible. Get them for Dallas. Okay go now."I stood up so fast, I felt dizzy. I ran into my room, and went on the computer. I pulled up the page, and bought two tickets for the next flight out to Dallas Texas. Four hours. I ran back through the hallway into Michael's room."I-I got t-two tic-ckets to Dallas, f-f-four hours. Pack. Now."He stood up, and ran to his dresser."We have no time, go pack anything and everything. Im gonna go run up in the aticc and get the suitcases. GO!"I ran into my room and threw all my clothes on the foor to be packed.I called Vinny."Hey boo." He answered."Listen Im going to Texas with Michael. I have no idea when Im coming back. Were going to go look for Sean, and see if hes even alive. If he is, I dont know whats gonna happen. Im gonna be gone for probably a while."I paused."I just want you to know I love you."

  5. softballlover20 softballlover20
    posted a quote
    July 17, 2011 8:37pm UTC
    C y b e r b u l l y.
    Words hurt. Dont do it.

  6. softballlover20 softballlover20
    posted a quote
    July 17, 2011 8:25pm UTC
    Dont You Wanna Stay?Chapter 9We were all at the lake, standing by the dock. I kneeled down to pick up the note taped to the wood. We followed its direction, and went place after place, reading the notes, putting them in my bag, follow the directions. The sun started to turn a ruby red, and the sky got darker. We ended up in New York City. We stood inside Central Park, sitting on a bench. Michael reached under it. His face turned into a disturbed look, feeling something odd. He finally pulled the letter from under the bench. He threw it at me, and said "I cant do this anymore!" He stood up and walked over to the hot dog stand. I read over the letter, it wasnt even in english."How in gods name are we supposed to read this?!" I yelled."Well, Its in spanish. Isnt that the second most popular launage in New Jersey?" Kelly asked calmly."Yeah but.." I was inturpted my Michael sitting down."This is nasty." He said, throwing his hot dog into the garbage next to him."We have to go back to New Jersey." I said starring at Michael."Whatever. This better not take long.""It wont. Do you know any one who speeks spanish?" Kelly asked."Yeah. My friends spanish. Think he can read it too." Michael answered her."Well, lets go. You need to tell us where we can find him or her.""Alright." He said standing up. We all walked to the police car. The city traffic had died down, along with the sun. We drove an hour, all the way back home. It was around 11:00. When Michael pointed to a house. It was the smallest house Ive ever seen in my entire life. We all got up, as Kelly was already knocking on the door. We heard loud music, and screaming. Finally, the door opened. A little girl stood before us."Hola." I said."I speek english." She said clearly."Im looking for a boy.""William."Michael nodded yes.We stood there for a minute, waiting for the girl to come back. FInally, she said that he would be down in a minute.After about ten, a boy about Michaels age came down. He had spikey hair, and headphones around his neck. He was wearing baggy jeans and a tight shirt."Hey bro." William said."Hey. You read spanish right?" Michael asked."Yeah. Why?" He asked, taken back."Read this." He said, stuffing the letter into his hands. "Read it out loud.""You found someone who spoke spanish. Supprised I could? Well, Im not around anymore. Atleast for you to see. Im very far away, maybe not even alive. Im taking a taxi to the air port. My flight leaves to Texas. You wont nearly ever see me again. Unless Im on the news, dead, or home.Bye."William stopped reading. We all stood in silence."Thanks dude." Michael said softly,"Look bro im really sorry..""Its okay." Michael cut him off. We walked back into the car. Before I knew it I was asleep in my own bed, forgot what even happened.

  7. softballlover20 softballlover20
    posted a quote
    July 15, 2011 10:14pm UTC
    Dont You Wanna Stay?Chapter 8I was sitting in the chair, next to Michael in the police station. I pulled the letters out of the bag, and slid them across the table to Kelly. She read them over, stood up, and said we were going to find him. We walked out of the room, into the quiet hallway. The only noise we heard were our footsteps. We walked through the glass doors into a police car. We told Kelly where to go, and a few minutes later we were standing outside the doors. She was pulling at the lock, trying to get it off. Michael bent down and pulled a key from under the carpet. He pulled the chain off and walked inside. He grabbed the note and walked out, handing it to Kelly. She showed me."Look by the lake, the big blue lake. Where you had just met our cusin Blake.""Well, lets go." I said, walking to the car. They all followed. This seemed like a never ending adventure.*Sorry its short & i haventt wrote alot.

  8. softballlover20 softballlover20
    posted a quote
    July 8, 2011 8:36pm UTC
    Dont You Wanna Stay?Chapter 7Vinny had just walked out of my house. I waved goodbye, and walked over to the couch. I sat down next to Michael, who was watching TV."He's in Texas." I said, moving the pillows."Looks like Texas has been a pretty busy state latley." The man said to the lady on the news."Yes it has." She agreed."George, why dont you tell us." The man said motioning to the man, George."There has been two kidnappings, and a shooting." George said. Michael sat up, and i moved to the endge of my seat. They showed a club, with caution tape everywhere."Around 11:00 p.m. last night, a man pulled a gun on three people. Four women, and six men. Two of the men, and one woman were kidnapped. The others, dead. Later that night, in Dallas, a man took a woman and a man. No evidence of anything.""Oh, oh my god. Oh my god." He said, panicing."What do we do!? What if it was him!?" I yelled."MOM DAD CHRIS COME DOWN HERE!!" Sean yelled. The steps pounded with their footsteeps."What what what!?" My mom asked in panic."Sean might have been killed, or kidnapped." My mom grabbed her keys, and her purse. Along with my dads arm and ran to her car. She started it and backed out of the driveway."Where are they going?" Chris asked, scratching his head."How are we suppoded to know?" I said, motioning my hand to Michael and I. Chris walked outside, and I heard his car start. My mom couldnt have been to far, so he must have wanted to follow them. About two hours later, my mom came back asking for us to come. We walked into the car as she drove us to the police station. She took our arms, and pulled us into a room. My mom, dad Chris and two police were sitting in chairs. The police, behind the desk. They motioned for us to sit in the two empty chairs."Michael and Emily, correct?" The man asked. We both nodded our heads."Now Emily, I see your closest to Sean?" The woman asked. I nodded again."Where, do you think he went?""Last text I got from him said he was in California. But his last facebook status said..""Texas." The man inturpted."Yeah.""Do you have any idea why he would leave?" The man asked."No. He just got home too.""Wow John." The woman said to, John."I know. Now Michael, Kelly over here said that your closest in age to him correct?" John asked."Yes. I am." He said."Alright, were gonna see what we can do. Have a nice day." Kelly said, standing up. We all stood up and walked out the door. The car ride home was quiet. When we got home, I whispered to Michael,"What about the letters?!""Crap. Right, umh tomorrow, first thing we'll go down to the station.""We better pray hes okay." I said, walking up to my room. I sat down on my bed, and prayed."Dear God, please tell me hes safe.Amen"

  9. softballlover20 softballlover20
    posted a quote
    July 7, 2011 6:48pm UTC
    Dont You Wanna Stay?Chapter 6"Well!?" I said, ruining our silence."I, I dont know.""What do you mean you dont know!""Dude, it was seven years ago.""Whatever. Im tired, and Im going home." I said, walking back twards our house. Michael didnt follow. I got home and walked upstairs, to see Vinny sitting on my bed. He patted the covers next to him so i could sit down."Hey." I said."Whats up?" He asked."Nothing. Why are you here?""I dunno. Supprise? Haha.""Nicee." I said. We were quiet for a while, untill he grabbed my hand. I looked into his eyes, and smiled. I looked down at my shoes, and kicked them off. I pulled my knees to my cheast, and leaned on him. After a while of starring at the wall, I let go of his hand and moved back twards my pillow. I layed down, and patted next to me, like he did before. He did as told and layed down. We intertwined fingers. I smiled again, as he brushed the hair away from my face. I put my head on the pillow, and my nose ended up in his cheast. I smiled, and as I was drifting to sleep, he said," I love you. "I woke up the next morning, the way I fell asleep. It was about nine thirty, on a September Saturday morning. I walked over to my computer, and sat in the black chair Sean bought for us. I opened up facebook. I checked all my notifications, and one came up, from Vinny.From: VinnySent: 9/23/11Message:hey emily, hope your feeling better.I smiled, and looked over at him. He was still asleep. I searched up Sean and clicked on his profile. He was updating statuses, as everything was okay." Living it up over here in Texas!I regret nothing!"I was completly broken.~Vinny's POV~I got up in Emilys bed. I saw her sitting by the computer. I got up quietly, and walked over to her. I layed my chin in her blonde hair, and my arms on her shoulders. She looked up at me and smiled."Good morning." I said looking back at her."Mornin.""Watcha doin?" I asked looking at the screen. She rolled the chair back so I could see what she was doing. I read Sean's status, shocked."Why would he do this." She asked me."I dunno. Text him.""I cant, he always texts me from diffrent numbers.""Well do you wanna show your mom?""No. She'll freak. Let her find out on her own.""Alright." I said basically ending the subject. She signed off and turned to face me. I flashed a smile, she did the same.I was incredibly nervous, because I liked her. I hadnt told really anyone, only Mikey and she assumed I liked her too. He told me to ask her out, before Christian will."So, Emily.""So, Vinny.""You know what we talked about, back at camp?""Yeah..""Well I was kinda wondering.." I stopped. She was looking right up at me. I was so nervous."Wondering..." She said."Do you kinda maybe, wanna go out with me?" I asked. Finally I got it out."Yes. I do." She said, smiling at me.

  10. softballlover20 softballlover20
    posted a quote
    July 3, 2011 12:54pm UTC
    Dont You Wanna Stay?Chapter 5I pressed respond, and typed'Why did you go..'Message Sent.I kept walking with the boys, untill I got a new message.'Dont know. Decided I might, not ever come back.'I stopped dead, ice cold. So many things ran through my head. Vinny realized I stopped, and walked to where I was standing. I put my face into his shirt, and he wrapped his arms around me. The others realized we stopped, and walked over to us. He let go of me, and instead took my hand. We walked t my house, and he shooed the others to go home. We ran upstairs into my room before my mom could see us. I sat on my bed and threw my phone on Sean's. Vinny put his arm around me as the tears streamed down my face.--I didnt bother to go down for dinner. I layed in my bed all night. At around eleven, my mom came in. I pretended to be asleep, so she would leave. She sat on the bed next to me, and sat for a little while."I know what happened. Were all hurt." She said. I moaned and rolled over to face the wall."You dont have to go to school tomorow."I set my alarm extra early, so I would have to see anyone while I went to school.I got up at four and got ready. The house was quiet, soI could make alot of noise. I was at the front door when I saw Michael starring out the window."Hello." He said."Hi..""Have a good day. Im not going.""I need to get away, from this.""Meet me at the park tonight by the swings at eight. Bring a flashlight food and some drinks. Anything youll need.""Okay."--School was extremly long. I wanted to see what we were doing later. I sat with Christian at lunch and talked about whats happening."So, what are you gonna do?" He asked, shoving french fries into his mouth."I dunno. Im going somewhere with Mike later..""Your brother?""Mmmhmm."--I walked to the park. It was 7:55. I walked over to the swings and sat down. Michael walked over to me."Got the stuff?" He asked me."Mmhmmm."I followed him into the woods."Take out the flashlight."I pulled it out of my bag and shined it fowards."Where are you taking me?" I asked. He pulled a letter, like mine out of his bag.Dear Michael,Im sorry, but I had to leave. Ask Emily for updates. I left clues in places on my way, for you to find. The first,Look in a place where Brendan plays. Behind the swings, filled with trees. Inside, our old treehouse. There, you will find me.Good luck.Love,Sean"Thats where were going." I put that letter in my bag, and followed him. W got to my old tree house. Faded, and broken. Michael helped me climb up, because the stairs wwere missing. I found another letter, stappled to the ground. I ripped it out, and under it was a floorboard popping up."Lets go!" Michael yelled. I pulled up the board, and found my old doll laying underneath it. I took it out and put it in my bag. I jumped down and gave him the new letter. We both read it,"Dear Michael and Emily,I see your smart. Your now one step closer to finding me.Underneath, you had found. A doll you see, ,small and round. Where did you buy that doll seven years ago?Keep looking.Love,Sean."

  11. softballlover20 softballlover20
    posted a quote
    July 2, 2011 11:23am UTC
    click to see this quote

  12. softballlover20 softballlover20
    posted a quote
    July 2, 2011 9:54am UTC
    Dont You Wanna Stay?Chapter 3"How do you know that!?" I yelled at him."Because hes your brother and he loves you.""If he loved me, why did he leave.""I dont know." We both sat in silence."Hows middle school?" He asked, trying to change the subject."The usual, boring. Hows highschool?""Big. I dont get to see Mikey or Blake too much.""Oh.." We both sat in loger silence."Well I gotta go.." He said standing up. I stood up and walked him to the door."Bye, thank you." I said hugging him."Your welcome." he walked out."What was that all about?" My mom asked me."Do you really wanna know?""No. No its okay." She said as Michael walked in the door."And where were you mister?" She asked him."I told you, I was going to Austins.""Okaay.." She said as we both went upstairs. I grabbed Michaels arm, and pulled him into my room.I grabbed the letter and gave it to him. He read it over, and put it down on the bed."Wow.." He said, walking out. I walked over to my bag and did my homework. Some stupid essay about myself. My mom yelled for dinner, and I ran downstairs."Wheres Sean?" My dad asked stabbing his salad with a fork."Really wanna know?" I asked. "Yes!" My mom yelled. I pushed my chair away from the table and walked away. I ran upstairs into my room and grabbed the letter. I read it over as I walked downstairs."Here." I said, putting it in the middle of the table. I sat back down and shoved some lettuce in my mouth. My mom gasped, and put her hand over her mouth."Here here! Read this Bryan!" She said handing it to my dad. He read it over and threw it on the table."What are we gonna do!" My mom yelled."Just, wait untill he tells us where he is. Not much else we can do.""Emily go play with your brother." My mom said, lifting up Brendan from his baby chair. She handed him to me and I walked upstairs. He was half asleep, so I put him in his crib and rocked him to sleep.One New MessageI opened it, it was from a weird number with a weird area code.Hi. Its Sean. Im In Ohio. Dont come looking.I ran downstairs and showed my parents."BRYAN WHAT DO WE DO." My mom yelled."I dont know. I dont know." He said calmly. I walked back upstairs as Christian texted me.'Hey, I heard what happened. You okay?''No, not really.' I responded back.'Ive never had this happen to me, but just know, he, and everything will be okay.'

  13. softballlover20 softballlover20
    posted a quote
    July 1, 2011 9:10pm UTC
    Dont You Wanna Stay?
    Chapter 2
    My hands were shaking, reading his letter. I had gotten to the P.S
    Just know I didnt leave because of you.
    I immediately picked up my phone and dialed Vinnys number. The tears were streaming down my face.
    "Yoo!" He said, attempting to be cool.
    "V-v-vinn?" I said, trying to hold back the tears.
    "I'll be there in a few minutes." He said, hanging up.
    "Why would he do this to me?" I asked my self, putting my face in my hands. I could tell, he was here becasue my mom was yelling, "Vinny!".
    I heard him walk up the stairs and open my door. He sat next to me, and put his arm around me.
    "What happened?" He whispered.
    I lifted up the letter and handed it to him. He was reading it over and over. He put it down next to him, and put his arm back around me.
    "Did you tell anyone?" He asked.
    "Only you." I said, pulling my hands away from my face. I put my face in his chest and hugged him.
    "He will come home, I promise."

  14. softballlover20 softballlover20
    posted a quote
    July 1, 2011 6:17pm UTC
    Dont You Wanna Stay?Chapter 1"Are you kidding me!" I said, slamming the snooze button. It was the first day of eight grade. My ten minutes of extra sleep was over, so i shut the alarm up and rolled out of bed. My summer was over, and hell had started. I pulled out a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. I put my hair in a ponytail and went down stairs. I grabbed a bowl and dumed some Lucky Charms into it."Morning!" My mom said cheerfully.Michael walked down, after she said that. He sat in a chair across the table."Mike its your last year youll live!" My mom said, patting his head. I got up and put my bowls in the sink. I ran upstairs to finish getting ready. Sean was already up, looking at an old picture of him."Last year of that middle school aye?" He said putting it down."Yeah.." I said turning around. I put on my make up, and walked into the bathroom to brush my teeth. Chris was running outside his beadroom, pushing me out of the way."Mom mom mom! I got the place! Its mine!" He said running. "Thats awesome!" She said. I rolled my eyes and brushed my teeth.--The bell rang as I walked into homeroom. We got our locker numbers and as I was filling it up, I hear my name being screamed and Christian running at me. I turned arond as he hugged me."Christian!!" I yelled."Emily!""Your on my team!""Thats awesome!"The bell rang."Well, bye!" He said running back.--"Hi mom" I said, walking in the door."Hello sweetie, how was school?""The usual.""Sorry to hear that."I walked up the stairs into my room. I threw my bag on my bed, and walked over to where Sean would be. Instead, I found a note.Dear Emily,I know your the only one who would be reading this, because no one else cares. I decided its time to move on, and move away. You just got back from school, so Im on a plane. I dont know where Im going, and I dont know when I'll be back.Im sooo sorry, because I know I just got back. Please, let me come home on my own, and dont come find me.I'll try to write to you.Remember I love you.Love,Sean

  15. softballlover20 softballlover20
    posted a quote
    July 1, 2011 3:55pm UTC
    Dont You Wanna Stay?
    I was sitting on my bed which I had slept on since I turned three. My brother Sean, who I had shared the room with, sitting next to me. We had just flown in from Texas. I went to camp there, and he was in the Airforce. On the day he was supposed to come home, three years ago, me and my family were sitting, starring at the door waiting for him. The entire day, waiting. He had never walked through that door. Finally, while I was checking my email, hoping for one from him, i got it. He told me he was coming home.
    "So did you enjoy camp?" Sean asked.
    "Yeaah. I missed you." I said, putting my head on his shoulder.
    "I missed you more." He said, as my mom yelled for us downstairs.
    I got up and ran down. We both sat on a couch, and told them about what we did when we were gone. We sat and just laughed for hours. Like we did before he left. But, something felt diffrent. It wasnt the same.
    Sean wasnt the same brother I had loved before he left.

  16. softballlover20 softballlover20
    posted a quote
    June 30, 2011 7:01pm UTC
    Dont You Wanna Stay?good idea for a title?

  17. softballlover20 softballlover20
    posted a quote
    June 30, 2011 4:31pm UTC
    Do you guys want me to write another story?
    comment/fav if you do.

  18. softballlover20 softballlover20
    posted a quote
    June 29, 2011 4:37pm UTC
    Dont you wanna stay here a little while?
    Dont you wanna hold eachother tight?
    Dont you wanna fall asleep with me tonight?
    We can make forever feel this way,
    Dont you wanna stay?

  19. softballlover20 softballlover20
    posted a quote
    June 28, 2011 4:54pm UTC
    What Happens At Camp Chapter 25I woke up the next morning, facing the other way, my head on the sand. I sat up, brushing the sand out of my hair. I looked around, and I saw Vinny walking back from the woods. He walked over to me and helped me up. It was early, because the sun was barley up. I walked up to the water, and let the small waves roll past my feet."Morninn." Vinny said."Good morning." I replyed."Last day of camp." He said kicking the sand. I had completly forgot."Oh god. I gotta go pack my stuff!" I said, running back to the cabbin. I walked over by my stuff. A pile of clothes, just laying there. I shoved it into one of my suitcases. I walked into the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I ran a brush through my hair, and put them in one of my bags. The boys were all still asleep, so I quietly walked past Mikey, and grabbed my sweatshirt. I was pretty much packed, so I grabbed my phone and callled my brother."Hey. Your here right?" I asked."Yes. Just landed last night. I'll pick you up around five?""Sure. Im ready and all.""Alright." He said, and I hung up. I walked outside back to Vinny. He was sitting near the water. I sat down next to him, cheerfully."Hey!" I said, looking at him."Helloo." He said, looking back at me."Are you ready to go back?" I asked him."Yeah. It was fun and Geo tought us alot more with the dancing stuff.""Same with me, but Annabelle and singing.""You sing?" He asked, drawing in the sand."Yea....""Lemme hear something!" He yelled. I sang the chorus of The Story Of Us, by Taylor Swift. He kept looking at me. I didnt know if that ment I was good, or horrible."Emily that was amazing!" He said. I flashed a smile back at him. We got up and went inside. I grabbed some Fruit Loops, and poured them in my bowl. I sat down to eat them, and felt two hands on my shoulders. I turned around and saw Christian. I smiled, and turned back around. I finished, and got up. While i was putting my bowl in the sink, I felt his arms around my waist. I turned my head and smiled at him.--"Well, this is goodbye for now." I said, looking at Vinny and Christian. I was standing in the Dallas Airport. I looked into their eyes, and smiled. I hugged Vinny and said,"See you around the halls." I walked over to Christian."Bye." I wrapped my arms around him, he did the same to me. I kissed his cheek, and said good bye to the rest of the boys . I walked over to my flights gate, waving back at them. At the gate, I saw Sean standing there, dressed in his Airforce uniform. I dropped my bags and ran to him. He lifted me up, like he used to do when we were little." I missed you." I whispered in his ear."I missed you too." He responded. He put me down, and put his arm around my shoulder. We walked to the entrance. I stopped and turned around, looking at the boys. I waved goodbye, and walked in. Sean and I sat down next to eachother."Well, three hours till were back in Jersey!" Sean said.--We landed in Newark, and got off. It was good to be back home. We walked out, and walked to the exit. We flagged down our rental car, and got in. We were headed back home. It was a short ride, and when I got home I ran out. My mom was at the door, waiting for me. She opened it, and hugged me. My dad, and all my siblings were next. There were alot of "I missed you!"s untill I was done. I ran upstairs and put my stuff on my bed. The room I had shared with Sean for ten years, looked just that it did when we both left. I sat down and Sean came up and sat next to me."Well, there went our entire summer!" He said, smiling up at me."And that, was What Happens at Camp!" THE END

  20. softballlover20 softballlover20
    posted a quote
    June 27, 2011 4:33pm UTC
    but you have no idea.


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